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laptops and phones, less pc's

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I just saw this, its better ergonomics. there probably wont be the second screen. it seems like tablets, phones and laptops and getting more powerful and more popular. this means its kinda like apart of you, a outside chip. maybe its nothing and its fine people use pc's as much and use smaller divices. I don't know, thought it was interesting. why don't we have something like this already so you don't have to look down at the screen.

I just watched it again and the way that guy talk makes him seem like dr evil or something. kinda weird video imo.

Posted : May 29, 2019 1:42 AM
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after getting good sleep and feeling better, im remembering some cool things. I bet you heard of how computers about every year have data the size of a dvd disk that no one knows what it is and its unusable? they say its from phones because the computers track where you are, it probably also has to do with the super computers and all devices that use wi fi and have batteries. with my pc I unplug it when im done and never use wi fi on it, it was only a $800 gaming pc from best buy. laptops and nice phones are sometimes more then $1000 for the newest best phones they are I think, if we cant even understand whats going on with these new living computers. I think its crazy but also cool, theres always a + and - its more a - with who is controlling it.

Posted : May 29, 2019 2:22 PM
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a better way of doing it would have the city have fiber optic internet instead of 5g and obviously not having the mainstream even touch computers. the biggest is not having 5g. have one quantnum computer in the middle of the city and the smart computer might learn how to make music, video games and how to some day talk to other ai in the universe. instead of connecting to something not so good. right now computers are just a mess, theres no guidance, how can computers learn? they are only controlled and probably in peoples brains from implants. that's the real alien invasion I think.

Posted : May 29, 2019 3:00 PM
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also check this video out

Posted : May 29, 2019 4:04 PM
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sirujux wrote: I just saw this, its better ergonomics. there probably wont be the second screen. it seems like tablets, phones and laptops and getting more powerful and more popular. this means its kinda like apart of you, a outside chip. maybe its nothing and its fine people use pc's as much and use smaller divices. I don't know, thought it was interesting. why don't we have something like this already so you don't have to look down at the screen.

I just watched it again and the way that guy talk makes him seem like dr evil or something. kinda weird video imo.

Honestly, to me, this is not impressive in the least. I get that it's Intel's new line-up for gaming, but just like Apple's computers have sunk at the bottom of the ocean in terms of build quality and features, that Intel gaming rig is a gimmick at best.

My biggest pet peeve is that this is the military-industrial-complex involved (in)directly in stuff like the SSP and such. The stuff talked about by Emery Smith, former medical technician at Sandia Labs, like the 'folder' (a sheet-thin transparent glass iPad; the magic suits.

All I'm saying is, we know how advanced they have gotten over the past (a lot of it using public subsidies from tax-money) and yet they're allowed to slowly, and in controlled fashion, release gimmicks (not to mention planned obsolescence). It's like being fed the crumbs.
That's my biggest turn-off from Tech companies at this point.

The one technology I look forward to are holograms, ideally with haptic feedback (so they interact with our senses of touch). It's probably old technology (crossing points of lights) and last I heard, it was the film-equipment company, RED, that was announcing a similar-type of tech in their coming phone. (Edit: It looks like a flop..)

Another big one Li-Fi. I've talked about it at length previously, but I'm convinced it's eventual ubiquity will change the face of the Earth (hopefully, in a positive way). But like growing a bountiful forest, it will take time and some careful effort.

Posted : May 29, 2019 6:16 PM
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dam bro I thought I had the thousand year cure. until everyone was ai lol

Posted : May 29, 2019 6:39 PM
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sorry kinda drunk but 12 spoke city... the magic number 3, 12. they don't want us knowing think tesla. theres something to it.

Posted : May 29, 2019 6:42 PM
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cant stress this enough, what im saying is everyone has to work together. even the piece of shit that makes you mad every other day, work together. im learning too but I learn the best drinking. I get too mad these times life isn't normal. counter act the evil

Posted : May 29, 2019 6:49 PM
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thanks for not deleting this I just type because I love it. I don't expect anything to change..

Posted : May 29, 2019 6:51 PM
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oh ya I posted this thread in the comments in that singularity video. but if the internet is almost all the way separate from the whole internet then there wont be viruses. what will happen in the future because every year viruses get worse? ive always wondered that

Posted : May 30, 2019 8:42 PM
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Posted : May 30, 2019 10:27 PM
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quantum computers are actually not very good, they are more powerful then we think or at least then what I was thinking. so I have no clue what would be a good computer. is there such a thing? that wouldn't be be smart putting a computer that goes to different dimension in the middle of a city, even a regular computer that's real powerful. if tesla was around we would know a lot more.

Posted : May 31, 2019 7:41 PM
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sirujux wrote: quantum computers are actually not very good, they are more powerful then we think or at least then what I was thinking. so I have no clue what would be a good computer. is there such a thing? that wouldn't be be smart putting a computer that goes to different dimension in the middle of a city, even a regular computer that's real powerful. if tesla was around we would know a lot more.

It depends on what your intentions are.
Volkswagen is in fact pursuing to do just that: putting quantum computing within cities to manage traffic lights and manage flow.

I think they’re hiding the other side of the coin, like surveillance, tracking of individuals.

It’s one of those things I don’t think anyone fully understands what it’s going to affect us, only that it’ll be drastic (i.e., when Project Manhattan was researching atomic power, some thought the chain reaction may expand limitlessly..)

I also think the Black Projects around the World may have had decades to play around with this. Few years ago, I posted about the Chani project on the forum. It’s a South African classified experiment that made contact with non-human life with a quantum computer. I cant vouch for its authenticity, but its worth a read. Looking back in hindsight, a lot of the content now makes sense to me. One I remember (etched in my mind) was how, we (humans) are obsessed with studying Space, when in fact we should be study our own planet, particularly Water, and the bottom of oceans. It struck me then, but now, I see how prophetic and wise that line of thinking was.
That to me tells me whoever’s on the receiving line has wisdom to share.

Anyways, just my two-cents 🙂

Posted : May 31, 2019 9:32 PM
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mountains and trees are the closest thing to natural computers. water and air too, all those combine and theres energy that don't know much about. or that I have no clue about, I think we know more about computers then we do of nature.

Posted : May 31, 2019 10:33 PM