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Posts: 31
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Hi all,

I was listening to the Massimo Mazzucco episode where he talked about taking Shark Cartilage to help stop cancer. Has anyone here added this to their daily lives, cancer or no?

What else do you take on a regular basis to help your health, diet aside.

I personally take vitamin D as I don't get outside during the day much and I think it has helped with my daily energy and I think I get less colds, etc.

How about you?

Posted : April 29, 2017 10:51 PM
Posts: 19
Active Member

I take b12 and vitamin D. The reason I take b12 is because Ive been an almost vegan (still eat honey and eggs but once every other month) and I take the Vitamin D because I had a diagnosed extreme vitamin D deficiency. I actually went to see a dr because I was experiencing heart palpitations, tiredness, and a really odd eye twitch. My blood work showed extreme vitamin D deficiency. I don't remember the number exactly.. Luckily it all stopped about a week and a half after taking heavy doses of vit D.

Posted : April 30, 2017 5:22 AM
Posts: 36
Eminent Member

I take basic multivitamins, which I find helps me reduce my vulnerability to colds. Other than that I don't take anything out of the ordinary.

The change I have made to my diet is to remove processed sugar in the form of soft drink, chocolate, cakes and biscuits. It doesn't eliminate all processed sugar from my diet, but most of it. I've had some massive benefits from doing this. I've lost 10 kilos, with no other change, I used to get at least two headaches a week but don't get any headaches now, I sleep better and I lucid dream after many years on not even recalling my dreams.

Takes a while to crack the addiction, it in my view it's worth it.

Have a great day all.

Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.

Posted : June 4, 2017 5:51 AM
Posts: 4
New Member

Whats the opinions on nutropix? As a former opiate addict ive entertained the thought of trying nutropix as a form of replacement or a way to mimick the added focus and energy which appealed to me through opiates. Although im not sure what to think of this new age form of brain steroids.. And i know of noone that can givr me first hand advice. Still unsure of where i land on the ideas of nutropix although i know there are hundreds of different compositions and different types to effect differents aspects of the brain.

Posted : June 24, 2017 5:53 AM