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Since research has proven these are the only two topics anybody is interested in thinking about these days.

Fuck it-enough of the head-y stuff,
Let's talk to the level your attention is at.

- Can't get enough pedophilia in your life? -

Don't worry. Just turn on any random CON-Spiracy podcast or occult YouTube Video & you'll find a plethora to indulge your sick fascination.

Yet, it's the gays or other minority that are automatically the fuck-up ones.

"CRAZY" & "PEDOPHILE" are words that have destroyed more True-Seers & Visionaries than all the guns in the world COMBINED!

Don't be played for a sap,People! Think for yourself or go join Joel Osteen's forum with the rest of the #Charlatans.

THAT is the other thing people will $ell grandma's chastity belt for in a heartbeat.

WHY are you sooo obsessed with something you will statistically

::Insert John Steinbeck quote here::

Is any government surveillance even needed to xo-opt your OWN greed?

OOoh,nooo! He's being that bad guy again..let's all get buTThurt together.

At least that would be more sincere than all the fucking FAUX-outrage plaguing our minds today.

One more thing, Satan Is another one. How about thinking SERPENT KNOWLEDGE and not FIRE & BRIMSTONE for a change.

You can't talk shit about Lucy & then go around claiming you understand the wonders of Ayahuasca!

Two poles, Folks. EVERYTHING is "bi-polar"

What do you think?
Any QQuestions?

Posted : August 15, 2018 3:30 AM
Posts: 632
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"..E-V-E on her own ca$h,
NOT what you bought her...thought I wasn't followin' up with the Second Round;
Now,chicken, swallow it up, while I shove it down......"

Posted : August 15, 2018 4:19 AM
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Perhaps this isn't "too vague" 😉
Relax. You are okay. Promise.

Nobody is paying attention(yet) to this lil' hamlet in the vast galaxy of the interwebs-so we can have this dialogue....for now.
Much of my magick works in retrospect.

I can not stay here for much longer due to own personal safety requirements. Must return home to communicate much deeper. THEY can't sue me there.

Posted : August 15, 2018 4:34 AM
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Not gonna lie, I prefer the finesse & sophistication of more subtle forms of communication, soooo work with me as I attempt to be "less vague".

I'm workin' on it,Folks,but
it's gonna cost me something.
*deep breath

Here we goooo...

I'll take -"Ways to Reach Clarity" for $1600, Alex. 😉

Posted : August 15, 2018 5:35 AM
Posts: 632
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Or maybe :

Getting a bit too obvious for safety for $1100,Alex.

Posted : August 15, 2018 5:41 AM
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I get three, so...

How abbbout...Ahh,this is more my style for $2000,Alex.

Posted : August 15, 2018 5:44 AM
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genxgemini wrote:

"..E-V-E on her own ca$h,
NOT what you bought her...thought I wasn't followin' up with the Second Round;
Now,chicken, swallow it up, while I shove it down......"

Ooooooh, soooo NOW you start to see the freight train barreling down in your direction X5!!!!!
My Kung-Fu is strong but it's not FREE.
It only cost me a FUCKING TOE! (#real)
neVer say i neVer gave ya'll anything.

Posted : August 15, 2018 7:08 AM
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"...You need me in the Game,
I'm the ThriLL of your Life..."

The Carlwood
The Espy

The Thrilla in your Ear-a;)
Cooooming Soooon...very Soon.

Posted : August 15, 2018 3:01 PM
Posts: 638
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im quitting conspiracy and im going to go to church jk. but at my dads we go to church sometimes. today im going to call him. is that your foot? i stepped on glass and it hurts to walk

Posted : August 15, 2018 3:11 PM
Posts: 474
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None of the above

Posted : August 15, 2018 3:13 PM
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nickzeptepi wrote: None of the above

Good for you! =):)
#Seriously, Cheers,NickZ!

Not surprising, AS YOU were the ONLY ONE to push through and ask me directly. I bet you thought I was being a smart-ass with my blog response. Don't lie;) I was being #sincere. Thank you.
What has been boogling your brain coral,dude?
Inquiring Minds Want To Know.

Posted : August 15, 2018 3:18 PM
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sirujux wrote: im quitting conspiracy and im going to go to church jk. but at my dads we go to church sometimes. today im going to call him. is that your foot? i stepped on glass and it hurts to walk

Too funny,Siru:D

Posted : August 15, 2018 3:19 PM
Posts: 632
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More Visual Evidence
of Nonchalant Superiority.

Posted : August 15, 2018 6:05 PM
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Posted : August 15, 2018 7:28 PM