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Is this The Mother of all rabbit holes?

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I just stubbed my toe on this article while looking for info on the financial activities of Soros. Not only does it include a ton of that specific info but covers an plethora of diversity; connections, names, organizations, and topics from bitcoin to media to psychedelics. Under TED Talks there’s a mention that The Simpson’s creator, Matt Groening, has been (is?) an attendee of Bohemian Grove. ‘Splains a lot.

This is the website’s About page.

Warning: Be sure a trusted intimate (as opposed to an untrusted "intimate") knows where you’re going. It’s a rabbit hole from which you may never return. Watch my back fellow THC Chatters. I’m going down.

Posted : July 2, 2020 6:24 PM
Posts: 422
Honorable Member

sofahkingfoxy wrote: I just stubbed my toe on this article while looking for info on the financial activities of Soros. Not only does it include a ton of that specific info but covers an plethora of diversity; connections, names, organizations, and topics from bitcoin to media to psychedelics. Under TED Talks there’s a mention that The Simpson’s creator, Matt Groening, has been (is?) an attendee of Bohemian Grove. ‘Splains a lot.

This is the website’s About page.

Warning: Be sure a trusted intimate (as opposed to an untrusted "intimate") knows where you’re going. It’s a rabbit hole from which you may never return. Watch my back fellow THC Chatters. I’m going down.

To Foxy-

"Your six is locked down. Take no prisoners, madam."

To my boy seated next to me-

"Hell is coming to breakfast."

You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Posted : July 3, 2020 8:14 PM
Posts: 200
Estimable Member

sofahkingfoxy wrote: I just stubbed my toe on this article while looking for info on the financial activities of Soros. Not only does it include a ton of that specific info but covers an plethora of diversity; connections, names, organizations, and topics from bitcoin to media to psychedelics. Under TED Talks there’s a mention that The Simpson’s creator, Matt Groening, has been (is?) an attendee of Bohemian Grove. ‘Splains a lot.

This is the website’s About page.

Warning: Be sure a trusted intimate (as opposed to an untrusted "intimate") knows where you’re going. It’s a rabbit hole from which you may never return. Watch my back fellow THC Chatters. I’m going down.

Interesting side note: Groening was also dabbling in Epstein's Lolita Express:

This is all kind of sad for me to learn, admittedly.

Posted : July 7, 2020 10:42 PM
Posts: 162
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I meant to come back to this awhile ago to say:

1. There’s much on this website that I’m disappointed in: his dismissal of chemtrails and claims they’re ordinary contrails; says RFK assassination not a conspiracy; dismisses too much about pizzagate (pedo symbols debunked) and doesn’t give enough weight to what he did research; that he doesn’t give any mention to Judy Wood in his 9/11 research. But overall, there’s a ton of food for thought.

2. I extend my appreciation to my THC comrades for the absence of smart ass comments over me saying in my original post, "I’m going down." :eek::confused::D Y’all got class.

Posted : August 8, 2020 7:32 PM
Posts: 1026
Noble Member

Liberal CIA leadership? The CIA was founded by the Wall St. wing of the OSS. This is mind worm fodder. . .

Posted : August 9, 2020 1:36 AM
Posts: 162
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shamangineer wrote: Liberal CIA leadership? The CIA was founded by the Wall St. wing of the OSS. This is mind worm fodder. . .

Maybe that’s why it felt like it was way over my head. And gave me a bit of a headache trying to read it.

Posted : August 9, 2020 2:02 AM
Posts: 1026
Noble Member

sofahkingfoxy wrote: Maybe that’s why it felt like it was way over my head. And gave me a bit of a headache trying to read it.

That's Jiminy Cricket's existential howl at the cognitave dissonance generated by what you are reading. Lean into that voice and put one foot in front of the other and you soon find yourself on the road to truth.

Posted : August 9, 2020 9:17 AM
Posts: 422
Honorable Member

sofahkingfoxy wrote: There’s much on this website that I’m disappointed in

Every sewer can't have a gem at the bottom.

He did a couple things right, from the get, like call out Chomsky for all the right reasons. Might'a pulled me in. Best to wipe off your chin and move on.

You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Posted : August 9, 2020 5:24 PM