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Real-Time Spiritual Warfare

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Dear Shamangineer,

Shall we dance? Or flirt?

I offer you a parlay.

Dear Forum-goer,

DO NOT send me any Love, Light, Protection or Support at this time. My allies have already been hit with baneful shit while doing so. I'll be fine. My gods are bigger than his.

You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Posted : January 21, 2021 1:51 PM
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Dear Shamangineer,

I beg you to reconsider the offer of parlay. Your "space weather" is all mine now.

Even if the two of us go down in flames together, this experience could be so useful to the people in this forum we both love. Think of the education and empowerment that could come from a window into our mutual destruction. If we go quiet, none of our brethren can be empowered by our mistakes.

I make you an offer.

If you will tell everyone the backdoor you are using to bypass my shields, I will tell everyone how I am now using it against you.

I am the only one to gain nothing from this exchange. I offer it in the spirit of parlay.

You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Posted : January 26, 2021 11:20 PM
Posts: 1023
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I haven't even farted in your general direction, much less banefully sharted, to say nothing of penetrating your shields. I'm not sure how this all fits in with being parlaid. Keep the space weather I'm not sure what you would want it for or how you would maintain the proper atmospheric conditions. I would recommend against playing with high voltage transformers and vacuum chambers. They can be dangerous to yourself and others, kinda like spiritual attacks.

Posted : January 28, 2021 12:46 AM
Posts: 33
Eminent Member


I really like some of the stuff you post, (especially that spiritual defense post) but homie, you’re clogging up the forum with some weird ass vibes, and it’s apparent that Shaman doesn’t care all that much. I feel like of any forum on the internet, this is one where people can accept different opinions without feeling the need to hex someone.

Into what insights on the world & yourself can you be redirecting this energy? Take care, my guy.

Posted : January 28, 2021 7:53 PM
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chillcrab wrote: Fifth,

I really like some of the stuff you post, (especially that spiritual defense post) but homie, you’re clogging up the forum with some weird ass vibes, and it’s apparent that Shaman doesn’t care all that much. I feel like of any forum on the internet, this is one where people can accept different opinions without feeling the need to hex someone.

Into what insights on the world & yourself can you be redirecting this energy? Take care, my guy.


You ever been "hexed" before, dude? It's fucking CRAZY, brother!

No shit- I wake up Jan 2 and my body is on fire. Constant waves of an intense, shaking, sickly feeling. You know how sometimes when you get sick, you get this slight ice cold chill with a little pins and needles mixed in? Like flu or fever? Well, this shit was a lot like that, but magnified beyond anything I'd ever felt before. The waves were so unnaturally intense and persistent, it wasn't 15 minutes before I said to myself - FUCKING DUMBFOUNDED - "I am being magically attacked."

Took me two weeks of what felt like incessant torture, to climb on top of it. Don't think I coulda done it without my wife. It was straight up Neo and Trinity, baby! Hermetically Gendered.

I wrote the Magical Defense thread you speak of soon after I could gain my wits. I did so in the hopes of aiding anyone who might also have been hit.

Being magically attacked is SCARY, dude! You become quickly aware that this shit is more real then you ever wanted it to be. And then you think, "if this dude just did one ritual to summon a demon, he could just sit back and forget while that demon assaulted you until you died. It doesn't end. It demoralizes you. Especially when the motherfucker can get through those shields you preached were so useful...

Fuck me.

One of my biggest regrets is coming off so cold to you in the Subtle Traumatic Conditioning Thread. I beg your forgiveness, brother. I had just been magically attacked. I had just sought refuge with my boys, and they got "hexed" when they sent me love. At the time I felt like not trying to engage in too much love here, in the fear innocents might send it back to me and get catastrophically hosed. (I am dying to ask your opinion of my work.)

So check this out, dude. I'm a D&D nerd. I came up in the 80's. I AM "STRANGER THINGS." Whoever's running this game... the one we're all playing, right now... Him. He's the greatest goddamn Dungeon Master to ever exist. He allowed me to climb above my assault using my own models before revealing to me I never really had anything to worry about. I know I sound like a schmuck, these days, dude. All I got is me. That's all I can give ya.

I shit you not, brother. Epiphany and revelation come to me every day now. I am baptized in flame. If you have put in the time to perfect yourself enough, an assault like this levels you up HARDCORE. Uncle Birch says to go out and make an enemy today.

You know that line "If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine." I understand it now.

I'm the luckiest asshole walking the face of the planet.

In the name of science and honesty and the empowerment of allies, I offer this experience to anyone who thinks they're tough. It should be a fairly simple procedure. Just energetically send me Protection at this time. WARNING: NOBODY'S FUCKING AROUND HERE. MY SONGS WEILD JUDGEMENT AND HEAVEN SENT. DO NOT PLAY UNLESS YOU ARE PREPARED TO BE JUDGED BY YOUR CREATOR. DO NOT PLAY UNLESS YOU ARE ALREADY SIGNIFICANTLY LEVELED UP.

I shine my magic torch on a man who brings sewage, condescension, and Subtle Traumatic Conditioning into a nest of burgeoning revolutionaries, artists, and scholars. You ever see the "Lockdown Buddy?" Don't.

Magical attack is soooo fucked. Even if you do know where it's coming from, you can't tell people. No one will believe ya. You sound fucking crazy. If there were one place an asshole could stand up and cry Metaphysical Foul Play, I would hope it could be here.

Chill, look away, brother, if you are not empowered here. I bring flame. I bring 2021.

You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Posted : January 29, 2021 8:02 PM
Posts: 422
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shamangineer wrote: I'm not sure what you would want it for or how you would maintain the proper atmospheric conditions.

Let me help you understand.

Saturn in Aquarius.

Nick has always talked me up. "Young, Dynamic, Don Juan type." He's an awesome wingman, but I am an old man, now. I put in the time and effort, hating Saturn every step of the way. This year he comes to me as brother, protector, and council. I dig the sonuvabitch, now! Never realized he was a teacher disguised as a torturer.

Age of Aquarius.

It means long after you and I are both dead, I will still own your space weather.

Don't you think the people in this forum would be empowered by knowing the weed they smoke can be used as a backdoor to their psychic defenses?

Theoretically, a person could use a backdoor like that to enhance the Subtle Traumatic Conditioning they already employ.

I wonder if that's why it's so scary to post in this place.

You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Posted : January 29, 2021 8:06 PM
Posts: 33
Eminent Member

Dear Fifth,

I didn’t realize all of that went down shortly after those threads. What if it was not Shaman but someone else in the forum? Perhaps I’m naive in thinking that this is a “safe” online community— I’ve realized recently that magic takes an immense amount of self control. It is easy to release wickedness when hurt, or use magic for selfish fulfillment of the ego. Magicians, witches—whatever you want to call them— are forces to be reckoned with. That spirit armor is crucial.

As for magical/spiritual attacks— when you know you’re being fcked with from beyond this plane, you know. I just started my magical journey about halfway thru 2020, started my dark night of the soul/purification process, etc. I definitely felt spiritual attacks, or something of a demonic parasite, during that time. I have since been able to purge most of it. What doesn’t kill you really does make you stronger as the cliche always touted. (Btw, do you ever wonder if some cliches we use have magical/alchemical elements to them? Like a spell?)

And don’t worry about coming off as cold on that thread— I didn’t take it as that! Glad you are overcoming this with positive force & fire. I didn’t want to bag on you or anything, I was just confused by all the energetic jousting going on. Keep on, Fifth.

Posted : January 30, 2021 2:51 PM
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chillcrab wrote: What if it was not Shaman but someone else in the forum?

Dear Chill,

I feel like if somebody here hit me with the shit I slung at Shamangineer at the top of this thread, I'd be like- "Whoa. Dude, slow down. I honestly don't work like that. If you're being attacked, maybe I can help." Try to talk spirit armor to the poor sonuvabitch. Like you did me.

I don't feel like I'd inquire about how he intends to maintain the "atmospheric conditions" that give him his space weather supremacy.

But that's just me.

I don't think I'd make fun of the way he chose to phrase the word "discussion." If the motherfucker wanted to "conversate" with me, I'd conversate all day. Just put the fucking candles away, right?

I would also shout out to every tarot reader or rune tosser to pull cards and roll bones on the subject. Sound off if they felt they had something useful to contribute.

Dude, I roll with shields normally. Aura egg style. Got my spirit armor last week! I FUCKING FELT THEM PUT IT ON ME. So I'm a little drunk with power. Feel free to bag on me at will. Keep me honest, brother.

(Do I think words are spells and spelling is spelling? Yup. I am engaged in the perfection of this art. Look upon my armies, brother. Take from them anything that would empower you.

Looking back on these, there's an awful lot of "wielding' going on. You got a decent 2 syllable word that sounds cooler than 'wielding' does?)

You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Posted : January 31, 2021 5:34 PM
Posts: 422
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This is untitled, but a good working title is "More Wielding"

I emerge under dawn
Ceasing enemy fire
Eerie silence
Stills the violence
Steals the tongue of the liar
Forces gathered
Options rathered
No one dare to inspire
My undue wrath
It's simple math
Drop the swords, cue the choir

Marching chattel
Saber rattle
Has now come to its ending
I bring morass
And wipe my ass
With the beliefs you're defending
No perfumed honeys
Foreign moneys
In the air that I'm bending
You listen deep
And I won't keep
The ears you've been lending --------(delivered as THREAT, not FOREFATHER)

World of pillage
Sanguine spillage
Begs this righteous intrusion
Excuses flying
Children dying
Oligarchic collusion
Huddled masses
Take their classes
Taught in 4k illusion
Abject need
With unchecked greed
Returns its foregone conclusion

Wielding light
Laughing cutlass
In the fist of its master
Wrapped in love
Armored dove
Climbing higher and faster
Engulfed in flame
And taking aim
Nightmare warrior caster
Cease and desist
I will resist
The walls'll need a replaster

Grateful loving laughing living Agent of Cupid
Ruin the dawn on my front lawn? Nobody's that stupid

Greg's walls will need replastering. I volunteer for the committee.

You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Posted : February 2, 2021 10:58 PM
Posts: 422
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Brothers and Sisters,

You know what the Six of Wands is? That's the card that smells like napalm in the morning.

Saturn in Aquarius is all balls. It represents the falling of structures and institutions that are not stable. As I understand it, it started in March 2020 and ends in 2023. Coinci-fucking-dentally.

Greg's structure is sound enough to weather the storm, but he will need good allies and love from random directions.

But right now, it is probably best to leave him be. I am sure he is scrambling to attempt to understand WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED HERE. I know I am. I think the motherfucker should pull the blackout curtains down and go quiet for a few days. Shit like this can test your faith. I can't even picture it from his end.

Maybe Greg don't play 4d chess, but there are elements of 3d chess he is forced to play. Lotta strands in the duder's head. More than I hafta deal with.

I can't imagine a man, woman, or child in here that would begrudge him some breathing room right now. Let him double check the transcripts, if need be. Sleep on it.

But I say we give him no more than one week. After that, we mutiny this Wild Card Forum, refit her, and sail her to Maracaibo.

You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Posted : February 3, 2021 8:48 AM
Posts: 422
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It sounds like Greg has a Musical Q-Section, doesn't it? James Bond Q, not Trump Q. Like dude's who know way too much about music and give him their intel. Let's see if we can't stump them while we wait...

The VNV Mandela Effect.

You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Posted : February 4, 2021 3:30 AM
Posts: 422
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It came upon a midnight clear,
That glorious song of old,
From angels bending near the earth,
To touch their harps of gold:
"Peace on the earth, goodwill to men,
From heaven's all-gracious King."
The world in solemn stillness lay,
To hear the angels sing.

Still through the cloven skies they come,
With peaceful wings unfurled,
And still their heavenly music floats
O'er all the weary world;
Above its sad and lowly plains,
They bend on hovering wing,
And ever o'er its Babel sounds
The blessèd angels sing.

Yet with the woes of sin and strife
The world has suffered long;
Beneath the angel-strain have rolled
Two thousand years of wrong;
And man, at war with man, hears not
The love-song which they bring;
O hush the noise, ye men of strife,
And hear the angels sing.

And ye, beneath life's crushing load,
Whose forms are bending low,
Who toil along the climbing way
With painful steps and slow,
Look now! for glad and golden hours
Come swiftly on the wing.
O rest beside the weary road,
And hear the angels sing!

For lo!, the days are hastening on,
By prophet bards foretold,
When with the ever-circling years
Comes round the age of gold
When peace shall over all the earth
Its ancient splendors fling,
And the whole world give back the song
Which now the angels sing.

You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Posted : February 4, 2021 6:50 PM
Posts: 422
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You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Posted : February 4, 2021 11:12 PM
Posts: 422
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You see me now a veteran
Of a thousand psychic wars
My energy is building fast
And my armor blinds and roars
I have gilded all my weapons
And I wield them without peer
I am here to claim forever

I hold now that forever we will be free
Don't let these shakes go on
It's time we had a break from them

You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Posted : February 5, 2021 6:41 AM
Posts: 422
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You think THEY wield illusion?

I just have one thing to say to that.

Who is like unto God?

Blue Masquerade
I will not
Lies, little sister

Oooooh! I know! Come here. Ooooooh. That was too mean. I am so sorry. I would never. You are far too precious to me. Yes, you can hit me. Gut or shoulder.

Believe it or not, you are nestled in the palm of your dear and fluffy Lord. What you build from this is up to you.

You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Posted : February 5, 2021 9:45 PM
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