Shotgun Magic

There are those that will tell you that magic can only be done by skilled practitioners. This is wrong. There are those that think magic should only be done by skilled practitioners. I disagree.
It looks to me very much like we are all casting at all times. Learning to refine the casting you are already doing should be taught to children in public schools. There are simple and easy habits one can adopt to stay on course through a magical path. Make your magic a blessing to the earth. Your magic is not a toy- always keep it aimed downrange. If Blessings are your intent, karma is your ally.
Design perfect messages to repeat back to your subconscious as many times per day as you can. For as many days as you can, come back to these 10 second daydreams. These daydreams should have images, feelings, and smiles that accompany them.
That is enough for me. But I came up through the psi-wheel. Many of the walls in my belief structure were already toppled by it. By achieving a modest level of competency with the psi-wheel, I had already begun to teach my subconscious the new pattern. A pattern of the manipulation of reality in accordance with my will.
So when you say "The Secret! All you got is The Secret! That Law of Attraction bullshit?" I would say "Yes, but more dumbed down. Easier." I ain't making a goddamn collage every time I want a new car. I ain't got the time to go to the lot and take test drives of cars I can't afford. But I can take 10 second daydreams throughout my day. Shit, I could probably get thirty in if I put my mind to it.
All you are trying to do is establish a pattern. Things that repeat. Repeated 10 second daydreams teach your subconscious mind a pattern of having it, not wanting it. If you're doing it right.
Some spells don't seem to take, and then I take the slightest action forward on the issue and it produces amazing results. So an "action" piece of the recipe can be useful for me.
Some will tell you that magic requires laser focus to produce results. They give you images of wizards studying for hours or masters sat in meditation for days. This is one way of doing it. Gentlemen, I bring you 'merican machine gun magic. The Repeater. Entirely science based save for one leap of faith. Your subconscious mind either is God, or is your access to God (God here is shorthand for the powers of creation and manifestation).
And I joke, because this ain't mine. I can't be the laziest fuck to have ascended this far from an atheist scientist background. Maybe the dumbest to admit it... But I think a relative beginner could take this model and commence to the creation of blessings upon the earth. With very little barrier to entry. May It Bless All Involved.
You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

That’s a good pedagogical lesson you got here. I mentioned Bengston Healing methods before, and that’s because it’s basically the same method of writing a list of 10 things you want (for simplicity); taking 5 mins on each one to visualize in detail the “outcome” of what you think you’d feel (e.g., if it’s a house with a nice garden I want, I’d think of how we’re all having BBQ around and a good time).
After doing that with each, you then cycle thru the visuals, one by one, as fast as you can.
Eventually, getting to cycling each visual at a fast tempo of da-da-da-da-da. I guess you’re basically casting the spell machine-gun like you said!
So you’re unto something for sure.
Couldn’t agree more with how we’re all casting spells all the times, aware of it or not. That’s my image of a co-creative (magickal) universe feedbacking on itself.

Bengston sounds like a smart dude. In fact, it sounds like a steroided version of what I'm talking about. He's working ten different spells all at once. He's running them rapid fire in a way to almost make them subliminal messages- so quick that your conscious mind can't get into the game of filtering them. That's the real machine gun!
It seems kinda hard, though. It would take me a little while before I got good at it. Seems like some skill involved there.
And I really like the way you put that- A co-creative magickal universe feedbacking on itself. The clockwork ballet.
Thanks, man!
You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.
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