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May It Bless All Involved

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I replied quickly and a bit ol school ( just read your reply after starting this off) your right its your about blessing i seem to be on about other stuff.


I think you could be onto something. a new branch off the old magic tree.

What is magic?

Some of it is conjoring spirit entities but most of it isn't, theres a section that needs to branch off from that, it needs (for want of a better word) rebranding - repackaging

you could well be at the speartip of a new thing, a new idea thats out there in the collective subconscious ready to be plucked and brouht into the conscious awareness of more people.

A few hundred years ago to most people magic was being able to read a book without moving your lips - We're all magicians then.
It was being able to turn your will into reality - I will drive a car - we have the gumption to learn to drive and allocate resources to obtain the car. Magic!

21st century folk magic - scientific magic (we need better branding!) is my interpritation of what I think your describing. (please correct or clarify) With a magic twist, going just that bit further than the likes of Bruce Lipton, Joe Dispenza and even Tony Robbins - the methods and results they describe would have been magic a few hundred years ago. Theres a crossover between science and magic it seems.

I might be barking up the wrong tree, I'm just trying to comprehend, our subjectives are different.

If i am on the right track - Keep up the good work of developing these practical methods. translating it from your percetion (ultra-violet?) into somthing other peole can learn from (b&w) will be a doozy.

Posted : July 4, 2019 5:51 AM
Posts: 422
Honorable Member
Topic starter

nickzeptepi wrote: I replied quickly and a bit ol school ( just read your reply after starting this off) your right its your about blessing i seem to be on about other stuff.


I think you could be onto something. a new branch off the old magic tree.

What is magic?

Some of it is conjoring spirit entities but most of it isn't, theres a section that needs to branch off from that, it needs (for want of a better word) rebranding - repackaging

you could well be at the speartip of a new thing, a new idea thats out there in the collective subconscious ready to be plucked and brouht into the conscious awareness of more people.

A few hundred years ago to most people magic was being able to read a book without moving your lips - We're all magicians then.
It was being able to turn your will into reality - I will drive a car - we have the gumption to learn to drive and allocate resources to obtain the car. Magic!

21st century folk magic - scientific magic (we need better branding!) is my interpritation of what I think your describing. (please correct or clarify) With a magic twist, going just that bit further than the likes of Bruce Lipton, Joe Dispenza and even Tony Robbins - the methods and results they describe would have been magic a few hundred years ago. Theres a crossover between science and magic it seems.

I might be barking up the wrong tree, I'm just trying to comprehend, our subjectives are different.

If i am on the right track - Keep up the good work of developing these practical methods. translating it from your percetion (ultra-violet?) into somthing other peole can learn from (b&w) will be a doozy.

21st century folk magic - scientific magic (we need better branding!) is my interpritation of what I think your describing. (please correct or clarify)

Those wouldn't be bad descriptors. I like the word Guerrilla because it feels like anybody could do it. It's not centralized. Perhaps not as elegant or refined. The common man's weapon.

going just that bit further than the likes of Bruce Lipton, Joe Dispenza and even Tony Robbins

Built on the backs of those guys.

Theres a crossover between science and magic it seems.

I think science is just a tool that can be applied to a lot of things. I think keeping a journal is a very scientific way of tracking your progress through magical terrain. Useful.

you could well be at the speartip of a new thing

Don't think so. Feels old.

translating it from your percetion (ultra-violet?) into somthing other peole can learn from (b&w) will be a doozy.

I'm known for tilting at windmills, brother.

You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Posted : July 4, 2019 6:44 AM
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