THC Book Club
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[Sticky] THC Book Club

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The recent Jay Dyer episode inspired me to go out and pick up his new book Esoteric Hollywood. Reading through it and having no one to talk to about the incredible ideas contained within inspired me further.

We should have a forum based THC book club. 6 books a year, one every two months. We can have a suggestion thread for the next book as we all read through and discuss the current one. The books don't necessarily have to be works of THC guests, though I imagine we'll end up with a few of those. Anything conspiratorial, wacky, weird, occult or esoteric would be fair game.

What does everyone think?

Posted : March 4, 2017 1:37 AM
Posts: 31
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Sounds like a hell of a idea. What would be the first book?

Posted : March 4, 2017 3:17 AM
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wwpalum wrote: Sounds like a hell of a idea. What would be the first book?

I'm open to suggestions.

If enough of us are interested I'll open a suggestion thread. I'm partial to Esoteric Hollywood, because it's current and I just spent $14 on it hahaha.

Posted : March 4, 2017 3:28 AM
Posts: 474
Honorable Member

May I suggest a slightly different approach, one which can be more inclusive and allow more flexibility for people who may like to participate in such a good endeavour but may find a variety of obstacles perhaps in sticking to a schedule or affordability.

To allow people to go at their own pace & cover books they've already read I offer:-
The THC Book Review Club

The reader writes up a proper review essay that covers a main synopsis, 4-6 paragraphs ( maybe more) on the main topics/reasoning/evidence etc. And a personal reflection on how it helped/impacted them. If this is a bit much then maybe just a good summary & reflection.

Plus agree to discuss the book with all who reply.

There's added benefit in that the readers own comprehension and recall of the book will improve, it's something I'd like to improve, after reading these i made a commitment to do a summary for each book I read from now on.

Anyone can join in with a review club at any time with any book in any format. I would like to read the reviews of Jay Dyers book but right now it's not on my reading priority list, it might be after reading a THC review.

Posted : March 5, 2017 1:26 AM
Posts: 64
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All I know is I'm ready to start whenever you guys are!

Posted : March 7, 2017 1:34 AM
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I'll definitely be getting this off the ground soon.
I've just moved house. Big move. So I've been off grid for the most part. Currently catching up on 2 weeks of Uni work then it's back to my normally scheduled programming. Which includes getting this book club going and spending more time here 🙂

Posted : March 16, 2017 1:36 AM
Posts: 2
New Member

Looking for one of Sesh Heri's books, "the handprint of Atlas" any help whatsoever is appreciated. Black-holed definitely applies for this one guys....

Posted : March 16, 2017 6:03 AM
Posts: 10
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I am definitely down for this. I need to start reading more, and this will also give me more of a reason to do so! Let me know when and what the first book is!

Posted : March 16, 2017 12:35 PM
Posts: 36
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I'm up for this. I'm actually looking for some recommendations as well. I want to get more into numerology and runes, but not sure what the best books on the subject might be.

I'd be grateful for any suggestions.

Thanks all.

Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.

Posted : June 10, 2017 12:16 AM
Posts: 95
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I would be interested in a book club.

I am mainly interested in Alchemy / Gnosis / Matrix / Virtual Reality.

Posted : June 12, 2017 10:05 AM
Posts: 31
Eminent Member

I'm in!
Do we do this via the forum? Otherwise you can start a book club via GoodReads. I think the admin can set the book of the month and then it notifies every one.

Posted : June 25, 2017 3:29 AM
Posts: 16
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Did anything ever come of this?

Posted : August 23, 2017 3:35 AM
Posts: 34
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Not as of yet unfortunately...

Between Uni, family, and work Im spread a bit thin. However the concept is not dead and gone. Will keep you all updated

Posted : August 26, 2017 10:27 AM
Posts: 474
Honorable Member


May I suggest a slightly different approach, one which can be more inclusive and allow more flexibility for people who may like to participate in such a good endeavour but may find a variety of obstacles perhaps in sticking to a schedule or affordability.

To allow people to go at their own pace & cover books they've already read I offer:-
The THC Book Review Club

The reader writes up a proper review essay that covers a main synopsis, 4-6 paragraphs ( maybe more) on the main topics/reasoning/evidence etc. And a personal reflection on how it helped/impacted them. If this is a bit much then maybe just a good summary & reflection.

Posted : August 28, 2017 4:15 AM
Posts: 16
Active Member

I read that earlier in the thread, and had been considering it, especially with the chronic inability of strangers on the internet to match schedules. I'd be willing to contribute. Currently working my way through Living Energies by Callum Coats, and The Art of Dreaming by Carlos Castaneda. Having to write reviews on them might give me the excuse needed to read more consistently.

Posted : August 28, 2017 3:39 PM
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