future of gaming

theres this new mouse that's coming out with a joystick on the side and ive been thinking what you could do with it.
like in quake 3 with those jump pads you could go off a jump flying to a building and with the joystick you can go left, righ, up or down. so when someone is chasing you can go down a floor or up a floor to get away from them if you trick them.
ive been playing a bunch of fps mods sometimes, ive got a good set up now. except you cant be in full screen with big screens or you will getb motion sickness. another way to use the mouse is like you are using a wiimote and you could have a big 21:9 or even 32:9 that way.

hopefully google stadia wont be the future of gaming
“You should not expect your existing cellular connection to work,” says Doronichev, adding that the company’s bullish on 5G’s potential to change that.

have you seen those elon musk power walls that are $25,000? dude I can get a gaming pc on the wall for $100. well maybe...

I was talking about how the older gzdoom is the cooler it is because its like how old buildings and like pyramid's are we cant build them today. today we build bridges and buildings that don't last long.
gzdoom is a game engine from the doom game from 26 years ago. its been upgraded so much and its easy to make levels and stuff for it .

Looks like a minecraft FPS shooter. How crazy people still play it today.
I read Sony recently announced their new PS5. Just out of curiosity, I was expecting some big news, but just incremental changes. I have a feeling gaming is headed slowly but surely towards VR, and that sucks..
The last game I played was Red Dead 2 (Rockstar North, aka GTA series developers). Literally bought a TV in my old home just to experience that. It was great while it lasted, but games like that only come once every ten years..
By the way, I was too young to be there when the first gaming consoles were released, but one anecdote from Snowden’s book was about those games, and it blew my mind how esoteric some of the contents were. I forget the title (its in the book) about mankind being enslaved in this giant conspiracy. We almost never see games like that anymore (though I could be wrong). Just thought it was cool to think maybe games then were more red-pilled. My favourite in this genre is Hideo Kojima’s Metal Gear series. I realize now how prophetic his games were, and real esoteric (in terms of geopolitics, transhumanism, and such).

old Zelda games were occultic.
one thing that would be cool with aI is have it speedrun games. speedruns for doom 1 & 2 could be a little faster. not much, this guy is real good.

sirujux wrote: hopefully google stadia wont be the future of gaming
“You should not expect your existing cellular connection to work,” says Doronichev, adding that the company’s bullish on 5G’s potential to change that.
That sounds to me that 5G may do more than ruin our health. Are gamers being targeted for heightened mass mind control? Their new pool for their tax payer funded militia? Perhaps it’s time to get together in person and play cards. And drink a lil’ drink; smoke a lil’ smoke.
The graphics will suck, but still, it might be fun.

its starting, one of the best video games half life will have the new half life only for vr.

today i just thought about why isnt there a mouse with a joystick and it has a wiimote sensor? that should have been a nintendo thing years ago.

GTA series producer Leslie Benzies announcing new open-world sci-fi game "Everywhere" being developed by Rockstar.
As a huge GTA/Rockstar North fan since childhood, I'm salivating at the thought of having a GTA-in-Space game. It's funny, just the other day, I was reminded of the game Spore, by EA in which you could design new species, and civilizations from scratch. I thought it funny it never got its sequel. I'll leave it at that. I quit gaming in general, but having a 2001-crossed-with-GTA would be that trojan horse to get me locked up in a transhumanist data-server!
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