Joe Rogan Experienc...
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Joe Rogan Experience

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The thing about Snowden, is, he's a very down-to-earth techy nerd. I don't get the vibe that he's an asset to the cabal, like maybe Julian Assange gives off (even if I support Wikileaks, but that's a separate issue). Instead, Snowden seems more like a guy who came out of the darkness, and had tremendous integrity to come out on the other side, risking everything he had, not the least his fat pay-cheque; living in Hawaii and his life and relationships in jeopardy.

I can easily forgive the fact that he doesn't believe in chemtrails, aliens coverups or any of the more esoteric stuff. Because the crux of the matter is, individual liberties are slipping away from beneath our feet at such a pace, and done so through technology, and you don't have to be a THC listener to realize that. And this is not just in the US, but globally.

So the fact that a guy like Snowden exists, and shares his story, I think, will be more likely to inspire other people to listen and reflect, than a guy like David Icke who is too far down the rabbit hole, and whom many people just can't make the shift (for whatever reason).

The other thing is, for truth seekers, his first-hand insights on these most-secretive agencies is like a gold-mine. As an example from the book, one thing he cites is, on the day of 9.11, he was living in Fort Meade (or at least was there), which is NSA's HQ, and one of the thing he describes is the pandemonium of all the agents being evacuated and sent home.

In fact, he even talks about it with Joe, about how weird that was, and that most likely, should they have been asked to stay on that day, every NSA official would have done so out of a sense of duty and patriotism, which makes total sense (I mean these guys signed up to serve their countries after all).

However, my perspective is, if this was a premeditated coup, what a great plan to 1) evacuate all personnel, especially the most crucial assets to identify potential attackers 2) create a massive MKUltra event, for the global audience, but also to the IC (Intelligence Community) to give a sense of guilt ("why didn't we foresee the attacks? How could we have let this happen?") Just to give the IC an extra edge dose of fanaticism to unilaterally support the Project For New American Century agenda (PNAC). I mean Snowden is the first one to admit, with great shame, that on 9.12 he was ready to enlist (and he did).

Those are just my two-cents, but there's no doubt that it makes totally no-sense to evacuate your spooks in such a context (Snowden blames it on bureaucracy; I say there's at least a few hidden layers beneath it all)

All this to say, I highly recommend reading his book, Permanent Record (link to ebook).

Posted : October 24, 2019 6:44 PM
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I haven't watched it yet, but oh boy, I know it's gonna be a good conversation between Joe and Paul Stamets!
Fungi love!

Edit: Here's the link for PS' bee saving citizen initiative:

18 mins: I'm glad Paul Stamets is addressing the cell-signal interference with biology.

Posted : November 16, 2019 7:49 AM
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enjoypolo wrote:

I haven't watched it yet, but oh boy, I know it's gonna be a good conversation between Joe and Paul Stamets!
Fungi love!
I go out to listen to this already, good cross section of topics.
Interesting conversation

Edit: Here's the link for PS' bee saving citizen initiative:

18 mins: I'm glad Paul Stamets is addressing the cell-signal interference with biology.

Posted : November 16, 2019 1:55 PM
Posts: 474
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enjoypolo wrote:

I haven't watched it yet, but oh boy, I know it's gonna be a good conversation between Joe and Paul Stamets!
Fungi love!

Edit: Here's the link for PS' bee saving citizen initiative:

18 mins: I'm glad Paul Stamets is addressing the cell-signal interference with biology.

Gordon white mentions it in his newsletter

Bees, Though
Paul Stamets is back on Joe Rogan. The appearance before this one is better but it's still Stamets so if you want to watch something over the weekend, you can definitely do worse.

Toward the beginning of the episode, he mentions that the only issue for which there is 100% bipartisan support (in the US) is saving the bees. Somehow this is very telling.

On the one hand, it's rather lovely. Related to a blog post earlier this week, it is lovely on the level of realising that even the people you find the most odious or deranged have at least one area of agreement, one thing over which they won't quibble.

Posted : November 17, 2019 5:14 AM
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Joe and Tulsi, this time with Jocko Willink, ex seals team commander.

They go over very some key issues with the current archaic and broken system and the war machine; as well as Tulsi's on-going lawsuit with Google. Good stuff.

Posted : November 27, 2019 7:42 PM
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This conversation with Daryl Davis, an incredible musician who's also credited for dismantling KKK groups using only reason and kindness to change their behaviour. In this day-and-age where the divide between some people is high, this message is refreshing and inspiring!
Also, the titles for klans people is ridiculously hilarious: Imperial Wizard, cyclops, dragons..:rolleyes:o_O

Posted : February 1, 2020 2:56 PM
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enjoypolo wrote:

However, my perspective is, if this was a premeditated coup, what a great plan to 1) evacuate all personnel, especially the most crucial assets to identify potential attackers 2) create a massive MKUltra event, for the global audience, but also to the IC (Intelligence Community) to give a sense of guilt ("why didn't we foresee the attacks? How could we have let this happen?") Just to give the IC an extra edge dose of fanaticism to unilaterally support the Project For New American Century agenda (PNAC). I mean Snowden is the first one to admit, with great shame, that on 9.12 he was ready to enlist (and he did).

Catherine Fitts tells a great story about how she was at a conference back in the day, actively *knowing* some frequency shit was being used in the room to make everyone clap like a monkey. Suddenly she looks down, and SHE is clapping like a little wind up monkey, and she's like WTF am I doing??

At question time at the end she goes to the mike and the speaker is sitting back looking all satisfied and secure, until CFitz asks 'so, can you tell me why all the air force jets were ordered to stand down on 9/11?" The guy face goes white and she's escorted from the room : )

I also listened to the Tulsi Gabbard / Jocko interview. I thought it was a shame that she had to share her time with that dude. He was like, fine, or whatever, but she is a presidential candidate and generally has a very interesting experience to share. I would have prefer to hear from her, and that Jocko bloke talked over her the whole time and she was too polite to tell him to STFU.

Posted : February 6, 2020 11:51 PM
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Good interview, different perspective, interesting topics

Posted : February 16, 2020 12:19 AM
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nickzeptepi wrote: Good interview, different perspective, interesting topics

Really enjoyed this episode. It's about time Joe has someone with an asian background on the show..:rolleyes: As much as I enjoy Joe, it's a very US-centered show.

Melissa, who’s originally from Singapore, covers a wide-range of topics in this one, not the least the CCP's hegemony, "woke" phenomena, asian culture-clash experiences and whatnot.
I think that in these polarizing times, it’s important to not only focus on important issues in one’s locality, but to perceive a more wider perspective, including what’s happening elsewhere.

I will say though, it always makes me laugh to watch people criticise Huawei for being an apparatus of China's military. Well duh, but so is Apple, Google, Facebook and their likes, doing the exact same thing (if not worse). At this point, the question is, who would you like to be surveilled by, the CIA or the Chinese?

Some timely report about the Agency's deceptive insertion of backdoors into the cyber equipments od virtually every country’s infrastructures, except China and Russia, who had enough common sense to refuse:

Posted : February 19, 2020 1:57 PM
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This one was a real gem! Didn't even know who Curry was, but it's as close to a THC-conspiratorial episode as it gets. And not some Eddie Bravo-I-dont-believe-in-space-and-earth-is-flat type:rolleyes:.
More like the insider who knows what he's talking about kinda dude, especially when it comes to big tech.

It's a pretty long episode, but the conversation ups a gear when the joints spark up at around the 2h mark. Curry talks about the old days of computers (and his work), new types of social media like Mastodon, the vape scam, growing up in Amsterdam and now living in Texas, his artificially-enhanced hearing-aid, and hit the spot at the end by talking about the Google-InQTel/Keyhole rabbit hole and the corona-bs situation that we're now living.

All in all, a great guest. He's even got his own podcast (for the past ten years) called No Agenda where they discuss/analyse current events.

I'm really interested by the path that digital media is taking, as I can sense that the business-as-usual centralized top-down model is not sustainable, not to mention unfair (data/money being siphoned out of users), and hearing him explain how Mastodon and these federated types of social media networks work is a real delight. I also think it's a great way for communities like THC to actually join up with others ones, like say, Gordon White's, or Joe's, or permaculture type of networks, with their own boundaries set, not by mods/admins necessarily, but an organic connection, like a mycelium patch weaving its way into the digital ecosystem.

As a bonus, Joe briefly mentions at the end, Bill Binney (the former NSA's tech director, turned whistleblower). Foreshadowing of a future guest? Fingers crossed!:cool:

No Agenda Podcast website
Adam Curry on Twitter

Posted : March 11, 2020 11:15 AM
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One silver lining of this epidemic/confinement, is witnessing the number of people who used to dismiss conspiracies, are now "waking up" to the reality of the incompetency of those in power, not just in the US but everywhere, including China (despite the most stringent censorship). This is the first step of grieving

This episode with Eric Weinstein (not related to Harvey) shows me that Eric is at stage II of the Kubler Ross grieving model (Anger), and many more like him are coming forward. The tide is rising 😎

A colleague of mine sent me this article the other day about going beyond Acceptance: finding meaning (ie, building a new paradigm)

I have faith, and I see hope.

Posted : April 4, 2020 7:34 AM
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Oh boy, I’m gonna be enjoying this one 😀
Not every day that Joe goes all THC with his guests!

Posted : April 17, 2020 7:10 AM
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Explosive interview with investigative journalist Whitney Webb on the Tim Dillon show on new revelations behind Epstein, Gates, including a conversation Whitney had recently with a former Epstein victim, and the relationships that have been limited-hungout in the media.
Tim was recently on the JRE and got lambasted by Joe when he mentioned Gates. It was quite hilarious how clueless Joe is in this regard:rolleyes:

Posted : April 19, 2020 10:58 AM
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I love this episode so much I’m doing backflips while cooking!! Joel Salatin is the man, this episode is highly recommended folks 😉

PS: Gonna try and list all the great resources mentioned by Joel in this episode:


- City Chicks by Patricia Foreman (how a city in Belgium reduced food waste by giving people chickens)

- Beyond Labels by Joel Salatin and Dr Sina McCullough (Salatin's upcoming book)

- Guns, Germs and Steel by Jared Diamond (never heard of, but sounds interesting; history)


- Food, Inc (2008) on industrial farming

Posted : May 22, 2020 5:17 PM
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This latest JRE episode with Bret Weinstein is bomb-astic! This THC-grade dive into the arcane world of institutional rot and corruption: from the BLM marxist mobs taking over America and other countries, to the Covid epidemic and the way it was (mis)handled, including his take on the lockdown.

What I appreciate about Bret is that he’s an academic/scientist and a provocative thinker (a rare breed these days). Not only is he an evolutionary biologist who specifically worked with bats, but his whistleblower-moment came from his research on mice telomeres that pointed out the fact that mice experiments have omitted a foundational assumption that was taken for granted, and thus would invalidate a substantial amount, if not most, animal drug trial that end up being used on humans. Great stuff!
And he arrived at this from a rather naive and honest inquiry, but which visibly upsetted the proverbial apple-cart of big pharma—and the corrupt medical scientific establishment—which it bribes. Bret is a disillusioned renegade and a courageous soul, and to see him speak his story on JRE, especially in these times, gives me
a big smile 🙂

Oh and did I mentioned his pretty awesome tentative solution to save the USA ship ahead of its undoubtedly disastrous election cycle? I won’t spoil it, but it’s quite ingenious.

there’s never been a time where chaos magick would be so exciting and be so full of potential! Peace 😉

Posted : June 19, 2020 7:22 PM
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