Let’s test Tulpas
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Let’s test Tulpas

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Posted : June 19, 2020 3:53 PM
Posts: 1354
Member Moderator

Honest question: what if by wishing that money-king tulpa the $10,000 you get is from the insurance payout for a late-stage cancer diagnosis you discover?

I’d use the precautionary principle always, especially since money can’t buy you everything. Magick can have harsh unintended consequences.

You may also be interested in the Power of Eight by McTaggart. She published her research in that book, where she facilitates group intention healing remotely by having groups of eight people. Fascinating stuff!

Posted : June 19, 2020 7:41 PM
Posts: 2
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I’m open to changing the test to whatever the participants are comfortable with. The purpose is to do something that harms no one, is safe, interesting, and repeatable.

What do you suggest?

Posted : June 20, 2020 4:43 AM
Posts: 422
Honorable Member

pw@masido_com wrote: Deleted.


I applaud your intrepid spirit, brother! I hope Polo's words have not dissuaded it. I cannot speak for him, but I don't believe his intent was to squash your post. I think he was attempting to offer you some constructive criticism.

A few people here have had some experience with magic and are aware of the unintended consequences that can result. Polo outlines the nightmare scenario, which should not be used to frighten you into abandoning your experiments. It should be used to perfect them.

My own attempt at constructive criticism (if you give a damn):

I am not a fan of the "Tulpa" method. I am not looking for a "roommate" in my head. Seems like baggage. Especially for a measly 10 grand.

I would seek to claim the power for myself and my allies - and not give it to some etheric entity.

So if I were to modify your original experiment to fit my own personal schema, I would choose to go with something like an egregor. A pool of intent and energy that could be accessed by anyone of like mind.

Then I would ascribe an intent and methodology to it that covered my ass (and the asses of anyone who accessed it). First and foremost, I would say something like "For the protection and growth of our brothers and sisters..." Get the universe, or the gods, or your own subconscious mind on the straight and narrow before you even start.

Then I would describe the methods. This egregor will "manifest 10 thousand dollars to any ally that would contribute to it and use it to enhance their own protection and growth." Simply proving to yourself that magic exists and that you can use it, is growth in my book.

Then I would end with something like "May it bless all involved." Still ass covering, but also pinning the universe down and disallowing it any wiggle room to come back and bite ya. I believe this is what Polo means by the "precautionary principle."

Again, PW, I applaud your efforts! Don't let Polo (now drunk with power from his new Moderator status) dissuade you from the path. Money spells, by their nature, are dirty and matrix-tainted. But for many, they are the key to unlocking the truth. That the real treasure in this world is your own mind. Your own spirit. Your own character.

Stay frosty, brother.

You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Posted : June 21, 2020 11:19 PM