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Lets talk: Perpetual motion/Over unity/Free energy

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I think a thread for Perpetual motion/over unity/"Free" energy theories and devices would be nice. We have been taught that such devices are so far outside the reality of physics that they any talk is laughable. If you take a look at the the wealth and power pyramid you will see that the Energy providers are on the top of both. One "Free" Energy device would cause they're pyramids to come tumbling down, so they control the things we are taught and greatly influence opinions to keep people from trying to build such a device... or even think about it for fear of being ridiculed.

Are the laws of energy, thermal dynamics and laws of motion all wrong? Nope. They seem pretty legit to me. Its my opinion that you can NOT have a device that will produce work with 100% efficiency or more. However, if we use energy that is an ever lasting source, a principal energy of our reality, we can create a device that has no cost to us: "Free" Energy. If we use the force of energy from gravity, magnetism, Ether, etc then we could build devices that produce work with no financial cost to us other than the cost to build and maintain the unit.

I would like to hear your opinions, ideas and research of devices of such devices.

Posted : November 8, 2016 12:12 AM
Posts: 204
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Could there be an ongoing impetus for the spinnings of the basic stable forms in, and of, subatomic matter, which they receive from some prime source via the ethers, through resonance? An action at distance, and that, at any distance?

If so, is there a way to tune something to spin in such a way as to couple a universal background resonance from some prime impetus?

I do not believe this is an entropic universe. I believe it is continuously powered from some infinite and omnipresent source. Maybe it's orgone, maybe it's chi. Maybe it's there, whatever we choose to call it. Whatever it is, we have seen we need not look to materialist science to find any recognition of anything like it.

Do let's spin something up. I'm all for it.

Posted : November 8, 2016 2:11 AM
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I agree, Satyagraha, lets do it 🙂 I appreciate your support!

Posted : November 8, 2016 1:07 PM
Posts: 204
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To start with, in the materialist view (easy to have, looking out into the material world with these physical eyes), materials are seen to break down into lower forms, thermal energies being released as they change states. Building materials back up, we see thermal energies being required in these processes. For me, the person who showed there is another way was Viktor Schauberger. Everything about the processes of nature is not explained by one form burning up another in a creation/destruction processes. I don't see a tree using heat and expansion to push sap hundreds of feet up a tree. As Schauberger might have put it, some other form of motive force would be drawing the sap up, against gravity's pull, using means which create a cooling while building up new form.

Schauberger saw that man's myopic views were leading to nothing more than destruction of the natural world. It will be up to us to find what he found, perhaps even as he found it himself. As he titled one piece of the little he wrote, Nature Was My Teacher. He saw that all of our energy systems were breakdown systems (also used in Nature). But, Nature's systems were often more of building up systems. If we would fathom these systems, perhaps a certain change of mind and perspective will be necessary. Why we do it, and where we go with it, must not be as we, as a species, have done in the remembered past.

This is an excerpt from, ETHER TECHNOLOGY: A Rational Approach to Gravity Control, by Rho Sigma (Dr. Rolf Schaffranke), page 106:

In the face of our professed frantic search for new energy sources and new modes of more efficient, energy saving transportation, the question arises then why the experiments listed in this volume, as well as the Edgar Cayce readings on the same subject, have been almost completely ignored for such a long time.

Perhaps the answer to this can be furnished by still another reading of the amazing Edgar Cayce, given in reply to the question of another seeker a few years later, who was already on the right track, so to speak:

Q-13: "Give the method of construction of an aircraft controlled by (a) positive electricity."

Cayce's reply in trance admonished the man:

A-12: "It is a long way to these—and there must be determined for what purpose these are used before ye may be given how, in what manner. For these take hold upon Creative Forces. Show thyself approved, first!"

The reading was then abruptly cut off with the words (still in trance):

A-13: "We are through for the present."

We are faced with the fact that an outline of an entirely new, revolutionary method of propulsion is now evolving. Like fans generally, the proper jet-engines of present-day aircraft move the air of our atmosphere purely mechanically, the ether as the universal matrix of all elements, including of course the chemical elements which make up our atmosphere, can evidently be moved electrically, taking the surrounding air or the craft itself along for the ride.

Cayce asks us why we want it? What will we do with it? Do we deserve it? I believe the answers to these questions can tell us why we don't as yet have it.

Would I risk having that hold "upon Creative Forces?" If so, should we risk any continuation of the status quo?

If we can but handle that "Show thyself approved, first!"


Schaffranke's out of print book is at various places on line in PDF form. Here's one from a quick search: http://u2.lege.net/cetinbal/PDFdosya/EtherTech.pdf

Posted : November 8, 2016 3:18 PM
Posts: 1026
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Excellent post Satyagraha, spot on with Shauberger's vision from what I see. The key is to be inwardly seeking or implosive in your thought and action to unlock these secrets for creation. The problem as has been easily seen in the recent presidential election is that all of our "leaders" think in destructive explosions and seeks to express fear rather than impress with loving constructive action. I think the true secret of this technology is the thought it requires to unlock it, that being said the most evil people in the world have stolen or corrupted this knowledge for power and control as well. In order to simply level the playing field pointing out the difference in the principles involved and explaing how these technologies operate at the levels of matter, energy, and information are all key to a new philosophy that might be "approved". So how do you learn the secret without knowing it already, here is the real secret: everyone knows "it" at a visceral level, we all just have to learn how to ask the right questions to make it conscious. It's time to start asking the hard questions not with our voices, or minds, but with our souls.

Posted : November 9, 2016 1:53 AM
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And with those insights this thread been pointed in the exact direction I was hoping for 🙂

Posted : November 9, 2016 7:21 PM
Posts: 204
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...we all just have to learn how to ask the right questions to make it conscious. It’s time to start asking the hard questions not with our voices, or minds, but with our souls.

The questions, the right ones, might be those suggested by the most ancient known wisdom traditions. As your last sentence suggests, questions of the mind will be to miss something essential to earning the aforementioned approval. The important questions do their magic when they are simply held in the heart (a word I would use rather than "soul," simply because it has more of a relevant meaning to myself).

Allowing fear to enter into consciousness, as a chronic pressure, we will find no route to an adequate approval. It seems for this conscious expression, it had to become old in body in order to dare begin any open discussions of tapping the source, as it reaches into the physical sphere. It was not until all the illusions of this world could be seen as such, and then at that, for all to be seen as grace, could the unity of all that is be entertained.

There are no evil people. Just ignorant ones. All enter into an ignorance of Self through identity in a physical body. No blame there. When the false identity of the separate self is discovered in the consciousness, the play we share as these expressions here might begin as who we truly are. Infinite possibilities then can open.

The one thing about that Edgar Cayce reading that blasted through to my understanding so long ago was this: Free energy has to be free. While the power of false identity rules, there can be no great good in its revelation. No political leader, no priesthood, no cabal, will serve the Oneness with any secret of such potential. Free energy will have to be given away, uncorrupted by even a desire for recognition, though recognition might well come.

The path is narrow and difficult to tread, narrow as the razor's edge.


That attachment does not belong here and I can find no way to remove it. Sorry about that. Don't know how that leaked in here. I was trying to attach it to another thread in today's show commentary.

Posted : November 9, 2016 8:04 PM
Posts: 1026
Noble Member

The questions, the right ones, might be those suggested by the most ancient known wisdom traditions. As your last sentence suggests, questions of the mind will be to miss something essential to earning the aforementioned approval. The important questions do their magic when they are simply held in the heart (a word I would use rather than “soul,” simply because it has more of a relevant meaning to myself).

While the heart can be used as a materialistic shorthand for the soul, I belive it is just the outward expression of the soul which is purely information-based.
The Heart, Mind and Spirit by Professor Mohamed Omar Salem

The one thing about that Edgar Cayce reading that blasted through to my understanding so long ago was this: Free energy has to be free. While the power of false identity rules, there can be no great good in its revelation. No political leader, no priesthood, no cabal, will serve the Oneness with any secret of such potential. Free energy will have to be given away, uncorrupted by even a desire for recognition, though recognition might well come.

Absolutely, this technology has to be given away, at least the knowledge related to it. I would not begrudge a person compensation for their labor.

PS - why attach the picture of Reinhard Gehlen?

Posted : November 10, 2016 1:35 AM
Posts: 204
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PS – why attach the picture of Reinhard Gehlen?

Yeah, that.

Okay, here's the long version of the story. I have been a bit frustrated that this particular forum platform is seriously bare bones, compared to what I have gotten used to. But even more constrained are the individual podcast commentary threads, having no bells and/or whistles whatsoever. So, just dicking around, I discovered that I could use formatting from these forum post dialog boxes, like bold, italics, and block quotes, over in the podcast comments. Today there was some reference to Reinhard Gehlen and I thought I would see if I could post that image over there. It was in the Joseph Farrell thread where I posted about having read Gehlen's autobiographical book: The Service. When the code appeared for that image file I imported, I cut it from here and pasted it over there. It was visibly gone from the dialog box here, so I thought I had removed it. Anyway, the image code did not transfer over to there. I figured it was worth a try. I came back here later and wrote that new post and when I clicked "submit," there was that image popped back in with no way I could find to delete it. Oh well...


While the heart can be used as a materialistic shorthand for the soul, I belive it is just the outward expression of the soul which is purely information-based.

What I speak of as the heart, in this case, more to myself, it is in no way an informational thing. Not a thing in any material sense, nor even as the concept. Certainly not the pump. It was just a word I use, and it's not even what it would pretend to describe. I have no desire to quibble over what it means. All things have only the meanings we give to them. Words, eh? I was only saying that for myself. The Tao ain't going to be told and still be the Tao. Soul isn't a word that has as much meaning to me, not in my heart, at least (ha ha). Soul is a word I was fed as a kid in church that never meant much of anything to me. I almost went on in that post about some things I have heard from Gregg Braden about the heart brain connection. I decided not to.

To-may-to, to-mah-to. Giving me papers to read on stuff should be last resort, as I have a hard time reading most of the time. It's the lysdexia.

There are people I listen to who talk about consciousness, saying the same things, using the same words, but meaning the opposite in their particular phraseologies. Yet I can get each of them, once I see what they are getting at. If there arises any difficulties in these communications, feel welcome to ask for clarification. I will try and do the same. I find the same problems of language crop up when talking about weird science. It's nice how the two subjects are intersecting in this thread, eh?

Posted : November 10, 2016 4:35 AM
Posts: 16
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My particular background (primarily occult and natural sciences based in reference to free energy), calls me to the aether theories, and conceptual ties with Da'ath of the Ets Chayyim. Da'ath is the point of nothing through which every embodiment in both macro and microverse must pass on it's way to manifestation, and is heavily conceptually tied to Kether, the precedent of both force and form. To truly be removed from force and form, yet recognized as something, Kether must be an active form of nothing, implying a background of passive nothing to exist upon. Everything of Creation is said to pour out of Kether, through Chokmah (Force) and Binah (Form), before crossing the void that is the hidden location of Da'ath (Knowledge) on it's way to manifestation. Accepting the concept of creative nothingness, or a state of pure potentiality with no expression (Thomas Bearden's vacuum energy, various aether theories I've heard referenced or outlined by various sources. Apologies, I'm relatively new to the subject.), for a tangible consistent reality to occur, pressure must be equalized between the dynamic source of all creation and the stagnation that is manifestation. Part of this balance is achieved through a series of filters interpreted as Sephiroth, slowing and managing the eternal flow, and the rest relies on something of an exhaust connection to passive nothing. To describe passive nothing, this is a substance which is so nothing and inactive that it makes anything it comes into contact with more something. At this point, I'd like to take a moment to shake my fist at the English language. This exhaust port to the passive nothing serves to ease the pressure caused by the constant output of the active nothing. Things dispelled into this passive nothing start to bring us into multiverse theory if you follow the rate of extrapolation and assume one was able to maintain it's structural integrity on it's rapid evolutionary journey to cosmic proportions, but this has little to do with my current point. Da'ath, as this exhaust port that everything must pass through on it's way to manifestation, unfolds as the portion of the aether or vacuum which allows near field physics to work.

Posted : December 25, 2016 9:17 PM
Posts: 204
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At this point, I’d like to take a moment to shake my fist at the English language.

There's just something about shaking our fists at what is, and isn't... But, I hear you. Perhaps it is an intellect which arose from that infinite nothingness to be a something so limited in comparison that something demands that fists cannot remain at rest. Perhaps wisdom lies in just embracing a great deal as mystery and developing a taste for just that. I am completely cool with not knowing. That said, curiosity abounds, and it's fun to play in the maya. Even when some experiment seems to work, I will still understand that I am nothing, knowing nothing.

So, is the Hebrew language about manifestation like Eskimo words for snow? I don't see Hebrew speakers building free energy plants.

Posted : December 25, 2016 11:27 PM
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I heard of a company who could now imprint magnetic polarities in a magnets anywhere they want. I wonder if there has been a simple perpetual motion device using these magnets.

The best invention would be one that would use very little power input via man made power for control, to adjust the influences of an endless natural power. The notion always have shown that changes in a frequency could alter or focus/control the effects of natural forces to do incredible amounts of work compared to the amount of force we would have to input. Does anyone have an idea of a process that might fit this bill? Any ideas of where we could start?

Posted : December 27, 2016 1:49 PM
Posts: 16
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I apologize for my incomplete first post, and my delay in responding. Life is hectic for me and mine like I'm sure it is for most here. As for the shaking of my fist, it was a futile gesture to spite the language within which my communications are trapped and by which my concepts are watered down. Manifestation truly is a fall in which form, while allowing function, inherently limits and alters the truth of an object or concept. Suffice it to say, the passive nothing of my last post reverse engineers the truth of a concept, by playing the background of negative existence. Nature abhors a vacuum on all levels of existence, and nothing can only be considered a vacuum in this case if there is something within it to demonstrate it's lack. In this case, instead of being pulled apart physically, it is a conceptual distillation. A removal of conceptual dimension if you will, til perspective is meaningless, and the concept itself is a singularity, where all aspects can only be understood or experienced concurrently. The last part of which serves as a functioning understanding of the universe itself. Alright, terms and functions defined, my entire point was to attempt to demonstrate a connection between occult theory and certain iterations of current free energy theory. As I'm sure many have heard, there is a famous maxim from the Emerald tablet that states 'As above, so below,'. This is a concept that can be demonstrated again and again throughout nature, consistently enough that I use it as a law of science (Walt Thornhill's mention of this consistency in the electric universe theory pleased me greatly). The reason I bring this up is to point out the perceivable junction point in the near future between free energy and the occult, and the framework available from this juxtaposition of worlds that can allow us to elevate ourselves to this understanding. There is a wisdom, as you say, in embracing the mystery in life. But that wisdom comes from the removal of preconceptions so that progress can be made free of our unknown mistakes of the past, not from accepting the mystery as a true boundary imposed upon us. And, yes actually. Digging into the origins and meanings of the Hebrew characters and language, you discover that manifestation is actually what they were created to describe, and the Eskimo comparison is rather apt studying the full theory.

Posted : January 2, 2017 6:40 PM
Posts: 204
Estimable Member

...wisdom comes from the removal of preconceptions so that progress can be made free of our unknown mistakes of the past, not from accepting the mystery as a true boundary imposed upon us.

Does not embracing the mystery remove the boundaries?

I have been crunching away at what I perceive to be one of those "unknown mistakes of the past" over in this thread: http://www.thehighersidechatsplus.com/forums/topic/electric-universepolar-opening/. Have you noticed that discussion?

I will still be limited by having English be pretty much my only language to use in this medium. And on top of that, I flunked four years of it in high school, and never fully mastered reading at a level that would open a great deal of the literature to me. But curiously, I was handed a mimeographed copy of the Emerald Tablets over fifty years ago, but could only have them for one night. I did an all-nighter with them. Too bad I have also have always had a problematic short term memory. But, as above, so below, the Hermetic Axiom, did sort of take hold.

Posted : January 2, 2017 8:16 PM
Posts: 16
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Ha. It certainly does, though from your previous reply I had gotten the impression of placidity rather than plasticity in attitude towards the mysteries. I apologize for the misunderstanding. As for the other thread, I had not actually. I'm still in the process of getting reacquainted with forums and technology in general at the moment, and have not yet remastered the art of combing forums. And, unfortunately, I speak little of the actual language, myself. Most of my knowledge is from studying the Kabbala and the Ets Chayyim, in which they have a pivotal role.

Chromerhino, if there hasn't been, there certainly should be. Do you happen to remember anything else about the company? As far as a process like you describe, it calls to mind something Shamangineer brought up in his interview. I can't remember the specifics, but it had to do with everything in the data to matter spectrum only being differentiated by their levels of oscillation. At the time, it immediately brought to mind the concept of Strange Loops from an Eternal Golden Braid, another anomaly discovered all through nature (typically in the pattern of the Fibonacci sequence I believe). I'd guess that such a process as you describe would find it's key in determining the parameters for the strength and delivery of a proper starting charge that could theoretically be applied to anything conductive in order to yield vast amounts of energy ready to be manipulated through the spectrum.

Posted : January 2, 2017 10:20 PM
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