My Past Life Regression Experience

Hey guys,
I wanted to share the experience I had during a recent Past Life Regression Session I had, and it seemed like a lot to tack onto a random show, and too little to record audio for on it's own. I figured this might be the place for it. I apologize for not posting as often, but I do a good deal of lurking. I'm still working on a lot of back end stuff regarding the entire THC machine and handling a lot of tech support issues, so that eats up all the time I would spend actually having fun with this forum, but I'm getting it more and more streamlined every week. Anyway, to the matter at hand:
So THC+ member 'bkedish' hit me up about his own experience with PLR and resulting friendship with the woman, Kim, who facilitated it for him. This is her website: He urged me to get in touch with her and have my own experience, since her office is here in Southern California. PLR has always been an interest of mine, since I've heard so many stories involving kids with past life "memories," so I figured I had to take a shot, right?
I had no real expectations, in fact I've always been disappointed by any type of energy/psy/etc. sessions I've had. I also know it's common for people to have these very cheesy past life tales of grandeur. Everyone was a king, or meet Jesus, or saw Lincoln shot, etc. which is another thing that has made me skeptical of the practice, or maybe more the people partaking.
Anyway, so I get there and Kim is super nice. We talk about my general feelings about PLR, her experience and abilities, how it's going to work, etc. for a short while before I assume the position.
As for session itself, before we get to the visuals of past life scenes: I was hypnotized for 2 hours. It was an interesting state to be in. Definitely new to me, but pretty in line while descriptions I've heard. Conscious but asleep. I remember at one point trying to open my eyes and felt a lot of resistance. That alone was interesting. I had a good friend get picked to go on stage during a hypnotist comedy show in college, and I knew there was clearly an effect just based on the things she was willing to do on stage without showing any signs of shyness or nervousness. You can't hide those feelings if you're not used to being on stage in front of people. I remember she saying, "Well, I knew what I was doing. I could process it. I just was so relaxed, it was like 'fuck it, sure I'll quack like a duck.'" and now a statement like that makes much more sense to me.
Knowing all the descriptions and details I gave Kim about what I was seeing, having just met her, I was obviously in a state where I never thought about judgement or being self conscious. I just described what I saw, without holding back like a person (me) might have in a typical waking state. It was a quantitatively different state of mind, which I think adds credibility to the visuals/memories.
I'm still open to the idea that these scenes could have been pulled from my subconscious randomly, like dreams, or they could have been pulled from the aether. I will say that they certainly felt personal. I should also say that they were super vivid, way more so than what I can typically come up with in my mind's eye. That could be because they are real memories, or because the hypnotic state amplifies the imagination. I'm open to either possibility.
I also did get the sense that all the following scenes are from a single life. So with that said, I'll just tell you what I saw.
Scene 1: I saw myself as a young kid in 1600-1700 Western Europe. My mom took me to what seemed like my parents work building. Like a court or municipal building. The routine seemed like they drop me off in this nice library type room where I typically sit around bored most days, but the building is really nice with a lot of people rushing around. People would be overly fake nice to me like my parents were important there. I saw my dad doing a lot of thinking and writing in a side room, at his desk, facing the wall. His energy seemed tense. His work seemed weighty. Maybe like he was a judge, or someone who did a lot of contemplation and stress in a professional way.
Scene 2: I'm sort of standing guard in a nice garden on an estate or city center grounds. It might have even been the same building as before. I was in a layered blue and yellow uniform. It felt like some type of mid-level job for diplomats kids. Like "paying dues," but I hated it and was also bored a lot. There was a feeling of restlessness, and that what I was doing was arbitrary, uninteresting, and probably a bit pompous.
Scene 3: I was sent away to school. Some type of "prep" school for something my family did. I also hated being there, felt forced into it, & pressured from parents. There was a girl there I was into. Men and women were separated at this school, but saw each other sometimes in common areas. We quickly recognized we both thought the whole thing was lame. That made her attractive. I got the feeling that she left a lasting impression on me, probably because she seems genuine in a shallow elitist environment. I obviously got the sense that we were privileged, but not essential to anything. More upper-middle class. That goes for my family too. Maybe barely considered upper class.
Scene 4: As some diplomat/judges kid returned from boarding school, I was doing some kind of patrol in a roll similar to my job in the garden, with a bit more responsibility -but not much. A drunk guy in a bar seemed to single me out at random, aimed a gun at me, and wad clearly pissed and jealous of my slightly advantaged path, which I didn't even like. I was pretty shaken up, and didn't feel comfortable as an authority in some system I had no feeling of connection to. So that experience made me walk away from the whole thing. I didn't want to be shoehorned into an "enforcer" for bullshit.
Scene 5: I was in a small cabin or shack. I got the sense that I built it with some other guys. I was a little older and gruff. I had 2 friends that were about the same age. One seemed to be a buddy from the good life that also walked away with me, and the other seemed like just someone we picked up. It felt like the 3rd guy looked up to me and the 2nd guy, as if he still had some psychological residue from our status in the traditional system we ejected ourselves from. We were 3 bachelors who hunted, lived off the land a bit, and drank in this place probably til the end of our days. It wasn't glorious, but it seemed more authentic. My sister came to visit. It seemed like she was a liaison between me and my angry parents. It seemed like travel to get to me was a real pain in the ass, and even though she understood my decisions, she didn't like being put in that middleman position.
Scene 6: I was alone in that cabin and I was freezing to death on the floor. I was sick and weak, but pretty happy with my choices as I reflected back. I watched myself die comfortably laying in a pile of furs by a fire in the fireplace that was nearly out.
Scene 7: Kim prompted my guides to reveal themselves to me if they were willing and able. It seemed to work. I met a spirit guide who was a woman with black hair who liked to fuck with me. Almost seemed like an eternal friend who would never wish me harm, but definitely didn't care if I had all the answers, and sort of liked that I didn't. As if sometimes our roles are reversed. It seemed like her general attitude was "Well now look who has all the answers, and who doesn't. How does it feel?!". She eventually got a bit more serious and said I chose that life I was shown because I wanted to live well, but I didn't like how rigid and controlled it was. It wasn't really what I wanted going in, and I had the feeling I was ripped off. Therefore, in this life my goal was to get back to a really good and free place, but I wanted to build it myself rather than go through a system of prep schools, high family expectations, and obligations. She said my name was something like John Vickers and the school was called Echard (sp?) Academy. I want to try and look this stuff up just for fun, but haven't yet.
The brief experience with the spirit guide made me feel as if we might not have full context when we pick our lives. Or when we pick them, we get progressively better at nailing what experience we're looking for. Upon reflection, assuming reality is something like this "spirits choosing recurring lives" model, it seems like I might be fairly new or experienced with it for a couple reasons:
1. The obvious off-target nature of the life I was shown, from what seemed to be my desire.
2. The fact that all my scenes were from a single life. Most sessions I hear about involve scenes from several, shown at random.
3. The fact that I'm still choosing "good lives." I would think, as one has more and more infinite experiences, they'd start choosing the more dangerous or exotic lives, having gotten bored of the "smooth and easy."
It was interesting that those feelings of restlessness were very in-line with what I felt until THC became my full time job. It was also interesting to think about the chip on my shoulder I've always had for authority, the system, people in uniform, etc. It could totally be a hold over.
Either way, there it is. Make of it what you will. I tried not to inject too much personal belief, or the defining of any paradigm, in an attempt to just convey the fairly unfiltered experience.
Hope you found it interesting. If you're in SoCal, reach out to Kim. If you're somewhere else, look up some Yelp reviews and find yourself a good guide! It's worth trying at least once.

Incredible experience, thank you for sharing.

Thanks for sharing, quite interesting that your experiences centered around one life, perhaps the grizzled hermit life is your only incarnation or perhaps it is to show you what was most relevant to this incarnation.

One thing that gets me with reincarnation is do you go into holding? Obviously the woeld population changes dramatically does that mean you have to wait to be born.. is there a finite amount of spirits? Or is it like a new spirit is made but maybe some escape the cycle and go elsewhere? Did you feel as though the ideas were being implanted by suggestive talk, or were you left to your own?

foresee wrote: One thing that gets me with reincarnation is do you go into holding? Obviously the world population changes dramatically does that mean you have to wait to be born.. is there a finite amount of spirits? Or is it like a new spirit is made but maybe some escape the cycle and go elsewhere? Did you feel as though the ideas were being implanted by suggestive talk, or were you left to your own?
Some possibilities that might solve the fluctuating population issue:
-We could be fractals of a collective consciousness. One "whole" that can split itself to any degree it wants to, to as Bill Hicks said "Experience itself subjectively." Sometimes I think of the idea of "God" as an octopus with 7 billion finger puppets acting things out on the Earth for it's own amusement. If it doesn't fully commit itself to the idea that each is a completely real and separate entity, then the game loses excitement. Think about an infinite being giving itself amnesia, so it forgets it's infinite, just for the sake of the adventure.
-If there is a finite number of spirits, and we are separate beings, it's also possible we manifest on other planets as well. Maybe limited to the Milky Way, maybe not. There is one pretty compelling case at least of a boy born with memories of fighting a great war on Mars. That's a compelling piece of data.
-Regardless of if we're fulling different or not, the spirit world could be something akin to a pool of souls. Some times you want to soak in the pool a little longer than others. Emerge (into a body, into the material world) at your own discretion.
Obviously I have no idea, but those are some things I think about when I consider those issues you raised.

hatzman wrote: Incredible experience, thank you for sharing.
Heck yeah man, it was interesting for sure. Give it a try!

Thanks for that Greg. I really think you should get Kryon on the show... although see my THC post for my own reservations on the 'channeller' issue. Sometimes, Kryon simply kicks ass and makes me laugh, as does Bashar.
I met an American woman a decade ago, who came to view a room I was renting , in Edinburgh, UK. She didn't rent it out ultimately, but we became friends through music, and she confided in me at some point, that I had / have an emotional impact on her. She said that we knew each other back in medieval Europe, and that I was as mean to her then, as she perceived me to be in the present (I wasn't being mean- just young, and intolerant of her ways of expressing herself!). I accepted her assessment at the time, since I've always been open minded about everything.
Secondly, a work colleague (nurse) was taken to the London museum of science when he was just a toddler. He named EVERY damn german WWII fighter plane he saw! He has recurrent dreams of falling.
It would be so awesome for you to interview a spirit entity such as Kryon ("...of Magnetic Service" [!] )

Thanks for sharing Greg. I'd be interested to hear more stories of PLR. It seems possible it could be a manifestation of your current subconscious state & feelings but just in a different time period. Even so, there were interesting details. I would like to see a bigger sampling to see how experiences vary. I know I'd be open to try it sometime!

Thanks for sharing your PLR experience. In regard to some of your questions about the "life choosing" experience and some of the other members questions concerning what happens between lives, there are a couple books I found interesting. By Dr. Michael Newton is "Journey of Souls" and "Destiny of Souls." I believe Brian Weiss' "Many Lives Many Masters" also goes into the between life state. I haven't read it and don't know the name of it, I'm not sure if it's available in english, but Rauni Kilde I think wrote a book about similar things in the 80's, maybe. She's from a Scandinavian country I believe.
Newtons books are collections of cases where he was doing past life and between life regressions with patients. Brian Weiss' focuses on a single patient. There are so many aspects of what is described as happening between lives and the reasons and lessons we learn from by and for choosing lives that I don't really know how to summarize succinctly.
They're quick easy reads and might help folks who are curious about this "system." Though part of me, wonders are these just descriptions of the reincarnation/Archontic/white-light trap. But either way it's very interesting. And I personally found it somewhat empowering.

TheCarlwood wrote: Some possibilities that might solve the fluctuating population issue:
-We could be fractals of a collective consciousness. One "whole" that can split itself to any degree it wants to, to as Bill Hicks said "Experience itself subjectively." Sometimes I think of the idea of "God" as an octopus with 7 billion finger puppets acting things out on the Earth for it's own amusement. If it doesn't fully commit itself to the idea that each is a completely real and separate entity, then the game loses excitement. Think about an infinite being giving itself amnesia, so it forgets it's infinite, just for the sake of the adventure.
-If there is a finite number of spirits, and we are separate beings, it's also possible we manifest on other planets as well. Maybe limited to the Milky Way, maybe not. There is one pretty compelling case at least of a boy born with memories of fighting a great war on Mars. That's a compelling piece of data.
-Regardless of if we're fulling different or not, the spirit world could be something akin to a pool of souls. Some times you want to soak in the pool a little longer than others. Emerge (into a body, into the material world) at your own discretion.
Obviously I have no idea, but those are some things I think about when I consider those issues you raised.
Would eternal recurrence be somewhat supported by your experience in comparison to your current life.
Well up to a certain point, where you split off onto a untrodden path.
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