Just A Fictional He...
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Just A Fictional Hermetic E Novel. Relax. Im outti3. Byeeespyee

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It's alright.
I Don't mind.
I don't mind.

Posted : August 18, 2018 8:15 PM
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Please listen,Greg. It IS a maTTer of Life & your death. No more energy for subtlety.
I no longer have a choice in this.HELP me-Help YOU!

Posted : August 18, 2018 8:41 PM
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Before it's too late & they blame ME for that too! I can't YELL any louder than this.

If only Art Bell listened, I tried to tell him too on FB too. Same results from his "big fans".

I suggest being EXTRA CAREFUL until this upcoming 9/11 ritual is complete.
YOU are(were) chosen for the SACRIFICE.
But, i can't....do it. I just KANT.

I should be able to for all the fucks you've given about me or MY message or MY ART!!

Let that be a lesson for ya,Folks.
STOP giving your aTTention 2 people
That true-ly couldn't give a shit about you.(#notme)

You De-Serve what YOU've earned,Good Sir.

Posted : August 18, 2018 8:43 PM
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Ask yourself: what else would cause me to risk alienation from my faaavorite podcaster & faaavorite podcasting community??
EEspecially after just re-uping my sub??
Fraternal <3.
That's what. Remember what that looks like,Folks??
Would anyone else in here step up to it? Obviously not. My stamina is proof.
Chances of Winning were 1 in 51,175.
Remember that.

This ENERGY WILL CEASE...even if i have to get banished from this space. It will stop.

Posted : August 18, 2018 9:11 PM
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You are right. These ideas shouldn't be considered in isolation. I don't wanna be ALONE when I tell this story anyway.

To all the Fellow Artists out there-
You know how the Flow gets...one stage is focused on producing. The next stage is reflecting on what has been produced.Then produce more. Then reflect,then produce.

It appears I've been so consumed by the urgency of this Artist message, I have #failed to look back to SEE if you really are hearing me.
With the 5x retrograde lingering, it's been soo difficult for #metoo. Please forgive any trespass. My <3 is in the correct place.

Allow me to calmly state:
"Molly, You in DANGER,gurl!

Posted : August 18, 2018 10:13 PM
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When I say I don't care what you think-
What I mean is your un-enlightened thoughts won't persuade me from doing what I KNOW I have to do.
☆I must remain in MY Truth @ ALL times.☆
Even when it's uncomfortable.
Even when the majority shouts, "Crucify!"
Even when the Man thinks you're "crazy".

The ONLY way for me to do this credib-ly
in terms you can relate to.

Q: What good do your words do,if
They can't understand you??????

Q:Why won't you see that?
Q: Do you really think all Rich people are
<3less? Really? All of them.

Q: HOW MANY RICH PEOPLE DO YOU KNOW IRL? At least ONE, that's for goddamn sure.
Q:why then do all this,Jamie?

A: Jesus, this really must look insane.(im hyperaware of how it looks,btw)
One cannot restrict the Flow to make you comfortable. Or else SHE might go away permanently.
I understand. I don't mind.
I just gotta get this OUTofME.

And everyone gets to bear witness-#luckyme

Best thing to do now is NOT pay attention & maybe then,the Energy will get bored & leave.

It appears NONE of this makes sense without retrospect.
What most don't realize is:
It is as strange & puzzling for me, as it is for you.
I have LITERALLY been writing these postings when the Energy strikes. Only being obedient to my Flow.

Does that help you understand any better?
OR are you more confused then eVer?

Posted : August 18, 2018 10:35 PM
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Should have thought of this one
Earlier. #duuuh

Posted : August 19, 2018 12:18 AM
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Allow me fall back on the waters of my "wheelhouse"


A:llow me to show you
What's behind DOOR
#3 --》---》with my <3 this time.

Please Hear What I'm Not Saying

Don't be fooled by me.

Don't be fooled by the face I wear

for I wear a mask, a thousand masks,

masks that I'm afraid to take off,

and none of them is me.

Pretending is an art that's
second nature with me,

but don't be fooled,

for God's sake don't be fooled.

I give you the impression that I'm secure,

that all is sunny and unruffled with me, within as well as without,

that confidence is my name and coolness my game,

that the water's calm and I'm in command

and that I need no one,

but don't believe me.

My surface may seem smooth but my surface is my mask,

ever-varying and ever-concealing.

Beneath lies no complacence.

Beneath lies confusion, and fear, and aloneness.

But I hide this. I don't want anybody to know it.
I panic at the thought of my weakness being exposed;

That's why I frantically create a mask to hide behind,

a nonchalant sophisticated facade,

to help me pretend,

to shield me from the glance that knows.

But such a glance is precisely my salvation, my only hope,

and I know it.

That is, if it's followed by acceptance,

if it's followed by love. <3

It's the only thing that can liberate me from myself,

from my own self-built prison walls,

from the barriers I so painstakingly erect.

It's the only thing that will assure me

of what I can't assure myself,

that I'm really worth something.

But I don't tell you this. I don't dare to, I'm afraid to.

I'm afraid your glance will not be followed by acceptance,

will not be followed by love.

I'm afraid you'll think less of me,

that you'll laugh, and your laugh would kill me.

I'm afraid that deep-down I'm nothing

and that you will see this and reject me.

So I play my game, my desperate pretending game,

with a facade of assurance without

and a trembling child within.

So begins the glittering but empty parade of masks,

and my life becomes a front.

I idly chatter to you in the suave tones of surface talk.

I tell you everything that's really nothing,

and nothing of what's everything,

of what's crying within me.

So when I'm going through my routine

do not be fooled by what I'm saying.

Please listen carefully and try to hear what I'm not saying,

what I'd like to be able to say,

what for survival I need to say,

but what I can't say.

I don't like hiding.

I don't like playing superficial phony games.

I want to stop playing them.

I want to be genuine and spontaneous and me

but you've got to help me.

You've got to hold out your hand

even when that's the last thing I seem to want.

Only you can wipe away from my eyes

the blank stare of the breathing dead.

Only you can call me into aliveness.

Each time you're kind, and gentle, and encouraging,

each time you try to understand because you really care,

my heart begins to grow wings--

very small wings,

very feeble wings,

but wings!

With your power to touch me into feeling

you can breathe life into me.

I want you to know that.

I want you to know how important you are to me,

how you can be a co-creator--an honest-to-God Co-creator--

of the person that is me

if you choose to.

You alone can break down the wall behind which I tremble,

you alone can remove my mask,

you alone can release me from my shadow-world of panic,

from my lonely prison,

if you choose to.

Please choose to.

Do not pass me by.

It will not be easy for you.

A long conviction of worthlessness builds strong walls.

The nearer you approach to me the blinder I may strike back.

It's irrational, but despite what the books say about man

often I am irrational.

I fight against the very thing I cry out for.

But I am told that love is stronger than strong walls

and in this lies my hope.

Please try to beat down those walls

with firm hands but with gentle hands

for a child is very sensitive.

Who am I, you may wonder?

I am someone you know very well.

For I am every man you meet

and I am every woman you meet.

Charles C. Finn

September 1966

Copyright © 2018 Charles C. Finn

Posted : August 19, 2018 1:16 AM
Posts: 638
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cooo.lll ya im. in the xbox. rip yellow sub

Posted : August 19, 2018 2:20 AM
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☆Special Thanks to my dear,patient Hubby,Ian, for putting up with my Artistic Flow with Project Carlwood. Couldn't have done this without him.

HE is the one that has had to pay the costs of giving you all my Art & Energies.
Thank you,Bunny Face!
& when they all grock the point, they'll say thank you too.

The point of each & everyone of my images,videos & Social commentary has been to move you with my cognitive dissonance....didn't matter which direction.

The bet was on whether I could or not.
I was betting on you & G.C.
Couldn't you tell? Hahah 😉


Yes, Ian & myself are quite wealthy. But, I didn't start off like that. Which is what makes me different.

Yes, Robert Mueller is my uncle.

Yes, I am really an Artist...YOU are my canvas.
Art,like B-U-T is in the EYE of the Beholder.

Yes, I paint with constructs & archetypes.

Yes, I meant every word I typed.
Every syllable sincere.

Yes, this was meant to teach a 3-D lesson
I always hear you Folks complaining about how you don't have access to Power or are poor & destitute. That is not the fault of Rich People. Take some #personalaccountability before you can start taking giant $$$$$ into your bank accounts.

Yes, I am a real person & a real looongtime PLUS subscriber .
Although I have had many,many screennames over the years. I have been here since the start.

Yes, I really did tell you EVERYTHING I did here in advance. Sometimes waaay in advance eVen.
I saw them in my scry.JUST LIKE THE 9/11 warning,Mr. CARLWOOD. That part is #real.
Please take extra precautions/care during that time. You are no ordinary Joe,ya know;)

No, I don't really think you are all talking monkeys...well, not all the time neway;)

No, Mr. Carlwood has not paid me for my
Performance here or enlargement of his forums due to GXG post interest. These have been given freely.

No, there isn't anyone Denying you anything.
Stop using that excuse to justify your laziness or unwillingness to sacrifice boredom.

No, I haven't taken any of your nasty-ass comments personally...But you certainly have let my words effect your vibration. There is no denying that. The proof is right here.

Yes, there has been a more subtle conversation going on.
Yes, that Dizzy Broad thinks we are out to kill her. 107 of my hooters download her shit-talking S.A. interview.
☆ ☆☆I AM that local AZ businessman that's all out in the OPEN,But noone sent her any death threats. Ya'll need to know #real from chemically imbalanced. SHE IS THE LATTER!!☆☆☆

NOTICE how fast she took it down/edited it.
Yes, she really would have been sued into the next dimension.
Yes, You folks reeeally need to be more discerning in whom you trust. You have felt the heat of the ones I contact regularly. If that's not validation, I don't know what is.

Oooh, one more thing: An Intergalactic FUCK OFF to all the TOLEC-haters out there. Reeeally big "open mind" there,Folks! Again, your hypocrisy is repugnant!! #foreal

Posted : August 19, 2018 3:03 AM
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P.S. My Hermetic Game within this FORUM is #real. I designed it to appeal & put on the path,Those here who were ready for it.

Intrepid Starting Round Gamers, You are SPECIAL!! We will be in touch.
If you were ready for it & just didn't know how- CONGRATS! You are now CONSCIOUSLY, on YOUR PATH.
Continue to listen to your intuitions & follow the synchronicities to Shambala.

Thank you,Gamers!
I have watched many of you go from post to post to post with absolute JOY!! IF even just one of you becomes enlightened from my efforts,it makes everything worthwhile. MORE TO COME ON 9/11

P.S. Maybe now I can rest in peace.

Posted : August 19, 2018 3:37 AM
Posts: 1026
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Talking to echoes and insinuating some sort of 9/11 disaster while cajolingly ranting at Carlwood. . . bad form dude. Referring to random Facebook posts and people thinking you want to kill them isn't really endearing either. Please turn on the filter a little if for no other reason than to focus your energy enough to make a coherent point. As is all the brain dribblings are running into a puddle.

Posted : August 19, 2018 4:10 AM
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Listen,Shamangineer-No one forced your participation.You are only typing out of #envy.

I already told you once. I have no tolerance for your presumption. ya know, of all the years you've been here..WHY HASN'T ANYONE SEEN YOUR FACE?? Coherent enough for ya??

And you have the gall to lecture me on bad form. Ganja, Pleeeeease! #silliness.
You can go back OnBlock, ya know.

WHILE I respect that your mouth gas comes from your level of perception.YOU DO NOT SPEAK FOR EVERYONE. I speak for myself and those that have chosen to follow along.#hoothoot

You are obviously on T. T.'s team. So, you have NO IDEA what good form is. Back off or be revealed!#sillylilshaman

Thanks for your participation, but
I will not waste my energy with your type of low-leVel,behind-the-scenes fuckery any further.

Good Luck on your path. If you don't like it, simply go to another thread. You aren't obligated 2play. Especially if you aren't having a good time. Are you not having a good time?
At least, an interesting one? =p. SPOILSPORT

Posted : August 19, 2018 4:15 AM
Posts: 1026
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Dude, you are ranting all over the boards, there is simply no escaping it at this point and I will not be bullied out of your thread if I have something to say. If you think I'm in some sort of cahoots with Tracy Twyman you are really off in left field - but I would love to hear your reasoning on that one. You frankly need to get a grip because some of your posts are wading into borderline stalker / psycho territory and most of the time it is difficult or impossible to make any sense of your posts. I might actually respond positively to your posts if you have something worthwhile to say and stop trolling the Higherside.

Posted : August 19, 2018 4:41 AM
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Despite the blatherings of an envious rival,Folks, I contacted MR. GREG CARLWOOD directly
Before any of this started to get his permission FIRST.

He said it was okay as long as I didnt send anyone to any other website.
The mentions of my business have been directly related & germaine to my postings in the THC ENTREPRENEUR forums.

He also literally said "Post as much as you want".

SO I DID. Unless,of course, YOU THINK THIS IS FAKE & I'm a Bad liar..blah..blaah..blaaaaah.

HOW ABOUT IT,Shamangineer, I TRIPLE DOG DARE YOU to take a position. Do you have the balls to say what you really want to say-that Im fake and foolish.
And speak your truth. If you dare.





Dated: April 25,2018

I would neVer have been so disrespectful of Mr. GREG CARLWOOD (or anyone of you PLUSers)as to presume to do ANY OF this without his expressed PERMISSION.

I have also contacted him to gain clarification and/or ask him if he wanted me to stop.
I have received NO RESPONSE.
So,go crawl back into your envy hole and stf up already! YOU HAVE NO POWER HERE.

Posted : August 19, 2018 5:51 AM
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