Strange weather, earthquakes, erupting volcanoes-Is it all connected?

I have always been a proponent for natural Earth climate change and usually don't look too much in to changes in climate or natural Earth occurrences like earthquakes but the last couple of years have led me to question if there is something strange going on.
We have had record high and record low temps all over the world, earthquake occurance is way up and happening in rare places, we just had a major earthquake and volcanic eruption, rain water is cloudier and leaves more of a film and the animals seem more nervous and act like they are getting ready for something big to happen.
Yes, it could be coincidental these disasters are going on along with strange weather patterns and the rest but I have a feeling there might be something that is connecting most or all of these things.
What do you guys think? Are we just going through a big natural Earth cycle? Could it be planet expansion? CERN/HAARP? Nibiru? Planetary alignments? Galactic positioning? Did Earth stall or slow down in its orbit?Or do you think I'm just looking into things too much?
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