well so we meet again.
this is a teaspoon
big bang, yesc sir

Dear Fall Out Boy,
I appreciate your distinction between I and You. Makes me feel like we're friends. And you wield fucking AWESOME power. It dazzles me and leads me right back into that motherfuckin maze, don't it? Leading man...
If you guys fuck me, man, I'll be heartbroken. AGAIN. I fell in love with you bastards when this all started. I sooo want you to be cool. But even a Jersey boy is ten times bitten, eleventh time shy.
You should be smarter than that. Or are your lies too intricate for me? It ain't about winning. It's about one side being taught a fuckin LESSON. You don't get to control the whole board. That ain't balance. That ain't a game. That ain't His game.
Goddam laws a physics require a pendulum swing in the opposite direction to an almost equal degree. And that's gonna look like winning. And feel like it. Unless you're sittin on the sidelines, like a schmuck.
You and fuckin Fort Minor, man... It'd be nice to think a dude had pals.
So, at night, we're not crashin hips- more like crashin parties. A-ha!!! I knew I wasn't that good in bed!!! You are NOT dealin with an idiot here, buddy.
But man, I'm startin to think playin with you bitches is focusing on evil. And I think I need a break from that shit. Maybe forever.
"What are you willing to do?"
"I would do anything for love, but I won't do that."
Avi, ask madman how he knows what will and won't last forever. I get it now, the drowning. The Abyss. Man, you fuckers had me pegged from day one. I hope I didn't scare you, babe. Oh, but you knew what was gonna happen anyway, right?
Barbie, I snitch better than you sing.
Domo Arigato, Demi Lovato
Yeastie, you ever seen a sasquatch start a zombie apocalypse?
Pink, bitch, I'm keepin this motorcycle.
Bleach, how'd I beat ya? How did my LAZY ass Seussian snipe you outta your tower, bro? Because it was never about the technicals. It was always about the heart. Gotta suck, man. I feel for ya. I want you to hear me now- HE turned you into the high school principal. Not me.
Maddy, I'm still gettin my kiss.
Stef, thanks for the bananas.
I got a haircut of violent short, oh-oh-oh
So when I change the shirt you can still hear my retort, oh-oh-oh
Pix, I had the most fun with you. No, babe, I was never ready.
Somebody tell Kenny to go fuck himself.
You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Do you fucking BELIEVE this shit???
Me neither.
I wonder who gives the devil his do
In my mind maze- partially created by you
How much money you make when the video's through?
How much fuckin wealth can this train wreck accrue?
I guess that no one gets a break here
Go cry your fake tears
And act the jealous fucking girlfriend
Cause you have got to buy a vowel, bro
And here's a towel, so
You can dry off that wet head
Back then I thought you were a true buddy
An asshole who could understand hyperbole
But you proved to me quite intentionally
That you don't understand forever when it follows maybe
I guess that no one gets a break here
Go cry your fake tears
And act the jealous fucking girlfriend
Cause you have got to buy a vowel, bro
And here's a towel, so
You can dry off that wet head
Man that shit's funny- walk away in shame
Intelligence analysis isn't your game
I declared victory - it ain't quite the same
And if I quit, who the fuck ya think we should blame?
I guess that we'll just blame the Minor
There's nothing finer
Than exporting your failures
Because your life is like a ship, bro
And even twits know
It ain't my job to sail yours
Hey babe, this is where you start:
Ignoring em's all well and good. But I say we hire a couple a wranglers to go upatairs and beat the shit out of em. Little work and you wind up here:
Wanna play, Skylark?
You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

SITREP: Shinoda
This swingin dick makes me wanna take over globes.
Last time he spoke to me, he looked like this:
Makes me want to go to war.
Hey Bleach, if I steal just one boot, was it all worth it?
Hey, fuck you, man! That prick JUST kicked me in the balls. Play with time, punk! Up yours.
Dude, play high.
Bleach can take one tenth of what he gives. That shit is high enough for me. That dude hits HARD. No fuckin around. Just bein near the fucker's painful.
Maybe he's tryin to tell you somethin.
Yeah, he AND Skylark are tryin to make me look like a cannibal on a carousel at Neverland Ranch.
Or is it a confession from an asshole who has NO GODDAM CLUE how to do it right? Or is it a kick in the balls to the moron who refuses to address the elephant in the goddam room? Maybe he knows some people who'd lace up if they had certain assurances...
Are you kidding me??? Listen up! I DON'T MAKE THE FUCKIN RULES HERE! But I got a pretty good idea what they are.
1.) Victory Not Vengeance
2.) Thou shalt not kill. Literally. But metaphorically, we seek genocide.
Given those, I see one strategic maneuver that could win this whole fuckin thing for us. Any man or woman that got led down the wrong path - no matter how far - is offered full AMNESTY and Letters of Marque. IF they end their evil bullshit TODAY. Simple as that.
No fucking way, dude. This whole thing started with the LOST BOYS. The fucking CORYS.
Nobody can help the corys but themselves now. You think I didn't wanna be Edger or Allen Frog? I CAN'T SAVE THEM. All I think I can do is make sure it happens a LOT less in the future.
It's a pussy move, dude. You were supposed to be this fucking warlord!
I plan to rain boots down upon him. Those who've got the most stake in the fight. Those who he tricked and misled THE WORST. Those who can't sleep because of the guilt and shame they relive, thinking that if there even WERE a God, He could surely never forgive THEM.
Yeah, man, precisely the people you HAAAAATE. The lowest of the low. Scumbags who would abuse their power on that scale...
You talk vengeance, man. I talk forgiveness. I talk redemption. You don't think He gives points for Most Improved?
The New Age has softened you. Don't judge anyone else. Integrate and merge with the child molester. CAN YOU HEAR YOURSELF???
Wrong. I am engaged in force denial and force multiplication. I take the enemy's weapons from him and help to perfect them for OUR use. That's the game I'm in, son. Any man shootin for Most Improved can sail with me. That's why I'm goin back in for Bleach.
I WON"T impose again on our friendship. I think I got the hang of it. Slow and easy... let em punch themselves out. Immune to purp now, too, so should be a walk in the park. Love you, brother.
You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Breathe, dude. Nice and slow...
I was the one who said I was comin back in to let homie punch himself out, right? I'm the mastermind a that goddam plan. That was me.
YOLO, baby.
Dude I wanna argue with EVERYTHING in that.
I know, dude, that's the test.
This is all labyrinth bullshit tryina draw me in.
And maybe a legitimate issue.
Yeah, dude. If she's a boot, you fucked her.
Dude, I was just charging forward. Nobody thought any of this was real. I was just havin my little dance with insanity. It was all too good to be true.
Yeah, for her, too, it seems like.
You have any idea what that oath bullshit is, they keep bringin up?
Between you and Ri?
No. I just thought it was forced teaming.
Me too. Been a long time since a hottie forced teamed me. I had no problems with it.
You think she mighta been the one the whole time?
That's Labyrinth talk.
I ran from you, madam. I know that you are a piece on the board that could take me out. That's not the only reason you scare me. I am here to DEMYSTIFY. I am a Mark Passio disciple. The last thing I want is to build more mystery into this. There's already too much.
Uh oh, dude. Did she just say I was building a razor wire shrine? How fucking cool is that??? That is a goddam love song to me! Fucked up, tantrumy man and all! Hey, thank you, bleach! I woulda missed out on Sarah! But our battlecry here, madam, is "Fuck Schtum." I ain't gonna hold in much.
Duuuude. Top shelf betty like this makes you wanna dance with her. Razor wire shrine... Temple of warship... Na, yours is better. More visceral... tangible. Mine's too big and ethereal to have the kick in the balls yours does. Yours is up close and personal, baby.
Ah. Lesbian. Check out this high level feminine fuckery, dude. This is WEAPONS GRADE ART. This song is written from the perspective of my wife. Who I'm Lifetime Original Movieing right now. Evil man. I should feel guilty and get back with her - when all the signs say different. Either that, or she's gonna get me to fall in love with her- using my own wife's words- making me a hypocrite glamour chaser. Then there's a third level where she can say, oh no, this is just me coming to terms with my own bad acts and personal demons. AND, when I figure the shit out - that she's tryin to screw me - Her confession and apology ARE ALREADY IN THE SONG. Fuckin masterful. You see? This is why I wanted no part a this chick.
Hey, babe, you wanna lace up, I'd love to have ya. I stand in awe and I'm pretty sure I poll like shit with you chicks, so you'd be a boon to me, gorgeous. We all got our achilles heels.
You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

This is me giving too little, too late. I really am sorry, babe. You don't have to forgive me. I just needed to win so fast. So bad. Looking back woulda hurt too much. My pride. You got it anyway, babe. Whatever it's worth.
Gimme a sec, babe... This is the first time I been in this place and had my soul healed on such a meaningful level. Fuckin still cryin over here. That is mind blowing healing power you wield, woman.
Bitches like you make becoming Immelda Marcos a real pain in the ass.
T I,
I don't know you. Come off like S1W with guns. Me an Yeez beef about a Klondike. I think that's why I can't let it go. There might be some past life shit or energetic fuckery, cause the dude just rubs me the wrong way. I don't gotta like everybody I work with. I know you don't give a fuck, but I'd call you solid before I'd call ya rude. Hey, man, if you could point me to those lies you're talkin about, it'd be useful to me.
The greatest love song ever made without the help of Fort Minor? Yeah, dude, I could kinda see what you're talkin about. Although, lies, dude? Less than honest, maybe, but I thought this was show biz. I thought that's what I had to do. Plus, dude, I think I was outta my mind on purp. Had some bad drug and energy interactions. If it's somethin other than that, lemme know.
So, man, I don't know if these are the "lies" you're talkiin about, but lemme just let everybody know this. I AIN'T NO VET, I AIN'T NO GANSTA. I am a suburbanite mockingbird. Who demystifies.
Or tries to, as much as he fucking can...
Dude, I don't know your world. I come from a place where kids can shoot their mouth off at will. I don't wanna live in old Chicagp, man. I just wanna talk as cool as you dude's would.
Sounds like you might have some maps I don't. You ever wanna swap charts, dude.
Uh... The charts'll be plenty, man.
My gassed jet comes on better than your mayor's wife...
You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Know what sounds fun to me? We should all sit down and talk about how low I should feel. Because it's obvious by now that I'M the low-life monster here.
So maybe somebody should give me some fuckin lessons. I trade in righteously weaponized arrogance. So it'd be good if somebody could teach me why I should be pullin out the fuckin humble guns right about now.
I'll go first.
You did.
You didn't tell me.
So now I bend over for playing the cards I thought were dealt to me. You steal my cards from me. You change my cards. You cheat to get over on me. Why's that? Scared a that fair fight? Naw. Big tough guys like you?
You come at me with bados, pix, maddy, fuck dude- I can't list em! And I'm supposed to get my HUMILITY TRAINING!
You fuckers are LOST. What did he do to your logic?
Point 2
All that shit was my first Point. Point 2 is "Who's watchin who?" Who's got everybody's knickers in a twist WITHOUT LEAVIN HIS CHAIR? I'll tell ya who. Astronaut Mike Dexter.
What happens when Supreme Arrogance marries Ever Loving Charity? What does that kid look like? Here's hopin he gets the best traits of both. Wouldn't wanna abuse him as he was comin up. Might turn him into a dick.
Oh, but you gotta learn me about this fuckin world, dontcha? Grow me up into somethin big and strong by destroying my innocence. Feels so good, doesn't it?
Lemme try.
Sit right down there, kiddies, and let me tell you the story of the armies amassing in razor wire shrines across the globe. Or have you heard that one already? In the version you heard, was there alotta torches and pitchforks? Alotta flaying? Yeah, dude. Some chick should write a better ending to that story.
Mine would have characters arking toward ascension. Real power built from the self. Not parlor tricks doled out by your master because you learned the right goddam handshake. I don't know, that would kinda feel like trickin to me. But I guess it ain't trickin if ya got it.
You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Was this my gassed teddy?
You motherfuckers take forever to get to the point.
Hey, man, is there really a two shot minimum, here? Cause I probly hit Maddy up three or four times as a teenager. Like a Virgin album cover, as I remember fondly... HARDCORE OLD SCHOOL STILL PHOTOGRAPH, baby! Some of us don't play.
So I guess i was already spoken for. Let's do me a favor and cut off the fuck chatter. One suitcase per person, ladies.
Ever seen forty odd foot a dame laid waste by your boy's armada?
You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

An honest buddy's Armada kicks the shit outta a fancy two gun rig.
Dude, do you have ANY Idea how fucking AMAZING you make me feel? Like I got the ever-loving righteous right hand a God incarnate in my duffle. And, once in a while, ya gotta bring ol' Painless outta the bag.
Was it Apocalypse Now where they called in the air strike to Almighty?
I am become Death. The destroyer of paradigms.
I always wanted to say some cool shit like that. Dude, so I was cleanin my house a few months back and everything just went right. Like I was vacuumin and the cord connection between the vac and the extension cord was just magically dodgin all the wall corners and hang ups. This chair was already outta place, so it got vacuumed under. Shit like that.
And I was thinkin, "Is this what it's like when you're in The Zone? When all the spirits and entities around you have your back?" That's a sublime feeling, man. This is the first time I've felt that way since. I owe you, brother.
Everybody Else,
You just saw MASTERFUL masculine sorcery. THIS MOTHERFUCKER UNDERSTANDS THE MEANING OF THE WORD PALS. Check it out - I'm in the maze, humping through swamps a hotty. I see, low on the suggestions list, Shinoda goin "I Can't Hear You."
Hold on. That's my air support. He's sayin coms are down. This is first priority now. Click on it. He ain't sayin coms are down, man. It was James Bond usin irony to make sure I could hear him through all the pink.
Turns out, this hard nosed swingin dick dropped a device in my lap that folds skirt. ALL OF IT at the SAME TIME. But we're just gettin started. This thing lifts and purifies old meat. Like the turret you hoist into position and give one last good cleaning to.
This thing buys me a day off. UNFORGIVINGLY. Took it like it was handed down from On High. It was BLISSFUL. And you know what else? Damn near the whole day, I felt FUCKING FANTASTIC.
Because a you, this story looks like this. - To everybody.
You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Madam, I have been forever in your debt since I've known you. Startin to look like misogyny on parade in here. Thank you.
Nice to meet ya.
Dude, I hear ya. You hafta gimme some play. You're talkin to the king a swords, here. I gotta weigh all my options. Helps to sleep on em a few. Yeah, stud, he may have played me at the end there, but with wise ass council like yours watchin my back? Gimme a couple nights to sleep on it and digest. My ass'll see reason.
But honestly, dude, this is my problem.
He treated me with nothing but respect. The dude's a smoothy. Made me feel for him.
I feel like I know too much about the game. It feels like if I reveal EVERYTHING there won't be any game left. Ya can't end him.
So here's how I plan to play it. I'm gonna be as honest and true to myself as I can be. And I'm gonna try to demystify without fuckin up the whole game. And if my word counts for anything around here, I sever ALL contracts with Lucifer. In the name of Michael. Amen.
Kick ass and take names.
But I hear ya. Stories need to be told. So I'm crankin up to fill libraries. Just might take a little while...
You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Because societies are built to insulate us from true freedom. Nobody wants true freedom. Even evil assholes don't want true freedom. They want their bullshit rules so they can look down on you when you show up to the party adorned in a second belt. Two belts has been cool since the sheath, lady. Don't know what your problem is.
True Freedom is lions taking elephant cubs. It is raw nature. The vast majority of us agreed to live in a society where we would play by some of the same rules so that we could keep our cubs from being taken by lions.
The american dream you describe is not what we agreed to. We agreed to a set of Articles that we would all play by.
You cheated and won the game. Congratulations!
Game Over.
Now we start a new game. Don't know what the rules are, man... So let's start with silence. Nobody's outtin anybody. I know there are some of you worse than others. I, personally, don't need to hear it. You confess to Him and END your bullshit, He'll know. NOBODY ELSE HAS TO.
But we hafta know it went on.
So you take your 24 hour news cycle and start prepping His masses. Something big is coming AND ITS GOOD FOR ONCE. Maybe we won? Squinty-eyed children are emerging from their holes of captivity. All at once. Is it a miracle? All the experts are gonna need some time to analyze the intelligence. But THANK GOD.
Little while later it looks like really bad things were happening behind the scenes in the corridors of power. Cultural, political, industrial and financial leaders agree that this is the ONE FUCKING THING we can all agree on in this country. THE RAPE OF CHILDREN ENDS.
Fox news experts appear on CNN to discuss the tactical benefits of TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION scenarios like South Africa's. The media generally portrays an air of STAND DOWN. This is too big. Our undercover "white hats" may have just won the whole fucking game! We would hurt our objectives, and possibly innocent children, if we moved too fast. We don't understand everything yet.
The greatest heroes of our time, those working against the trafficking of children, might be killed if we proceed with vengeance. Undercover agents and forces working in conjunction with them may have just unlocked the whole puzzle. We cannot be rash. During this time politicians get a lot less righteous and a lot more humble. This ball was dropped ON THEIR WATCH and they will do EVERYTHING IN THEIR POWER to make right their failure.
Then it's truth and reconciliation, baby.
You punks are the ones with all the MK ultra bullshit. Use light and fluffy techniques to transition the populace. No fear or evil bullshit. Rainbows and fucking unicorns used in uninvasive ways to make the "children" understand what's happening without getting rageful.
It's a new technology for the media. It's called Empowerment. Can you empower your brothers and sisters toward forgiveness? Toward a sacrifice of their rage upon the altar of Never Again? We give up our need for vengeance and, in exchange, we receive our victory and put an end to the horror.
If I told you we could win this war with an act of surrender, would you believe me?
If you had the power to free generations of future children, could you sacrifice your hate to accomplish that goal? Could you soldier up and get the goddam job done?
Pick your perspective, man. There are a few.
Forgive the past for a brighter future?
Not me. I'll be vanquishing my foe without a shot fired, thank you. The pinnacle of military achievement.
Every man's got his own route up that hill. Those routes should be heard on the news over video of REAL FOUND CHILDREN. Lots of em. Cause my boys got a habit a sniffin out cloak and dagger fuckery. And we'll know. But most importantly, Mike'll know.
"Oh, but we already did that! Don't you know we saw you coming and that's why so many children were released under Trump?"
Well then, you pricks shot your wad too goddam early. Showtime's now, bro. I guess that was your dress rehearsal. Now you gotta go out and get the kids from your buddy's dungeon. Now you need HIS kids for YOUR part in this show.
That's just what I AM thinking...
Anybody got any better ideas?
You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Thunderous come wonderous
Almighty blunderbussed 'em
Through hallowed wall
And then back
Drummers shake the ground under us
Rhythms righteous and chunderous
To the tyrant's silent whips
His encircling warships
And all who'd seek to still or stall or plunder us
Humpin Justice's underbelly
From midnight to three
Walk the gutter
Like it's mother
Cleaning up what I see
Like Morpheus
Mic Sorcerous
Righteous, flightless but armed
Maelstrom tailspin
Hail the railsmen
But I think we're all charmed
He watches now
And comes to plow
The fruit that we all farmed
Beg His grace
Upon this place
Leave the innocents unharmed
I took my place
Right side, warfaced
Kept the women and children balmed
Gave aid to my brother
Lent weapons and cover
Please keep him whole and becalmed
I have hijacked loads
Of the stories told
And this is my favorite one
Four cornered lights
Red desert knights
Imported Navajo guns
Phones come alive
And these fuckin guys
Drive out into nights still undone
Break a man's mind
What they leave behind
Fascinating, but you couldn't say fun
UFO's drag and drop 'em
Core your beef top to bottom
Ain't the least a what they got on
Top a THE all time forgotten
Walkin skins and talkin ranch
They say if you speak
The bombs these dudes leak
The skinnies'll seek out and
Trim your fam damily's whole branch
Trust me there, bro
You don't wanna know
Their eyes speak through thousand yard stare
Stalwart and elite
The one thing they keep
Repeatin to all who heard fair
They roll no fear
Know their God- hold him dear
If He wants em gone, then He'll do it
Closing holders
Prime embolders
Hack the game and see through it
Check and mate
All hands directive
Make wide the gate
King come collective
Seal now our fate
Divine invective
And make every faithless mate
Look to his life and review it
This manned sarcophagus
My future Heliopolis
Dance to the plot of this
Ol sharper's quip
Does He smile at the thought of us
Give rise to the lot of us
Bend the edge of the shot at us
Require just that of us
Wielding cocaine and platypus
Inspired mad-hatter us
Not to punish or shatter us
But to harden and sharpen us
Bring to light all the dark in us
Find His note on the harp in us
And then let em all fly
Hear our pleas
Legions knee'ed
Give us this day Your almighty lead
Metal slappin
Candles lappin
Chambers clappin
Hard men scrappin
Wrappin up and laying down out on that floor
That we may paint until dead
All the lost and unsaid
And then raise 'em ten times brighter than before
Leave the dragon
Punked and saddened
Cladden in his punctured madam
Scramblin belly high and laggin off all fours
Lacin reigns for grace in chains
Faith defamed, returns in flames
Run shutters for the windows and reinforce your doors
Buildin crews of mission capables
Formless coordinates inescapable
Coordinated, reinstated, death and fire to their cores
Undebated highest rated ranked and thanked in evermore
Quoted voted posted loaded
Drop with logic you can't dodge
We stand devoted
Powder coated
Got a monster in the garage
Come and get us
He won't let us
Become one more mirage
Take form slowly
Trimmed and holy
Drum 'em up and then triage
Everyone on me
Wants in on zombie
Their masks just camouflage
Rumble stumps
Divine tree trunks
Let fly your next barrage
You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

fifthcolumn wrote:
Mmmmmmmmm...What if I told you that You Won
Had the most perfect Long Gun
Steamroll conquer the Wrong One
A proposal that's Too FunOh baby, now we got Hurt Skirt
Oh when it used to be Pet Flirt
You got myriad Problems
So now I hafta Solve EmYou can whine and bitch now
I might hafta get hitched now
No, man, I don't know her
Kinda forced to tap and stow her
Who the fuck are you and where do you want me to throw yaMy brother warned me
about your little corny
Hyper pixie chick, innocent demeanor
Said that I should look you up
Maybe offer you a cup
I don't teeny bop unless its punch is cleaner
Now you hit me with this littany
Of goddess, did I see Brittany?
Half those bitches ain't yours, you fuckin tween'erThe other half, I'm takin cause you are sorely mistaken
Bout their loyalties and royalties while this ground is still shakin
They ain't stupid, lithe and lucid, got their own fucking problems
Rather not war me, shoot and score me, to feed your teenage goblins
That's right, missy, throw your hissy see if pissy don't follow
Little girls, the wind of whirls, landing blatant and hollowLearn the tricks of the trade- you howl with balls and grenade
I'll not forget the hostile nature of this parley
And Loves, you wanna forget this and make up a new story?
Then be glad you didn't net this. And I'm takin Fiori.Your whole crew can come with me. I think some already are
You got stones hung from bird-like bones, the rock-steady bizarre
So settle down there, Barbie, you speak teenage and all starvey
Comin off like Harvey, whinin steam all near and far
Easily had the best videos of all time. Period. Match. I Kanye him back.
Gamer girl, all tuck and twirl, hardened stardom left no slack
Won it. Stomped it. Crushed it. So far as I can tell
Scared the fucking shit outta me... feminine from hellBut I can see right through ya, pix, so if you'd like to dance
I'll grab ya, tweeny, down my martini and take you for a chance
Be forgiving with me, pixie, I dance hard, so I'm all heels
And dodge the clumpin trundlers, they're soaked and made half steel
Tell Lamar he's got a job if he's ever feeling with this
And take some notes or I'll hafta have a word with your headmistress
Don't let my boys down your flyboys... or they're girls, now aren't they?
Why'd you go to Maracaibo? Was that your long lost convent stay?
The truth in execution lies in your knowing of the victim
To get in closer,
Butcher's grocer,
It helps to have already licked em.I write this and I stop to think about it. The bitch says right in the lyrics that I'm gonna apologize just for fun. Which is kinda what I just did. Mindfucker. So I write another, trying to explain how, precisely, the pooch was screwed in this particular case. I ain't showin ya that one. Open fucking wounds, brother. Stick to the boot.
When I write this, the thought comes to me that I'm using the same word - trundler - to represent both Jay, in the first song, and my boots in the second. Am I cool with that? Yeah. 'Boot' as one of your boys. I can argue that. I like that, even. And now these lyrics can read like I got an army of tough guys with me that we've gotta dodge as we dance. Fuck yeah. I can back that. I don't hafta change a word. This is the conversation I had with myself.
Makin this shit up as I go along, man. Lotta twists and turns later, miley shows herself and brings me this little jewel that rings my five bell, called 23.
You tell me, man. I only work here.
If you wanted my best guess, I'd say "In the club, high on purp" means "In the maze, thinking you're Jesus." This is the song they turned me out to. I'm pretty sure I'm the one being twirled around with my miniskirt up in my armpits. Thinking I'm all hot shit, while these punks make me dance.
It would really piss me off, except the song's like nine shades of cool. No shit- I had just finished talking shit about "slow-ass Cali rap." 23 is the perfect counterargument to my bullshittery. Make me eat my words. AND he's talkin about the trundler shit I just wrote! Fell in love with that song. Pisses me off, that they gotta talk about my miniskirt. Pricks. So this is the song they turned me out to because it has three balls AND they're talkin about boots, I still might want it as my theme song. Ain't that a bitch?
I go on to use the boot analogy here and there - but never to any explicit purpose. Just kept it in my back pocket while I fucked up everything else.
This is perfect, because it's one of the least embarrassing stories to tell. I even come off looking cool here and there. The rest of the transcript don't read like that. I'm sure much more of it will evoke cringe and humiliation in me when I get the stones to look at it again.
Just now gettin over being in love with chill. No shit. Don't know her. Don't operate that way. Because the movie made me think it? Damn, man. I was never that easy. I guess Bateman's just too dreamy. Never stood a chance.
That's a bold fucking statement to make, asshole.
What, that they made a movie about chill?
Yeah, dipshit. Nobody's buyin it.
Sweet, cause I'm givin it all away for free.
How the fuck are we supposed to feel, looking at your profile?
Dude, you ever play seven days to die? Well... I gotta change that shit, anyway.
Sorry, friend, any schmuck can see you've selected certain songs and crafted a weak story around them.
I, sure as fuck, can't argue with that. That would be a very solid, 3d, logical assessment to make. Got me dead to rights. I can't argue the masculine, I don't have any ground. So I'll argue the feminine. If it is all lies - are they good lies or bad lies?
All lies are bad.
Santa. No, baby, you don't look like somebody just dragged you through the tundra. Mommy and daddy were wrestling.
The lies you're talking about aren't those things.
If they were lies, you'd be right. Do you want them to be lies?
It's not a matter of what I want...
I kinda think it is.
It is a matter of truth. What actually took place.
And how can you ever determine that?
I can't.
So I have no ability to convince you logically?
Seems like it.
Right, that's what I said. So all I've got is the feminine. Yes or no, true or false, honesty or lies - is it bad for ya? Is it unsound? Is it useful? That's all I really care about. I don't think I give a fuck what you believe.
Bateman is kinda dreamy in that movie... be more dreamy if he wasn’t afraid of commitment and trying to chase a confused & scared teen girl. Not trying to let my ego get the best of me and be a weirdo, but your reference was a little too pointed. Have I seen you before? If I got this all wrong, let me know.
Regardless, I think you should get serious about music. You have some serious lyrical ability. Beats are easier than ever to make these days. You can even make em with a Korg nintendo DS game, that’s how widespread software is. You could always get someone else to do it for you, but I’m sure you could get the hang of it.

Hey, babe. I was hopin you'd show. I'm just better when you're around. I promise I wasn't tryin to hit on ya. I'm tryin to be as honest and open with everyone as I can be. I wanted you to know what was happening here.
It was a fear based response. And it didn't need to happen. But I didn't know that then.
Dude, I'll explain EVERYTHING to you. You're the one asshole I wanted to talk to more than ANYONE here. I need a buddy to sit down with and say WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED??? IS THAT MAZE FUCKIN WITH YOUR HEAD LIKE IT IS MINE???
Babe, I have NO romantic designs on you. I hate 22 year old girls. They got nothing interesting to talk about. You're the first one I'd buy coffee for. Just to pick your brain.
I truly apologize for this, woman. It's bigger than both of us.
I'd pal up with ya, if ya wanted to form a united front. I'm confused too. Promise I won't hit on ya.
Just swap intel...
You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

fifthcolumn wrote:
Hey, babe. I was hopin you'd show. I'm just better when you're around. I promise I wasn't tryin to hit on ya. I'm tryin to be as honest and open with everyone as I can be. I wanted you to know what was happening here.It was a fear based response. And it didn't need to happen. But I didn't know that then.
Dude, I'll explain EVERYTHING to you. You're the one asshole I wanted to talk to more than ANYONE here. I need a buddy to sit down with and say WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED??? IS THAT MAZE FUCKIN WITH YOUR HEAD LIKE IT IS MINE???
Babe, I have NO romantic designs on you. I hate 22 year old girls. They got nothing interesting to talk about. You're the first one I'd buy coffee for. Just to pick your brain.
I truly apologize for this, woman. It's bigger than both of us.
I'd pal up with ya, if ya wanted to form a united front. I'm confused too. Promise I won't hit on ya.
Just swap intel...
LOL cool, sometimes I can’t stand being hit on— makes the crab claws come out. Objectification is as good as a declaration of war to me. Your honesty is appreciated and the main reason why your threads draw me in.
But yes, the phrase “the maze” is fitting for my dreams lately. I’ve been in a lot of unfamiliar places— convention centers, old houses, unknown people. Theres a lot of movement & someone trying to connect with me, someone with dark hair and a nose that just falls over his mouth. Showed up twice this week. We got on well. That’s why I had to ask if it was you.
If it’s not you, I’ll keep searching. Do you work with the angels a lot? Or just Michael?
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