Jewish insight of s...
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Jewish insight of sorts

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I was only just thinking today as I listened to 'The Clinton Basher' that if I hear on more person mention "The Jews" I'd fucking scream! 🙂 It's doing my fucking head in. And now the Khazars are a lost tribe of Israel. The Bible is all metaphors, until you want to point out a boogyman or bash someone about the head; then it is a reputable account of history... maybe they were, but I doubt there are any lost tribes of Israel, and they devolved into nomads only to rise again and take over the world, with full knowledge of their pre-history....
Sorry. Rant over. Anyhow, if you buy reincarnation, and you have not got the elite trick of manifesting back into a great grandchild's body at the point of your death,( I'm leaving that one right there.) then chances are you were not even in the same blood line last life.
I have done a little past life stuff, and while there is a thread, it is very, very loose.

Anyway, as most here are westerners, and USA ones at that, I thought this comment from Cory Panshin over at RuneSoup was a really good insight into European Jewery.( Is there any other kind?!?)
Take it away Cory...

You’ve gotten me thinking along some strange lines. For one thing, there’s that gorgeous color photo at the top of this page showing the street peddlers on the Lower East Side. That’s where my father was born in 1915 — at which time his grandfather was secretary of the First Independent Peddlers’ Benevolent Society of New York. So that photo in itself is throwing me back.

My father’s family were Galitzianers — Eastern European Jews from the area that had been called Galicia two thousand years ago when it was ruled by the Gauls. And as it happens, so was Bernie Sanders’ father, who came from a small town just thirty miles from Krakow, where my grandfather was born. Now, I didn’t hear about much in the way of Old World politics growing up, since the relatives who might have remembered or cared about such things were mostly long dead. But the one thing I did get loud and clear was that the Galitzianers, who were mainly poor, religious, and warm-hearted, absolutely despised the more westernized German Jews, many of whom had come to America a half century earlier, become wealthy and arrogant, and had very little interest in helping out the latest wave of immigrants, whom they considered something of an embarrassment.

But as I learned later, that wasn’t the only problem with the German Jews. That high school friend I recently mentioned in a Facebook comment, the one I rolled a hoop around Tompkins Square Park with in the summer of 1967, who found her family background so creepy that she married a Texas sheet rock installer to get away from it — she was the product of two wealthy families of German Jewish refugees. In the 1970s, before she got married and moved away, she would come to visit and obsessively spill everything she’d recently learned or figured out about them.

As she told it, her father’s family were rich but her mother’s family, whose name I never learned, were even richer — to the point where they looked down on the Rothschilds as nouveau riche. When they wanted my friends mother to learn embroidery, they sent her off to be instructed by nuns. When it became apparent that Hitler was a problem, they arranged to get out by way of Spain with no fuss or bother and come to America, where they had family ties — I think to the Guggenheims. And before they fled, my friend’s grandparents protected their assets in the same way as some of the Nazis did — by nominally transferring the ownership to non-Jewish acquaintances and then going back to Europe after the war and reeling everything back in.

My friend would also laugh in that non-really-funny way about the relative they called “Uncle Leo the Nazi” — who wasn’t technically a Nazi but thought like one and would have certainly have been one if they’d only let Jews into the club. The implication was that many German Jews had the same attitudes towards the Galizianers as the Germans in general held towards everybody they considered inferior — and that has some sobering implications. For example, Henry Kissinger comes out of that background. My friend told us that her grandmother’s circle of little old ladies would sit around shaking their heads over how Kissinger didn’t call his mother often enough. And though she never mentioned Leo Strauss, the intellectual godfather of the Neocons who was of an earlier generation, I don’t doubt that this was his background as well.

And there’s one more connection. Those German Jews who came to America in the middle 1800s were among the founders of the great banks. I’m looking at a Wikipedia listing of German-Jewish entrepreneurs that includes Marcus Goldman of Goldman Sachs, Abraham Kuhn and Solomon Loeb, and the Lehman brothers. It isn’t politically correct these days to point to these as Jewish enterprises — but any child of Galitzianers has to feel there’s something “off” about them that has little to do with Judaism but involves a strain of German arrogance that escaped being de-Nazified by passing as Jewish.

Goldman Sachs currently believes it rules the world. (Thousand Year Reich, anyone?) They certainly own Hillary’s ass. And Bernie Sanders is setting himself up as the dragon slayer. So at the very least, there’s poetic justice in that — if not something deeper.

Read more:

Hope you enjoyed. I found it most interesting.


Posted : February 1, 2016 7:32 AM
Posts: 26
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Oh, absolultly. Point taken.

That is kind of what I mean, in a way.

Saying " It's the Mexicans", or "It's a Mexican Plot!" (for example 😉 ) is very different from saying "All the bad eggs in this power group affecting those I love the most seem to want to be identified as Mexicans, for their own nefarious reasons."

All of a sudden you have gone from 100 million down to about 80 max!!

No nearly as pleasing to say for those who like broad sweeping statements, but there it is.

There is a historical reason that Jewish people handled money,( and that's our fault, those of European stock!). At the time they needed to get out of, or had outgrown Europe, The Americas, Australia, N.Z. and Canada were available,( and that is also our fault...) and we enforced the segregation, such as it was/is as much as they,( can anyone say Irish, or Italian??) so while it may seem a bit trite to say so, yea reap what yea sow.

Now, I'm 35, so I didn't sow shit in regard to the above, but sure as shit my standard of living has been what it is because of all of these factors and more.

Yes, I hate the idea of child labour and slavery. Yes I own a smart phone, (although I am only on my second!) So, I am a fucking hypocrite. Full fucking stop.

The Illuminati, Archons and 'Squatters atop the pyramid of our Energy' may well be out there, but they are in me as well, and my whole culture. And I have benefitted from, and aided and abetted them.
Now, I am kicking their sorry, lying arses out root by branch,( whilst trying not to totally implode my life all at once!) but to pretend that I am not a part of "The Problem" is not just arrogance; it is straight up blind.

It may well be 'The Jews", but it's me as well....

Posted : February 2, 2016 8:05 AM