Getting High for the 1st Time

If you had a favorite translation to recommend I think it is time to revisit that work.
The Gia-Fu Feng / Jane English version is the only version I have ever had. I recently found this audio book version to read along with...
Nice help for the dyslexic:
...the dangers of artificial intelligence.
Just this morning I came across an interview with Noam Chomsky on the question of the projected AI singularity. Professor Chomsky was quite sure it was science fiction. While the continued doubling of information that is supposed to lead to this singularity continues, so far, the extreme fragility of the physical infrastructure it so depends upon must last in order to be there for it. I smile to think of such a projection of mind.
Mind depends upon consciousness, not the other way around. Our story selves are one hundred percent made up, and we can write one Hell of a story. What fools these mortals be. There is nothing to be worried about, unless... The only threat in this world is to what is false.

... almost like a trap door or cheating. I’m ok with cheating.
The spontaneous wake-up I reported above that came out of that "moment of personal crisis," that was my cheating (and I have often referred to it with that exact word). It was by way of the guidance of an old internet friend that I should, "remain as the witness," that was the shift in perspective I mentioned. I had not been in any serious practice, earning my way out of the dreaming, but right there, my made up lifetime of story identity was instantly seen. This old friend had been telling me that for years, but it was then that I found I could be that seeing, outside my believed in identity.
At that time I had recently found someone online who I just loved to hear in his videoed satsangs. I did not know what Advaita Vedanta was (even though I had read of it through Alan Watts, 45 years earlier). I did not know that was what I was hearing, or anything about it. But I was watching these videos and having my new seeing shown to me for what it was, and being cautioned as it were, how the seeing must be nurtured and protected from the reemergence of that false identity we might call ego mind. I have come to call someone "Master," not because he is my boss, but because he showed me his mastery.
It's funny, because when he tells his own story of awakening, he too says that he cheated. But soon thereafter, he too found his master, after his spontaneous breakout event (for lack of better words). Not everyone cheats. Some just seem to have the unshakable urge for truth and freedom. There is never a doubt that any sincere seeker will find their truth, the Truth of Oneness. I see that behind it all, psychedelics showed me enough of that Oneness that such a thirst was kindled, and this was not to be denied, despite every comedown I had ever endured.
What I relate so much to the psychedelic experience, is the come downs, the aftermaths of the journeying, no matter what the initiator had been. I now see it was the going from having a time (of any duration) of identity loss, to again being something. The somethings are always trapped in time. The seeing that changed everything for me was the seeing that these somethings we make of ourselves, these ideas of self, are what eclipses that indescribable Oneness seen in those peak experiences. They pull us from the timeless being, back into time, where self image is based on memories and projections.
I got something like a peak experience again by way of that shift of perspective to that of the witness, but just like after any of the trips, something was fading back to some sense of normal. I could not then see what it was. I can only call it grace to have this master of being to have shown up right then. Now I have found so many masters who can speak to me, as the ears to hear are now these ears.
Once again, writing for my Self. I must thank you for this opportunity.
I have to get out of this chair for a bit. 🙂

something that the whole 'cheating vs the real way' meme that's arising here brings to mind is that while we all reach the same point whether we cheat or not but after that there are 2 things that a teacher/school could offer. (for the record I'm not much of a school goer) but 'schools' can act as repositories for information and teachers are one of the most time honored routes to establishing lifelong habits of practice.

Queitinthegarden you are quite right.
How better to learn to remedy separation than through a learning relationship? It is well neigh tautological. I also distrust any kind of spiritual school. That distrust was too deep to work around until my entheogenic awakening. Which returns us to the threadstarter Modblot's innocent question:
I told one of these guys, “I’m not looking for a party experience when trying salvia,” and it was like I was staring at a deer in the headlights.
Should I try salvia? What do you think about smoking pot? Anyone tried DMT?
The way is different for everyone Modblot, but the way has a way of giving way, eh? I think Queit has a different perspective that is to be considered. I have to admit I never approached fungi with the idea of submitting to one as a teacher. This is to be considered.
Satya says,
Some just seem to have the unshakable urge for truth and freedom.
Amen brother.
And look at how long and rough the road can be. His I think has carried him through storms that would have swamped many a boat. My boat was about sunk too before awakening. That is the way for some of us. But there is the opportunity in the 20Teens to circumvent all that and find your way before you have scraped bottom!!! Gordon White says this is the Kali Yuga, I agree and say time to step on the fucking gas pedal. From everything I have read and heard Salvia is the next best thing to 5MEO. It was Greg Carlwood's breakthrough and I have heard many similar stories. Make sure to have other experienced, initiated sitters for safety and ease.
And speaking of Gordon White he claims in "The Chaos Protocols" this initiatory experience can be had through performing the The Headless Rite. This is completely legal, but many would consider it "black" magic.
You live in Portland if memory serves. I am from Oregon too. If you find the right meditation teacher and use lots of edible cannabis you might have a legal route right there.

Just the suggestion here that it might be best to hold zero definitions of truth and freedom. That first line of the Tao Te Ching should not be overlooked or forgotten. When one's cup is finally emptied... Well, you all know the drill.
My master usually shuns the terms, "teachings," or, "teacher," preferring, "pointings," as what has been called, "awakening from the dreaming," is not learned, but rather, discovered. In conversation, he will let it go when someone calls him a teacher, if that's the only way that expression of consciousness can presently proceed.
We create our worlds from nothing more than thought, through memory and projection, and we believe in them. This is the dreaming state, the conditioning that we all receive and accept (some, for a short period of time; some perhaps through all of Kali Yuga, and uncounted yugas beyond that). If these worlds we accept can be honestly witnessed for how real, or unreal, they are, we begin to see. As Nisargadatta said, "You can know what is not. What is, you can only be."
There is no describable Tao/Way, but if one wants, one can entertain the possibilities that there are express lanes. Just don't think you can know these either, mentally. Getting that cup emptied could be a good priority, if that supreme, heartfelt, urge is paramount. Do enjoy the ride with my heartfelt blessings. I am happy for no reason. Peace and joy to all. It's here, now.
What you are looking for, is what is looking.
~St. Francis of Assisi

Diogenes of Sinope, I had a great time last night, reading about your login name. I, as a lysdexic dropout, am not widely read, especially in the classical sense. There were some great stories of your namesake. I had to smile, wondering if you perform some of those same antics.

And of course Modblot has tried Salvia which is known to be pretty damn rough. Sounds like Modblot's was no exception. Ask for gentleness from your spirit teachers and from the Earth. It worked for me anyways.
And as for writings the Lao Tzu is great. Many people lose their taste for books after being in the presence, at least for a while, because it can't be written down.
Take care of yourself. Don't get too impatient because you do literally have eternity I think. Tai Chi, Yoga, and Dahnhak can all help with this in a pretty safe, time honored way.
Satya did you hear the story about Plato admonishing Diogenes for poverty? Plato and Diogenes had both had the opportunity to go to Syracuse to advise the corrupt Tyrant there for big pay. Plato became rich because he went. He came across poor Diogenes washing lettuce in the market for a penance along with women and children. Plato said:
Poor Diogenes, if only you had gone to Syracuse you wouldn't have to lower yourself to wash lettuce for a living!
Diogenes replied:
Poor Plato, if only you would have washed lettuce for a living, you wouldn't have had to lower yourself by going to Syracuse!"
Thanks Satya for filling up my reading que. Since sacraments i prefer are illegal and I am now being a good law abiding Dad I need these more Earthbond sources (and to keep practicing meditation).

Satya did you hear the story about Plato admonishing Diogenes for poverty? Plato and Diogenes had both had the opportunity to go to Syracuse to advise the corrupt Tyrant there for big pay. Plato became rich because he went. He came across poor Diogenes washing lettuce in the market for a penance along with women and children. Plato said:
Poor Diogenes, if only you had gone to Syracuse you wouldn’t have to lower yourself to wash lettuce for a living!
Diogenes replied:
Poor Plato, if only you would have washed lettuce for a living, you wouldn’t have had to lower yourself by going to Syracuse!”
No, I didn't come across that one. That exchange between Diogenes and Plato reminded me of the character, Larry Darell, in the Bill Murray version of The Razor's Edge. It's a movie I really love. Have you seen that one, based on W. Somerset Maugham's novel?

No Satya, but I have added it to the list now thank you. and definitely n a m a s t e.
For all you Oregon peeps. After a good fall rain you will find tiny teachers right at the front of Columbia park by the entrance sign.

The paranoia and anxiety kinda go away the more you smoke I guess. You just learn a way to control it, or it just don't bother you anymore. Sometimes I'd get too baked and uncomfortable but I guess that's the same as learning your sweet spot for alcohol. Before I'd be super paranoid while driving, but that's all gone now. I called the cops stoned as shit before and had them cone to my house because somebody broke into my pickup halloween night. Cops never suspected a thing. My state isn't very friendly either. I lived in WA for awhile and that was a great place. Take a bike ride with a blunt, it was nice. I'll smoke bongs, joints, blunts, whatever flavored wrap they got. Just experiment and have fun. Days of pop cans and apples are gone fortunately.

diogenesofsinope wrote: No Satya, but I have added it to the list now thank you. and definitely n a m a s t e.
For all you Oregon peeps. After a good fall rain you will find tiny teachers right at the front of Columbia park by the entrance sign.
Yeah I found some caps by a mazios in olympia WA. I think there's 26 strain of cubes up north west. I myself "study cubenis spores" purely for research purposes only of course. Growing them would be illegal.
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