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I would suggest looking into shadow work. If you start manifesting changes and your mind has all sorts of unexamined stuff going on you could very well get hurt.

There is an argument to be made against conjuring spirits in that they can't be trusted and The Course In Miracles has Jesus arguing against the use of magic and for the use of miracles instead.

Posted : December 27, 2018 8:01 PM
Posts: 93
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Thanks Hugh, Interesting video.

Posted : December 31, 2018 8:11 PM
Posts: 15
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Lots of good info posted in here. I've been dabbling with scrying, pendulums, sigils and I guess a "conjuring" of sorts for a few years. I'll have to drop back in here when I've got more time to type

Posted : January 10, 2019 8:23 AM
Posts: 474
Honorable Member

Many people unknowingly carry dark shadows and spirits that are attached to them (un-integrated)

These are like mosquitoes they WILL feed on you - it's their nature and there's nothing the un-integrated person can do about it.

Meditation is your mosquito repellent. - but the mossies and their blood lust remain, they will always be looking to find a chink in your repellent Armour

Integrating your spirit and shadow - then using your spirit and/or higher spirits to "bind" those pesky bugs and zap them away is like those personal electric bug zappers, no more blood sucking energy vampires!

Posted : January 11, 2019 4:19 AM
Posts: 638
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many times in bed ive had a feeling like i have something in me. ill make a loud noise but only i can hear it because no noise comes out of my mouth. i wonder if its something wrong with me or its like what you said. its a weird feeling because itts like im saying something without using my mouth.

Posted : January 11, 2019 2:20 PM
Posts: 93
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sirujux wrote: many times in bed ive had a feeling like i have something in me. ill make a loud noise but only i can hear it because no noise comes out of my mouth. i wonder if its something wrong with me or its like what you said. its a weird feeling because itts like im saying something without using my mouth.

Wow thats scary. Like a sleep paralysis

nickzeptepi wrote: These are like mosquitoes they WILL feed on you - it's their nature and there's nothing the un-integrated person can do about it.

Meditation? Like basic chant? or ??

Posted : January 27, 2019 4:35 AM
Posts: 474
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metalegs wrote: Wow thats scary. Like a sleep paralysis

Meditation? Like basic chant? or ??

Finding your center - your inner self, Know thy Self is the way to discern what are your thoughts feelings etc, and not what you might be picking up floating around or targeting you specifically. the many forms of meditation have over the many centuries been shown to be a good method to help discern and know the Self

Ask most parents and they will attest that they have a subliminal connection to their child, and can pick up on their thoughts and feelings. Some women continue to do this to men who haven't "found Themselves" and continue to project thoughts and words into the man using the same frequency their mother did/does.

How many blokes do you know that seem to submit to the whims of the new girlfriend or wife - just like a good little mommies boy!! but are a totally different personality when with his pals?

I'm sure you have seen in your life people who are leaders and those who are followers - happy to be told what to do, they also might be still submitting to their dominant parental energy.

Google - exploding head syndrome - the loud bangs - like knocking on the door - that are heard in the head. It seems quite common, I had a while ago but it is linked to stress.

Posted : January 27, 2019 4:57 AM
Posts: 638
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Give me a break yo. Yo cant make money from my posts. Focas your mind you rock.

Posted : January 27, 2019 5:00 AM
Posts: 638
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sorry if i took that in the wrong way. Im not that bright. Do they take advantage of that? Maybe, in the way you would read the cover of a book i guess. insanity people used to say, but full circle as nature would say. If nature could talk. It does sometimes

Posted : January 27, 2019 5:06 AM
Posts: 638
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Man god is such the madjic. I cant spell but i get rid of spells if you hang around it happens. im a person with knowledge at least

Posted : January 27, 2019 5:23 AM
Posts: 474
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metalegs wrote: Wow thats scary. Like a sleep paralysis

Meditation? Like basic chant? or ??

know thy Self - any form of meditation that helps you distinguish your own thoughts and feelings from the back ground energetic noise,

Google exploding head syndrome - its stress related - I had in my times of high stress. its like a hearing someone banging on your door in the middle of the night but its in your head only.

Ask a few parents - the good ones know the thoughts and feelings of their child, its how a baby learns their feelings, baby dries mother interrupts this as hungry cold, shitty pants, etc etc baby learns the different emotions feelings etc.
Mothers use this to inject thoughts into the child, bad parents (like mine) do it for their own good and not the self sacrificing good of the baby - unconditional type love from a good parent.

so by extension women can use this to dominate a man in a relationship - using the same "frequency" a mother does with a child on a man that has not fully become him Self . I see it in many relationships - the man with his pals is a totally different personality than the submissive personalty he is with a hot but domineering wife, especially when the man is below 40.

Now imagine if some elites or magicians or even goverments can co-opt that ability and project it or broadcast it to the populace in general. the Model Citizen!! gang stalking of vulnerable people who have not mastered their own kingdom.

Posted : January 27, 2019 5:26 AM
Posts: 474
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good interviews on magic with john micheal Greer

Posted : January 30, 2019 12:07 PM
Posts: 38
Eminent Member

Wow, great thread. So many questions I don't know where to start. I'm personally gonna start with sigils. All my life has been 1 hard ship to the next. Like like has been preparing me for something. But I still have what feels like negitive energies that plague my mind and life. Impulse or addiction, motivation and laziness. I've made great progress from the old me. I still feel like something is holding me back. Recently numbers have made their presents known to me. I saw triple 6s leading up to a major legal incident. I spent most of December in jail for 5 weed related felonies. I made bond finally, got out and started seeing 222, 333, 1111 couple times a day. seems every time I check what time it is, it's double numbers. I see them on license plates. All over town. I keep up with astrology and pray, manifest desires. outta nowhere all charges dropped for no evidence.

So sigils and talismans. I feel that should be my next point of interest.
Im already a strange guy to others. I live alone, close to no one. just a few friends. I was wrongfully arrested 4 years ago for self defence at my family home of 30 years against a squatter and lost everything, even my families urns and ashes. By the time I got outta jail banks foreclosed on my home. I was so traumatized by the system I gave up and chose to live in a tent rather than try and rebuild. Now I rather live outdoors than pay to live in a drywall box. I feel it changed me for the better. It started my path of spirituality. Last year I lived alone and managed a medical marijuana farm. I got screwed by the owner and arrested with my meds for the winter. Life's just been a straight roller coaster of ups and downs the last couple years. Idk if it's fate, or my own ignorance of the gods and spirit world. I don't even know what to manifest for or what sigils to put into the universe. I'm currently at a house for legal reasons (probation) and just feel lost, can't wait to get back in nature. Seems the only place I can meditate with a clear mind. Just such negitive energies where I'm at and I must endure for now. So would talismans be a good way to protect from the unknown as i walk my path?

Posted : February 1, 2019 4:03 PM
Posts: 474
Honorable Member

thunderchicken wrote: Wow, great thread. So many questions I don't know where to start. I'm personally gonna start with sigils. All my life has been 1 hard ship to the next. Like like has been preparing me for something. But I still have what feels like negitive energies that plague my mind and life. Impulse or addiction, motivation and laziness. I've made great progress from the old me. I still feel like something is holding me back. Recently numbers have made their presents known to me. I saw triple 6s leading up to a major legal incident. I spent most of December in jail for 5 weed related felonies. I made bond finally, got out and started seeing 222, 333, 1111 couple times a day. seems every time I check what time it is, it's double numbers. I see them on license plates. All over town. I keep up with astrology and pray, manifest desires. outta nowhere all charges dropped for no evidence.

So sigils and talismans. I feel that should be my next point of interest.
Im already a strange guy to others. I live alone, close to no one. just a few friends. I was wrongfully arrested 4 years ago for self defence at my family home of 30 years against a squatter and lost everything, even my families urns and ashes. By the time I got outta jail banks foreclosed on my home. I was so traumatized by the system I gave up and chose to live in a tent rather than try and rebuild. Now I rather live outdoors than pay to live in a drywall box. I feel it changed me for the better. It started my path of spirituality. Last year I lived alone and managed a medical marijuana farm. I got screwed by the owner and arrested with my meds for the winter. Life's just been a straight roller coaster of ups and downs the last couple years. Idk if it's fate, or my own ignorance of the gods and spirit world. I don't even know what to manifest for or what sigils to put into the universe. I'm currently at a house for legal reasons (probation) and just feel lost, can't wait to get back in nature. Seems the only place I can meditate with a clear mind. Just such negitive energies where I'm at and I must endure for now. So would talismans be a good way to protect from the unknown as i walk my path?

All the best with whats in front of you.

I know talismans are quite hard to make properly - there's lots of things to get right, time place, materials etc so the spirit will live in the talisman - but its something to learn and work towards - you could be the local go to guy soon. Listen the the JENXX interviews where he talks about the Thai talismans.

Sigils are much easier and the first bunch have a beginners luck about them, then it gets harder.
If you can listen to JM Greer podcasts i posted above - He talks about daily practice - Like LBRP - some thanks to the land spirits, a bit of divination, and meditation - this will help build your inner resilience, peace of mind etc. and help differentiate between positive spirits and negative thoughts.

Tarot has been useful for me in divination and self reflection, could be one of your sigils - i own a tarot deck

Good luck

Posted : February 2, 2019 5:36 AM
Posts: 38
Eminent Member

I've been thinking about a sigil to manifest. I don't even know how to ask for the things i want in life. I don't want money, or things. I just want peace and to not go back to jail.
To know gods plan for me. Cause everything I've done so far is wrong it seems lol. I just wanna hide in a tent in the woods the rest if my life it seems. Better than having anything to do with this fucked up system we live in.

How do I go about getting a tarot deck? isn't it one if those things you don't buy? Like sage? last sage plant I bought my cat died a horrible death.

I've been trying to figure out and cross reference my Tropical natal chart. I guess I'm just gun shy after recent events. Every time I guess wrong the consequences are dire. I'm strongly considering a curse follows me. Any tips how I can find that out or maybe lift said curse?

Posted : February 8, 2019 2:17 AM
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