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Personal experiences with entities, past lives

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I'm making this thread to hear other people's experiences and share my few that I have had. I haven't shared my experiences with many people, maybe 3 or 4. I feel like this is a great place because THC community is open minded and won't call me crazy. So let's get to my first experience.

When I was a kid maybe in first or second grade, I had this vivid dream one night, like I was reliving it from memory. I was standing in a air field with large amount of people who were wearing era appropriate clothing watching the Hindenburg coming in for a "landing". The ship flew around the air a couple times. When the air ship was coming in for its final approach it caught fire in the rear. I remember running away from the air ship that was crashing towards earth with a group of people. Next thing I'm experiencing is running with a few other people toward the wreckage of the air ship to help rescue people. I would dismiss this as just a dream but at the time I had not heard of or learned anything about the Hindenburg. I recall the first time I did learn about the Hindenburg saying to myself i was there. And later in my teens telling my mom about the dream and asking her if i had been exposed to anything pertaining to the Hindenburg. She said as far as she knew that I had not. So this experience has lead my believe in reincarnation. Also that everyone who is open to it can relive or learn lessons from past lives. Has anyone else experienced similar dreams of past events or lives like this or in any other way? I am super interested in hearing other peoples stories!

My next experiences are with entities happened when I was sixteen to twenty. I lived with my dad in a house that was built in the 1800's. Not sure if that played a role in creating or fostering these experiences. Each time I had experienced it happened pretty much the same way. I would be laying in bed sleeping when i was sixteen to eighteen I slept on the top bunk of a bunk bed. I would wake up laying in my bed, but it was like I had been paralyzed. I would try to move but i couldn't. I would look over at these orbs. These orbs were colorless or transparent. They would just hover about a foot away to the side of my torso. The number of the orbs was two or three each time. And during this time I would always be filled with fear and terror. I would want to scream but was unable to. When the orbs left and i could move i would wake my brother up and ask him if he had seen these orbs he never saw them when I did, but he had it happen to him a few years later. I don't know what the orbs were doing or what they wanted. The thought of these orbs still gives me the creeps to this day. I would love to hear if anyone has had a similar experience or any unprovoked interaction with entities.

Thanks for reading and sharing what you have experienced or think.

Posted : October 16, 2018 9:42 PM
Posts: 47
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Paralyzed dreaming have been apart of my life also when i was 18 to 25 , been without them for few years now. Came in different forms, Saw some kind of demons always came with a very scary sound really high pitch noises sometimes it was so high it hurt my head.

Other times i did not see anything just felt the present of something around me. also with the same high noise.

Netflix have a good documentary about people living with the dreams, look for THE Nightmare. disclaimer my dreams came more often after watching that documentary. fell over it by accident and was shit this is the same stuff i have been experienced. it faded away when i started asking friends if they have had anything similar

Posted : October 17, 2018 3:20 PM
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I personally haven't had much in the way of reincarnation experiences since taking this particular incarnation which is somewhat strange actually due to the following reason. I was raised believing in reincarnation due to a dream my mother had the night I was conceived. Apparently, I came to her in a dream in the form of an old wizard and informed her that she had just conceived a son and that it was important that I be raised to be introduced to certain things such as astrology, reincarnation and similar things. I also told her things that would later come to pass. She didn't tell me about this dream until many of the things that I had mentioned in it indeed came to pass. When I was younger it used to bother me that I didn't have these reincarnation experiences but it doesn't anymore and I feel I understand why I haven't. Basically, it matters less where you have been and more where you are and where you are going.

Now, on the subject of entities I've had so much experience with that I don't know even where to begin. I've dealt with everything from pagan "deities" and "angels" to being forced to deal with djinn and demonic or "archonic" entities (I actually hate to use the term "archon" for these entities since that means "ruler" and they are far from it) and everything in between from planetary spirits, to local spirits, elemental and plant spirits and even the spirits of my dead ancestors. I have noticed that if you see these things with your physical eyes they pretty much all take the form of orbs in my experience. It is with your internal "mind's eye" that you see their true form and for most people this takes some training and effort. However, as you seem to have experienced, you can know the nature of the entities in question from the feeling they give you. I could literally write volumes of books about entities, how they interact with and their influence on the world, how to consciously choose which entities will be around you (there is always a spiritual influence whether you are conscious of it or not and it is much better to consciously choose which entities you want around) and more but I prefer to benefit the world in more practical forms. However, I will gladly discuss these things with you at length and would be happy to answer any questions or help you gain understanding in this area.

Posted : October 23, 2018 2:23 AM
Posts: 10
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First of all, thank you starting this thread! It does seems like a great place to share some stories!

I have a question about your past life experience:

I’m currently in the middle of the book by Kenneth Price, Jr called ‘Titanic and Hindenburg; Two Tragedies, One Plan’ where he discusses how each of those vehicles were taken out of commission. (It’s a great book, btw. And you can write to him at any point to talk about it, he’s SO cool) He’s written about this fellow who says that he was the one who fired rounds at the rear to produce the explosion of the Hindenberg.

My question is, did you get any sense of that in your dream/vision from the past?

I’ve had numerous sleep paralysis occurrences. But it wasn’t until I read your account did I realize that mine were in an age range as well. Mine started around age 14 until the last time was at 30. And at least a couple of them happened on days where there was a death, i.e. loss of a pet or a family member. But most common were; wake up from a dream, usually right after falling asleep, become aware that I was awake, try to move an arm, a finger, anything, but nothing happened, just immobile. I usually described it as feeling like someone has wrapped you tightly to your bed with plastic wrap. (that’s f-ed up) I could usually move my eyes, but that’s it. I usually didn’t see anything, no orbs, but once (at 30yrs old) I did see a jinn. Looked just like the harrypotter dementors. Tall, silhouetted, hooded, floating figure looking at me. It ‘wanted’ me to look at it. It came into the room while I was completely immobile and sat on the end of the bed. I felt the pressure on the mattress as it sat down. I closed my eyes, pulled as hard as I could away from my position and laid on my side. At that point it moved up behind me, spooning if you will, and began breathing very hard into my neck. I felt this warm air on my neck! I was so freaking terrified, but knew all I wanted was it gone. I just wanted it to leave so . . . I pretended to sleep. Like a kid who doesn't want their mom to find out they're still awake after bedtime. With all the energy I could muster, I started ‘fake’ snoring! I think of it now and laugh. WTF, right? But after about 30 secs, it wasn’t there. I hope it rolled it’s eyes and got discouraged, mad I didn't play it's game.

Also want to mention one more. This one happened during a nap. In college I’d take these disco naps, rests between school/work and evening hang outs. Often I’d lay on the bed sideways. Not sure if that is important. Anyway, I’m coming out of sleep, aware that I’m waking up, but still in the dream world. I feel a few small hands on my arms, chest and torso. Then I feel a small metal spoon in my mouth, and can then feel the spoon, the metal taste, the shape of it, the ‘realness’ of it and it freaks me out so I sit up quickly. I hear the spoon fall on the floor. Clink. . . clink, clink. Then I spend the next few half-awake moments looking for the spoon, to no avail. Eventually I realize that it doesn’t exist, at least not in my room.

Similar occurrences happened in the same building (a woman’s residence, similar to a dorm), which I’m certain is a haunted space. One involved exiting my room in a dreamstate and seeing rows of cartoon-like people waiting in the hallways to get into the rooms. None of these very odd looking characters were mean or unhappy, they just seemed to exist in ‘another’ space in the same building.

On a separate occasion I was granted exceptional hearing and I was able to float around and listen to each room and what was happening in it. It wasn’t my body that could move around to listen, it was only my hearing. Only my hearing?! Yup.

I have few more involving ghosts and out-of-body experiences, but by golly, this practically a novel already. I’m grateful to be able to share these. Some of these may line up with others’ experiences and if so, I would also love to hear about it.

Posted : October 23, 2018 8:16 PM
Posts: 474
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Small point, I was lead to believe Archon means unjust or imposed rulers. so its not giving power to them to call them Archons.
I've had loads of super-natural experiences, felt like I have crossed the veil and come back again a few times a bit like @thewalrus - hav you considered you could be Empath or early childhood trauma - as this causes a stronger bond to the spirit realm (call it what you want)
My investigations have lead me to this conclusion for me, and in cultures that have "shamen" it is know that early trauma helps to create a "shamen" (magic man) one who's spirit partly resides in the other realm longer than everyone else

Posted : October 24, 2018 3:31 AM
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@idefix Thank you for the suggestion of the documentary the nightmare. I will check it out and see what they have to say about these experiences. And thanks for sharing!
I wonder if there is any correlation with age and this experiences. It seems to me that most people who have had the experiences have them mainly between mid-teens to thirty..... :rolleyes:

Posted : October 24, 2018 9:02 PM
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Thank you for sharing your story. That is amazing! And I agree in that it matters more of where you are headed rather then where you have been, I am personally experiencing that in this life. Which made me a much stronger person who walks their own pace and beat. I do believe though that maybe a past life vision is supposed to maybe teach a lesson in a sense or give a piece of information. Reading your story has reminded me of my wife having a similar experience with a child we haven't had yet. My wife has spoken to her a few times. Which was very impact-full for both of us. And for your entities experiences, I say write a book and share your knowledge with the world. Sharing knowledge is practical as well. I am interested in learning more about the "sprite realm". Having had that experience made me shy away from learning more when I was a kid because it scared me. Now I want to know more and understand it, maybe even figure out this life.

Posted : October 24, 2018 9:28 PM
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To answer your question about hearing a shot fired at the Hindenburg. I do not recall that sadly. Not saying that I didn't hear it. I wish I had known what a dream log was or written it down when I knew how to write more expressively to have more details. I want to mention I thought of making this thread after listening to THC with Kenneth M Price Jr. I having started looking into both events of the Hindenburg and Titanic for myself. I plan on reading his book. I want to thank you for sharing what you have experienced with entities. Those are some wild ones. And nice use of dementor to give a visual of what you saw. 🙂

Posted : October 24, 2018 9:58 PM
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I have not considered either being an Empath or early childhood trauma. Although there are a few things that have happened that i would consider traumatic. Two of which involved a sickness and surgery. But it is hard to say because one might find something traumatic another person my not. What you bring up is very intriguing. Ill have to add it to my list of things to look further into. Which keeps getting longer HAHA. Thank you for the insight.

Posted : October 24, 2018 10:10 PM
Posts: 638
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ive had a lot of traumatic experiences as a kid. something i just rememberd i think ive seen people disappear. it was mostly when ive been drinking so idk. one time i was half awake in bed and i open my eyse and i look and by the door was a human size thing of lights or like orbs. maybe my eyes were not good because opening my eyse when a light was on. it scared because it was coming closer and i yelled lol. it was like three seconds. one time i was drinking and saw a orb a couple times moving fast to the left. nothing much.

Posted : October 25, 2018 3:07 AM
Posts: 474
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op3n3y3s wrote: @nickzeptepi
I have not considered either being an Empath or early childhood trauma. Although there are a few things that have happened that i would consider traumatic. Two of which involved a sickness and surgery. But it is hard to say because one might find something traumatic another person my not. What you bring up is very intriguing. Ill have to add it to my list of things to look further into. Which keeps getting longer HAHA. Thank you for the insight.

Trauma to a baby or child is when it's exposed to what it feels is a life threatening event.
Up to 1987 babies had surgical operations up to open heart surgery without anesthetic because the Doctors thought the baby would not remember the pain.
It can also be prolonged emotional trauma such as absent, emotionally unavailable or alcoholic parents

second guessing (for want of a better term) the mood swings of erratic parents will help develop empathic abilities in children as a means to avoid potential outbursts.

Posted : October 25, 2018 5:33 AM