
Good Day,Fellow Hu-mans,
Question: How do YOU personally tell the difference between what is real and what is bullshit???
Is your BullShit Meter a super- sensitive & highly-tuned instrument?? How did it get that way??
Off the cuff, that seems like an easy question to answer, B-U-T, in the culture we live in today- It has become one of the most DIFFICULT questions of Modernity.
I long for the days when you could spot a con-man on television with ease. He was usually dressed in a suit, standing behind a pulpit, asking for your money while selling you indulgences of all types.His wife always had massively large hair & wore more makeup than a Mac counter during Fashion Week.
Some even sent you a little cloth with "holy oil" in it. Which, in reality, was probably nothing more than some Crisco.
Anywho, my point is- it was usually fairly clear to us, growing up, who the charlatans were & whom you could understandably put your "faith" in. Who The HELL KNOWS now?
Do you automatically just know within the first 5 seconds of meeting someone or reading something?
Does it take you a minute to evaluate the situation to get a clear read?
Do you just give them all the finger? ANARCHY?!?!
It would be interesting to hear YOUR thoughts on the matter. Inquiring Minds Want To Know.
Have a great day!
P.S. I'm getting a message.. *grabs temples It's coming through now.... Try not to jack-slap that annoying-ass coworker to your right. His mother just passed,so give him a little more slack than usual today, k? Now send me ALL YOUR MONEY or yours is next!!!
*note the sarcasm See how easy that was? I could have been a tele- evangelist too..hahahaha
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