You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Don't think I'll hear your victim excuse
Don't think it washes away the abuse
You've wielded power like a buffoon
Now I've kicked your ass from here to the moon
Stop whining
Crawl back in your hole
Cause my fucking soul is ascending
Don't try appealing to your little gods
And don't think you're keepin those cones and those rods
I know what your eye in capstone's about
What happens when I gouge it out
Don't tell me
You sputter and scream
And ban when the stream begins trending
You are the eye in the sky
Looking at me
I will leave you blind
You are the maker of fools
Changing the rules
You'll be treated in kind
And I won't be your slave anymore
I will leave you blind
Don't try finishing what's unbegun
Don't think that we haven't already won
If Lucifer's got something to give
Then tell that punk where I fucking live
Come get some
Cause I will not play
And I'll make him pay without ending
You are the eye in the sky
Looking at me
I will leave you blind
I am the man on the ground
Jackin your sound
Your lyrics now are refined
And I will shine like never before
So help me
I will leave you blind
You are the lie in the sky
Barking at me
Out of your fucking mind
I am a man without fear
Fortified here
A spark of the most divine
And I will shine like never before
Start squinting
Cause I will leave you blind
You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Cry little sister,
There is a reason "Hell hath no fury" is phrased biblically.
You see i, as a lyrical weapons designer, am constantly trying to think of something that sounds ballsier. More powerful than anything you can think of. 80's rap battle style. You play that game long enough and you come to the inevitable conclusion. Wrath of God = Checkmate.
All your guns, battleships, dragons, ninjas, zombies, and alien invasions mean nothing to my Wrath of an angry God.
Any punk bitch can go medieval. I went biblical on his ass. And you know the FUCKED thing here, dude? ALL MY OLD MODELS STILL WORK. That's kinda the point, too. It ain't about what you think God, or Source, or The Ancestors, or The Universe looks like. It ain't about how they need you to dress or eat or behave on Sunday. It's about some common fucking decency in a fear-driven wasteland. It's about living a game where the small guy gets a defensive suitcase nuke. He's able to "call a mod" and end the heavy suffering.
He wants you to find your own way to the version of him you love best.
Fellow creators, the Creator seeks. Not groveling worshippers.
Like a father, throwing his infant child into the air. Scares the happy outta the women. Lotta shit could go wrong. Like what if the father didn't drop the child - the child squirmed away? It's sketchy. Kind of a tense moment for everybody.
But the father wants to give the child the experience. He's waiting for that shared moment of pure joy when the child returns to his chest. And that moment is only attainable if there's a little fear involved.
So, at first, I thought this was all me, and I was a badass. I strategically planned and executed everything up until Cry Little Sister. I heard some swinging dick on the Joint Session talk about predictions in real-time and it got me thinking. The word "prophecy" came to me - as though other people were saying it about my suave, but petty, internet dance. Had me a nice laugh.
Then I said "Ok. What if life were THAT GOOD? I should be able to steal a song from these people's childhood and make it mine. It'd hafta be one that sung so deeply to us that it would be impressive enough to feel like the wrath of God when you saw it in a new context.
First thing that comes to mind is Cry Little Sister. Next thing that comes is "Dude, that's kinda mean. Fucking with peolpe's childhoods. I'll check it out. Nobody knows what that fucking song means, anyway."
When I realized what I was looking at, I laughed so hard. It was a joke! Played by an ArchAngel ON YOU! I had an imagined memory of me laughing with my boys as we were writing it down. I laughed and cried at how beautiful it all was as I rushed to post it.
Click. Posted.
Then thoughts in my head like the voices of brothers in arms. Smoke 'em if ya got 'em. Wouldn't want to be you. Vaya con dios, man. And it dawns on me what I have just done. I'm gonna bathe in some lady fire tonight.
Good chunk of the dudes won't even see what's wrong with it. I didn't at first. The Italians have a notion that you are the instrument of karma. They stole that idea from me. You are part of this universe. It could be your duty to enact its karma. And that might be why we're in this position in the first place. And I think that's true to a large extent.
But in extreme cases and violent times all of us are better off with less blood on our hands. Victory Not Vengence. Victory is ours. Vengence is the Lord's. I get it. Sounds fair to me. As long as we win. That's all I give a shit about. (Not true- I would never steal your psychic energy to work dark on another person. That's dirty pool.)
I looked at Shout before Cry Little Sister. I had rejected it because that "Break Your Heart" shit was NOT the vibe I was going for. Then, after Cry posts and the TRUE education of fifthcolumn begins, I go back and listen to Shout and realize it's like the arms of a loving God. It is militarized soothing. A therapy song for what I just fucking did to anybody who didn't see through the illusion. And a therapy song for me.
Like it was dropped on me from wings of angels before I knew how it fit into the plot.
Saturn demands his torturous lesson for those that would live or die on another man's internet post. Those that would act hastily. Anybody go to candles? I went to sleep. Only thing I was ever qualified to do. Lay down and wake up with "They really, really ought to know" playing in my head.
Get online and see medals had been awarded overnight. Chill and Mooshe, from the Joint show thread on the other site. Straight up heroes. Saw the threat, took steps, pushed the fuck back, baby! Vanguard. Weren't gonna watch a pretty vein just die.
I got medals if you want 'em. They're blue.
Try pissing off the divine feminine on a soul level. I got to feel what it was like to have the only bit of hope you'd seen for a long time, shattered and crushed under the foot of a beast too big for any of us to fight. Shattered hopelessness. Like a fucking horror movie that you feel, man. I'm more sensitive than I've ever been, energetically. That was rough.
There is a reason "Hell hath no fury" is phrased biblically.
(Weapons Design Note: Faith might be the ultimate defensive mind weapon. If you can take the time to build one that empowers you, or enhance the one you already have. It runs passively in the background, enabling you in many ways other than metaphysical protection. It takes a lot of fear out of the game. Faith is far too gay a word to ever make it into any of my wardances. Too airy and feminine. I ain't good enough yet to make a gorgeous word like that sound tough. Now 'zealot,' I can work with... but you scare off all the women.)
(Forum Design Note: I like the Deadwood, NO LAWS ideal Polo enforces here. Suits me right nice. But it ain't necessarily the kind of environment that fosters the Sacred Feminine.)
You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Cry Little Sister might have 8 different perspective layers now to view it from. The worst one is transformable to laughter, once you're past it. I have viewed that layer with humor, but I can't maintain it. And I feel more pain than joy when I hear the song now. Time and talk are both useful for healing.
I keep going back to the commandments. Thou shalt not Fall. Thou shalt not Fear. Thou shalt not Die. Thou shalt not Kill.
I only heard of one of those before. The other three sound like comforting your little sister. But they also sound like the kinda shit you'd say to an ally before entering combat. Or like a medieval priest blessing troops before the war begins. Thou shalt not Fall. Thou shalt not Fear. Thou shalt not Die. It tries to build and strengthen you before giving you the last thing to remember.
Wild boys never lose it. Don't be a dick about it. Have some goddamn honor and live by a code. Then you've got all the women-folk STILL making eyes at you when you roll through town.
The message I kinda get it is - Don't worry about all that other shit they told you I said. I am your ally. Don't be a dick about it. Stay grounded in a noble moral code.
I don't think it's about religion. Or maybe it's about viewing religion in its most diluted form. More as a passive psychic enabler. Knowing that there is some father figure out there who's got your back and is rooting for you, can cause you to jump higher, run faster, stretch farther. But only if you dig him and want to impress him.
And he's gonna let you make mistakes and fall. He has to. Otherwise, you wouldn't learn anything.
Like it or not, God is free love when you're alone. If that's how you wanna use that particular mental device.
I think everybody might still be thinking a little too Sun Tzu, here. This is not a physical call to arms. This is a metaphysical call to arms. Let's get some goddamn solidarity, fraternity, and happy in this place. Let's talk about the things needed to win a "Frequency War." Not a physical one. Wage happiness and build up allies.
We do far too much enemy analysis here and not enough weapons design. It makes us feel powerless. Trains our minds to react with fear at everything we see - cause it might be "one a theirs." That intelligence is useful, but not a steady diet of it. It will entrain us. When we let our entrained fear-based responses dictate how we view our reality, our world gets smaller and scarier. Less fun.
Look, man. I am the last asshole who would ever push a God on anybody. It ain't about that. It's about being at war. And listening to a herald announcing the entry of a potential ally onto the field. Don't want him, fine. We will all meet on the other side of this and light up together. For the first time in my life, I truly believe that.
Dude, now I feel like a dick asking Greg to adhere to our agreed upon deadline. New intelligence changes the board. Maybe everybody needs a week to sleep on it now. I know I do. I am fucking spent.
You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

My knighty Mike Platoon
Dug in before high noon
Never more heavy a tune has put the women to swoon
Lace and leather abound
Mobilizing the Found
And inscribing this signal to ground... BREAK!
You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

EDIT: Added Brothers in Arms
You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

And now they surround me
Give song and astound me
Sheer delight! I've been hacked!
To the tune of slides being racked
Enjoy the chill in the air
Up all night and beware
When the boys in blue roll back through town
You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.
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