Group Protection Ritual For Ms. Tracy Twyman
Wow,Folks! Imagine an "Occult Warrior" Street Team or better still, Occult Warrior Logistical Service-or O.W.L S.-that are ready to kick into esoteric action when those "oily appendages" start to constrict around US.
that's exactly what happened this evening on Facebook.
Magicians,Positive Energy Slingers & more all joined forces tonight on behalf of Ms. TRACY TWYMAN.
- We all formed a singular,clear intent & combined it in right relation with the following ritual we performed together LIVE on Facebook last night @ 9:36pm(AZ time).
This was the first of many action-oriented, magickal outreaches we will perform for our people, bcuz WE CARE,we CAN & we are tired of seeing "The Man" take us all out, one by one.THAT must stop! WE must stop it.
Clap your hands,clap your hands,clap your hands
Here is the ritual we performed together:
"I love that idea,Leela! Its gotta be simple though.
Here's my suggestion:
#1: Subject Focus: Ms. Tracy Twyman
#2: The Sigil: Let's use the Ankh for 360 degrees of Life/Protection for the juice.
#4: A coordinated time.Let's say at exactly 9:36pm TONIGHT (AZ time). All that care for Ms. Twyman's safety & state of mind COME TOGETHER on her behalf -to beam out yellow columns of Love/Protection energy.
First,VISUALEyes the beams first blasting out of your 3rd Eye, then through the Ankh and then alllll the way out to wherever Tracy may be right that second.
Imagine her then being surrounded and saturated in a bubble of YELLOW/Golden energy.
Filling her Soul & Spirit with encouragement and edification during these tough times.Finish the ritual by SEEING her happy & joyful. Laugh,dancing,singing in her new,realigned energy-state.
Thank the Universe for paying attention & her assistance with this important,urgent matter.
Like a feather, let it then go.
" And when I rise,
to see it's done;
Like whatever
It will be,it will be-
Just 15 minutes of duration for this ritual should make a tangible difference for her. For #real."Again, thank you for tonight,WonderMages!!
Let's exercise our magickal muscles together like this again soon.We've got lots of work to do. Caio Bello!
I like this idea a lot. Is there a page you can share where I might participate in the next one? I agree - this madness has to stop and I think this is a great way to get involved.
Hey CSC,
ya know, other than joining the Higherside Chats Network FB Group, I'm really not sure.
This group ritual was 100% impromptu & I haven't a clue who/when the next mass ritual will occur.
I can tell you it will be via Facebook though.
I know,I know,I know- *PUKE
But I logged back on after mooonths,JUST FOR THIS ENERGY!!
Fucking FIRECRACKERS & CHERRY BOMBs there,I tell ya'!!!!
Although it is a closed FB group, everyone appears to be welcome- just request to join & join in on the Magick!
You are certainly welcome 2.
Thanks so much! Been avoiding facebook like the plague except for the occasional interactions with family members and people I know IRL, but I think an Occult Warrior Street Team is a great idea. Thank you for the head's up on this - maybe we can even change the energy on facebook itself so we can make the whole darn platform a more positive place for everyone. Ambitious goal, but who knows what we can do if we combine our energy? 🙂
NOW you're talkin' my language! = D
See ya over there if you decide to log back on to the beast.
O ccult
W arrior
L ogistical
S ervice
Hoot Hoot, Strong Armed Mothafuckas of the Agency,
HOOT, mutha-fuckin', HOOT!
" Got money, will do anything for you;
Got money, just tell me what you want
me to (do)..."
*HOOT hoot
genxgemini wrote:
" Got money, will do anything for you;
Got money, just tell me what you want
me to (do)..."*HOOT hoot
Damn, why can't I delete these posts!!
Do you know the kind of shit that's been happening here...Non stop hang up phone calls, Facebook full of faggity this and faggity that...and even worse.
This isn't worth it,Greg. I thought I was stepping out & now, Who cares.
Please delete my account & postings!!
So this nonsense will stop.
I regret casting my Pearls before swine.
Please, your self-reported buddy Kyle (Tracy's "friend") is concocting all sorts of insane theories,copying,pasting & twisting my words and intentions on FB until they are totally even me..and people are bombarding me with the MOST FUCKED UP SHIT. Enough to make you want to puke.
AND THESE ARE SUPPOSE TO BE THC FANS TOO. Sheesh, who needs enemies?
WELL, fuck that.
And fuck this.
Who needs the grief??
You,Good Sir, can have it!
I would be happy to delete this forum account myself,but there doesn't seem to be a button for that.
Silence to injustice is tantamount to consent.
Is this why Tracy twyman has recently removed her content from the internet?
My humble opinion; it's the black magicians at fb. I deleted my account there almost 2 years ago, and while I do miss the ease of locating old friends and getting birthday reminders, I will never go back. My energy and my life in general have been uplifted since I left.
Im really like the idea of the occult street team, I just wish we can do it here, in the sanctum sanctorum of THC itself.
It appears as though the fuckery may have rubbed off on me for trying to spread the word. As of 2 days ago, my email account has been scrubbed.
When I try to log in on my usual device, I apparently log in fine, but with no access to any messages, new or old, sent or received.
Out of curiosity, I had several people try to log in from other locations using my username and password, and they all got the same message, that of "this account doesn't exist".
Had this account for years, and never a single issue of any kind until now.
Happens just as I download her new testimonial, begin sharing links to it, and actually only 48 hours after I mention her name over the phone.
Am I being paranoid or what?
You are definitely not being paranoid,Magic123.
You know the feeling of someone watching you b-cuz you've felt that before,right? You weren't being paranoid then & you are not now.
Same thing with this.
Twyman has been "educated" and has complied. This & only this explains her re-emergence.
SHE KNOWS the deal now...the bigger picture.
For example: Any website you log your IP address (Your Tunnel Bear is useless) onto ALSO has the ability to send specialized CONTENT customized for & ONLY SEEN BY that IP address. The originator may not be the website owner. (Pretty basic stuff actually.)
Hence, making you think you are going a lil' cray-cray when the website starts talking to you.
I am personally glad to know she did not choose the other option afforded to her. Those crossroads are are a a lose-lose.
The alternative option led to the Warner Bros. Water Tower......and absolute DEATH.
(°in case that was too subtle for some folks)
■Allow me to validate my claim.■
Just ask her about 12:37am humidity & if she especially enjoyed the feeling of drowning? 😉
She has much she could tell.
Very little of it,will she.
You see- hard-headed,psuedo-celebrity Podcasters can have a very difficult time paying attention beforehand BUT THEY NEVER fail to focus afterwards. E-V-E-R.
**Present company not excluded.
magic123 wrote: It appears as though the fuckery may have rubbed off on me for trying to spread the word. As of 2 days ago, my email account has been scrubbed.
magic123 wrote:
magic123 wrote:
When I try to log in on my usual device, I apparently log in fine, but with no access to any messages, new or old, sent or received.
Out of curiosity, I had several people try to log in from other locations using my username and password, and they all got the same message, that of "this account doesn't exist".
Had this account for years, and never a single issue of any kind until now.
Happens just as I download her new testimonial, begin sharing links to it, and actually only 48 hours after I mention her name over the phone.
Am I being paranoid or what?
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