System Dynamics: Tools to model complex systems

fifthcolumn wrote: Regarding the use of Technology to Improve Character:
I believe that the initial steps for most to improve their character are improving Self Awareness and Self Discipline. You must be aware of your faulty programming and habits in order to catch yourself in the act of performing them. Then you must have the discipline to stop the performance.Self Awareness can be improved by recording audio of yourself while engaged in an argument or pushing your own fears onto others. When it is over, and you can let the emotion pass and recenter yourself, you can listen to how much of an asshole you are. It can be a powerful tool.
What if you could build a device that monitors your bio-feedback indicators and when you "go into the red zone" it would turn on and record audio?
Just a thought.
Yes, exactly. Similar to how some cars have a lane-assist to help the driver stay safe. It could be sound, and/or visual (blue light tends to relax as an example) as well as geometry. Some meditation apps have this too.
It's safe to assume, that a fundamental pre-requisite requires a conscious decision of "wanting to learn, and/or, progress / evolve as a being-soul"
Thank you:):D

shamangineer wrote: Adam Curtis' All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace is a good introduction to systems theory, cybernetics, and the strange origins of the ecosystem as a steady-state model. You can watch the first two episodes on Vimeo. Here is the third:
After finishing Yasha Levin's book, Surveillance Valley, I think I finally realize what you were pointing out here. The documentary, which has its name from a poem by Richard Brautigan of the same the same name, the latter which has an eerie trans-humanist tone to it.
Levin in his book, lays out beautifully how the ARPA/Military-Intelligence ties to folks like Brautigan, Steward Brand (Whole Earth Catalogue) helped birth (and promote) the whole "human liberation thru computing" movement of the 80's onwards.
Moreover, Levin's investigation on the current landscape of privatized digital hegemony, in all its (Ayn) Rand-ian glory, is a real eye-opener, including insights into Assange, Snowden and the "privacy" movement. And though it's not mentione, the quantum computing evolution, operated by the same MIC octopus seems to go towards manifesting the demiurge (similar to what Elana Freeland and Eric Dollard were describing). Lots of food for thought!
In hindsight, I can see how this thread seemed, along with my fascination with cybernetics, looks as though its on the same trajectory. And yet, I remain convinced, still, at this point, that digital networks can co-exist and be leveraged to improve quality of life, at least in theory. It may not look like the current state of affairs.
After all, a tool is a tool, and you can use it to enslave, or liberate. And if Demiurge/Djinn they can invoke, why can not also more positive allies there be? Ultimately, the thin line dividing the two comes down to intention.
Gonna try and read the original manifesto (1948) by Norbert Wiener: Cybernetics - or Control and Communication in the animal and the machine

I watched the video with my girlie and we loved it. And I am heavily inclined toward your "All watched over by machines of loving grace" point. It also seems almost inorganic and wrong to computer model ascension and then have the machine taskmaster scold you when you're getting it wrong. Because that's what it would become.
Buzzing at you when you lose your shit. Maybe that's an innate filter of those who aren't ready yet, and inherent resistance for those who've had it on too long?
If you could guarantee that it was self contained - no wireless manipulation from outside - and just a device to monitor bios and vibrate or record when red zoned, it might have use. Like training wheels for Self Awareness. But that seems the extent of its utility.
What I think you want is a more Martial Arts - weaponless other than mind and body - perspective. You are changing YOU. Do it all by hand from the ground up. He who has the toughest climb builds the most Will. Wax on, wax off. Don't make it easy for yourself. Make it harder. Resistance builds strength.
But that's just me. If it's out there, I won't begrudge a man his easier ascension. I think Polo's right, Tech is just Tool. I just have a fundamental mistrust of the Tool dictating decisions to the Master.
I absolutely hate my wife's car that now scolds me because it doesn't understand what I'm trying to do. Fucking back seat driver's included on the sticker tag now.
You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

sofahkingfoxy wrote: Along with dealing with fear is the social polarization which is protecting fear quite well. As we know well, people are clutching so tightly to their beliefs/political party/media source/fill-in-the-blank that they won’t ever face a fear if it means abandoning their pack.
The problem is WE offer the nightmare scenario, not them. Most people cling to their place in the pack. They will cling to their place in the world. It takes a lot of courage to allow all the foundations of your belief systems to fall out from under you. Most people won't do it.
They will deny all logic and reason and thumb their nose at the principles their PhD's rest on in order to maintain their place in the world. Their grasp on the terrain beneath their feet. The basic understandings they have built their lives upon. We offer them an abyss. An abyss that comes with the fact that their mommy or daddy (government) hates them.
It is far less scary to live terrorized by the Covid and the Murder Hornets than to lose the very ground all of your thought processes are based on. You would have to admit you were wrong like a thousand times and think about how asshole you were to the people who knew better than you. And you'd hafta take the label and the ridicule.
From a pack animal perspective, we offer only an abyss.
Takes alotta balls to jump into one a those.
But if academics and professionals start talking more about conspiracy, others will realize it's not such a bizarre thing. "Oh shit, even Steve believes 9-11 was rigged. Steve's got kids. And a partnership in a law firm. Could there be something to this?"
The more Steve's out there with genuine matrix cred that talk to other people about their particular pet false flag, the more we win. And the more we advertise the existence of an alternate pack consisting of "stable" people.
Steve's got to have good knowledge and a little charisma. But most importantly, Steve's gotta have matrix cred. Military and Religious credentials work gooood.
How do you build more Steves?
If I'm building a Steve, I want an easily searchable database of all the scientific studies, mass media reports, and other other trusted matrix sources regarding any specific claim or event. Shit I can paste into an email at will. This would have to be highly curated and would be something I'd pay 5 a month for.
If I'm building a Steve, I want to learn to go slow. I want to come across calm and jovial. Less passionate than more. But most importantly, I will never go to lizards in front of Steve. I talk Banks. I talk Collusion. I keep to money trails and lab coats.
Steve's a bubble-gummer. You don't give him the heavy shit right outta the gate. He speaks Covid and Kennedy. 9-11 and Gulf War. And history nerd Steve's'll talk Remember The Maine and Smedley Butler. Steve speaks material atheist - not metaphysical. You go metaphysical with him and he'll label and dismiss you.
Steve can't handle so many of the paradigms he's built his life on, to be shattered at the same time. It's a thousand times easier to label you. A good Steve builder tries to only take one paradigm at a time.
I prematurely ejaculate magic all over people. I ain't a good Steve builder. But I grow stronger every day.
Work on my pacing...
You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

fifthcolumn wrote: The problem is WE offer the nightmare scenario, not them. Most people cling to their place in the pack. They will cling to their place in the world. It takes a lot of courage to allow all the foundations of your belief systems to fall out from under you. Most people won't do it.
They will deny all logic and reason and thumb their nose at the principles their PhD's rest on in order to maintain their place in the world. Their grasp on the terrain beneath their feet. The basic understandings they have built their lives upon. We offer them an abyss. An abyss that comes with the fact that their mommy or daddy (government) hates them.
It is far less scary to live terrorized by the Covid and the Murder Hornets than to lose the very ground all of your thought processes are based on. You would have to admit you were wrong like a thousand times and think about how asshole you were to the people who knew better than you. And you'd hafta take the label and the ridicule.
From a pack animal perspective, we offer only an abyss.
Takes alotta balls to jump into one a those.
But if academics and professionals start talking more about conspiracy, others will realize it's not such a bizarre thing. "Oh shit, even Steve believes 9-11 was rigged. Steve's got kids. And a partnership in a law firm. Could there be something to this?"
The more Steve's out there with genuine matrix cred that talk to other people about their particular pet false flag, the more we win. And the more we advertise the existence of an alternate pack consisting of "stable" people.
Steve's got to have good knowledge and a little charisma. But most importantly, Steve's gotta have matrix cred. Military and Religious credentials work gooood.
How do you build more Steves?
If I'm building a Steve, I want an easily searchable database of all the scientific studies, mass media reports, and other other trusted matrix sources regarding any specific claim or event. Shit I can paste into an email at will. This would have to be highly curated and would be something I'd pay 5 a month for.
If I'm building a Steve, I want to learn to go slow. I want to come across calm and jovial. Less passionate than more. But most importantly, I will never go to lizards in front of Steve. I talk Banks. I talk Collusion. I keep to money trails and lab coats.
Steve's a bubble-gummer. You don't give him the heavy shit right outta the gate. He speaks Covid and Kennedy. 9-11 and Gulf War. And history nerd Steve's'll talk Remember The Maine and Smedley Butler. Steve speaks material atheist - not metaphysical. You go metaphysical with him and he'll label and dismiss you.
Steve can't handle so many of the paradigms he's built his life on, to be shattered at the same time. It's a thousand times easier to label you. A good Steve builder tries to only take one paradigm at a time.
I prematurely ejaculate magic all over people. I ain't a good Steve builder. But I grow stronger every day.
Work on my pacing...
Brilliant man. Death of a salesman type story. A similar insight hit me recently about the various existing thresholds of understanding, as analog to the gears on a bicycle: 9/11 would be the second. But the egregore haunting the cabal to do produce such things, like third gear. Or if you’re out of luck and push too hard ahead, you might break the chain.
The resolution.
in any case, I’m seeing more Steves popping up, and maybe Steve can shape-shift in other people like agent smitho_O:D:eek:

enjoypolo wrote: maybe Steve can shape-shift in other people like agent smith
Yeah, like he's just an average dude, but you start talking shit about Robert Kennedy's assassination and he shifts - ZWWAAAA - into Agent Steve. And he just knows so much more than you on the topic that you're powerless against him. But he's a good guy and he rolls jovial. Not all belligerent and cold.
Popped a chain on a Steve last week.
You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.
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