how do really bad p...
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how do really bad people not have bad karma?

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i know lots of good people that are having lots of problems and if realy bad people had problems that good people had they would be too tired to do evil stuff. are we puting bad karma on echother? or is it nature trying to git rid of anyone because we are all like a paricite? but somehow they dont work with natures power? or do they put 5g out because we want it and we kill ourselves and they go ok sure you can have it if you really want it? maybe that was kinda the same as what i said at first. anyone think they know something...

Posted : December 13, 2018 10:59 PM
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they sacrifice animals or babies during rituals to channel the bad karma into that taken life instead of their future life

Posted : December 14, 2018 2:11 AM
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all of them are rich and dont go though normal people problems. that will make life harder. maybe thats apart of it, if life is great no problems exist. the more problems you see then the more your vibration goes down and the more stuck on the planet you are. to not be on the planet you just dont know it exists. like with some haunted houses.

when you dream you dont have karma its more a flow. but once they die and come back here they will hate it.

Posted : December 16, 2018 7:48 PM
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most of those high up people dont know about aliens and the satenists. if those rich people got into fights and were homeless and new of the bad they were doing they would stop.

Posted : December 17, 2018 12:09 AM
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you cant save the world with karma. what good is karma? cant you manifest things or maybe that is magic? i think its both, if the magic happens and you want it it could work. maybe i have no clue what im talking about. thats why i dont have a podcast. im only good at a few things.

Posted : December 17, 2018 6:44 PM
Paul v
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From my understanding is there is no bad/good karma. It's something you shed through lives and practice to eventual free yourself from existance from this plane or the whole.
So maybe these entities seek to rule this plane and have no want or focus to detach themselves?
If karma is a thing that is...

Posted : December 28, 2018 7:36 AM
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thats true, they wouldnt care if people against the system left because we make it harder for them. probably the reason for depopulation, they wanted a lot of people at first so it would raise our

consciousness. now theres too many people to control. i wonder if the sun, moon and all the planets are just copies. maybe the only physical places are mars, the moon and earth. maybe we make what is real because we are the only real things and without us it would still exist. maybe thats why we cant find out about hollow earth, they dont want us to know about something there and if enough people see then its something we get involved with and its not a secret half in reality. maybe all that is crazy, the earth probably is the matrix though

Posted : December 28, 2018 5:41 PM
Posts: 97
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From my observations I think we're seeing people who are reaping the benefits of past life betrayals of humanity.

In their next incarnation, many of them weren't entirly satisified with the rewards. Some of them ended up in troubled families, but because took they easy way in a previous life time, they have enough skills and stamina to make a career. However, they still feel something is missing but don't care to figure out what that is. As long as the general population, media and police think they are good for the planet, they feel secure.

What they don't see is that they are to blame for what they don't like about themselves and the world. Not the lazy people they project their hatred towards, and who go begging for socialism to save them from a seemingly hostile environment.

The lack of non-socialistic opposition seems to be that most people don't care to do much more than eat and sleep after they've experienced trauma -
until evil people break into their lives and make it even more miserable until they agree to do evil's dirty work (armies and corporations).

Most people don't care to awaken their consciousness - find their own narrative (frequency) and create a life for themselves. They reject (and have rejected) those who try(ied) to help them wake up, due to the fear of having to feel the pain of falling again.

We fail to see that our believes about the strength of evil determines how difficult it feels to defeat it.

Posted : December 29, 2018 8:04 AM
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some reason ive been watching people on youtube with problems the last couple days, its helped me realizemy life could be way worse and ive realized it is a wast of time helping people but its something that you want to do even if it makes your life harder (you fail over and over till you need a break and you never really get a real break). like it makes my life harder because of bad dreams of the devil trying to take over me and everyone. it make me more scared being awake by a little because i think i wont have good people around. but people hold you back and you think in the long run maybe all that work will change the world, i wouldnt take anything back though. it was just keeping you busy, untill something great comes along and youve been waiting your whole life for it. maybe that great thing is a natural disaster to wipe most of us out, people wanting to become robots and shit? it could fix some problems but starting over would be better then that, i keep thinking maybe evil can be defeated. you cant do it helping people you have to help yourself? or you cant help the world because you've tryed it and youve learned its not that easy, its easier to defeat evil and waiting somewhere peacefull to get away from everything.

Posted : December 29, 2018 2:46 PM
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its kinda like the world is setup where everyone is a genie stuck in the lamp of someone evil. but how you get out is you say screw you im not doing shit. if everyone did that then the people that control couldnt make wishes. instead stick them in a lamp and everyone wishes that we could live left alone. maybe the lamp is the planet and we need to get off the planet, its been too long weve been in the lamp and now the lamp is breaking.

Posted : December 29, 2018 7:13 PM
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things that you think are bad arent bad to start with. take the geni in a lamp, so if it werent for that we wouldnt evolve. in the cartoon its a bad thing like im stuck here making wishes for no reason.

Posted : December 31, 2018 9:40 PM
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It's part of the painful birth of the age of "figure out who you are and want to do in the future". The freeloaders that were able to get by in the old world are being hit by a challenge they chose not to prepare themselves for - often more than twice. Don't let their last breaths of "I'm better than you*"/"You're just not compatible with the system*" bullying hit you on the way out:
english lyrics

Posted : January 1, 2019 1:02 AM
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ya that im too good. has been all over for every five years . its killin me and you. its the story that feels so good. nothing matters, its very depressining but very nice

Posted : January 1, 2019 4:37 AM
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^ wtf did i say? i dont remember typing that. good video

Posted : January 2, 2019 9:26 PM