Strange things are ...
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Strange things are happening lately

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Things are starting to hit home for me. I have personally heard the trumpets in the sky, loud booms from the ground that shook the ground and so forth. In Trashpunk's video (Here) you can hear loud noises that he says was heard after a really loud boom. On Friday I was on the phone with a friend of mine who was driving in Arkansas. This guy is a very straight forward, no BS kind of guy who isn't into conspiracies or one who makes things up. He is used to all weather conditions and is a very logical person. While on the phone with him he interrupted himself in a conversation to say "Whoa... now that was weird. I was driving and the sun was out nice and bright, no clouds in sight and then all of a sudden it got dark and really f'ing (he said the whole word) windy. I have never seen anything like it. I don't know what happened but it's not normal"

This guy is a professional over the road truck driver. He has driven over 2 million miles across this nation AND he drove in Desert Storm. He is a veteran who was in the war and he is not one to jump to conclusions or think ill rationally. He has never mentioned anything out of the ordinary like this to me before and I trust that he account and experience was definitely true and there is little doubt that if it could have been explained by anything we would term as a logical explanation that he would have missed it. So we talked about it for a few minutes and he went back to the conversation that we were having before this all happened and I put it to the back of my mind.

I was listening to Clyde Lewis on Ground Zero and he mentioned that listeners had mentioned that the Sun went dark for no reason and then there was a big gust of wind for like 5 minutes. So it wasn't just my friend that noticed this, there was a bunch of others that noticed this too.

I don't know what's happening but it's all starting to hit home for me. I kinda wrote off the trumpets, booms and other things as just things that I just couldn't point out the logical explanation. But looking back and hearing all of everyone else's stories and the current things that has happened lately I am starting to think there really are strange things happening. Will it lead to the end of the world? Prolly not. Is it signs of the Apocalypse? Doubtful. But I do think it's really weird and things are happening that shows that our understanding of how our world and reality works is wrong.

Does anyone have any insights to what is happening?

Posted : April 10, 2016 3:15 PM