Just A Fictional Hermetic E Novel. Relax. Im outti3. Byeeespyee

Ha! And I'm the uppity one,silly monkeys. Won't you bee surprised or not.
WHILE the mother. Holds her child,watches him die. HANDS to the Sky , scrying "Why, Oh Why!"
I show you ALL my humanity,reflecting your Lack thereof...and whattyado...CRUCIFY ME. #typical
Eu tu Judas?
I've tried to warn you,B-U-T you won't listen..I can't make you,ya know. #EspyOut!

EVERY SINGLE THING you see from me here
(no matter when in time-no matter how
minute' the detail- it IS intentional. Not one move made without utmost care & thought
.Kubrick is a hero!
Not too mention, a close relative.)
IS THERE FOR you to see...and for ME to SEE YOU.
It might help you to understand that I AM speaking TO & ONLY TO Mr. Greg Carlwood in my Artistic/Esoteric/Literary expressions.
NOTE:Ya'll are just lucky enough to be privy to our conversation.
EIther way, you'll reveal yourself to noone.
It's funny how Folks just seem2 know YOUR intention.Apparently, beTTer than you do.

You should also realize G.S.D. (The Dark Vader,of sorts)was also my apprentice but not nearly as bull-headed as you (or your audience),Good Sir!!
I'm getting weary of letting all these ungrateful talking monkeys hear this conversation.
WHEN YOU ARE READY TO PLAY THE REAL GAME,GET UR A$$ ON THE BOARD. You are not intended to be the bench-relief.

Thanks for your tolerance,DREAMTIMEJEDI.
Much appreciated!

Time for a Eulogy. * bows head
R.I.P. Critical Thought 0000-2018
"NOT all martyrs see Divinity."

I finally realized what you said to me.
You see, i forgot to write it down. It was so #real. Just like I WOKE up in Wonderland....i don't wanna be ALONE when I tell this story. Will you ever be coming Up?
Goddamn. Shit the bed. #typical
You said, " HELP ME,JAMIE!" in my BLUE SKULL.
THAT is what begot this project,sooo long ago.. It's ashamed you(G.C)didn't see it. Such HARDWORK! Such handiwork.
I know,iknow,iknow. He's just "crazy"
But, that's ok-ay. Others did. Thank you for this space.

its weird how. you remember full detale of when you were a kid or of things you thought were real as a kid. before the programming. i became a nothing real fast. my brain changed and now what is real

sirujux wrote: its weird how. you remember full detale of when you were a kid or of things you thought were real as a kid. before the programming. i became a nothing real fast. my brain changed and now what is real
I'm so happy to here that.
RoseTTa Stoned services utilized!

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