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Posted : April 4, 2018 12:45 PM
Posts: 474
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Ancient Architects
is a YouTube channel dedicated to unravelling history's most enigmatic mysteries. We look at the structures that define the world's most ancient civilisations, from The Sphinx and the Great Pyramid, to Stonehenge and Gobekli Tepe.

I found this channel has fairly short well produced vids on most of the worlds ancient mysterious sites - plus the guy offers not only the alternative views out there but also his take on what might have happened - his on on King Tut below is new to me and make alot of sense.
Here's just a few loads more on his channel

Posted : April 5, 2018 4:05 AM
Posts: 632
Honorable Member

Hi Shamangineer, Long shot question for you: Do you remember a movie suggestion in this thread, near the beginning,that mentioned a super surreal animated documentary?
Memory Clues:
1.) It wasn't the most obvious answer to this question like HEAVY METAL. But very similiar.
2.) *squints eyes. Something about blue cartoon aliens?
3.) Please pardon my Stoner Brain Farts
. *smiles sheepishly
4.)) The comments about it were something like " DON'T watch this high" & " You gotta watch this when ur high af!",etc I'm pretty sure it's still here somewhere & I've just missed it.
Also, that user might not be here anymore.

Danke' for any help. Days have been spent trying to remember what the name was.#doooh

P.S. Maaan, The Secret Life of Plants changed my perception profoundly & immensely!! Great suggestion.

Posted : April 23, 2018 11:24 PM
Posts: 632
Honorable Member

Eureka....SAMSARA!!!!!!!! Found it...finally! I could have sworn it was animated for some reason. Oh well.

Of any film on the plane-t, this one I'd most enjoy tokin' up with G.C. or any hardcore THC+ member in the middle of no-where on a giant screen, all Drive-In movie style. Cheers to a killer thread.

Trrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrippy AF!! Thanks.

Posted : April 24, 2018 1:12 AM
Posts: 632
Honorable Member

From This Thread:
" Samsara (and the others in the series, baraka, and quianquatsi

samsara is fucked up.

if i could choose one movie to show to aliens, about humans, this would be it.

it is (or almost is) wordless, language-less, it's about human beings, their crazy cultures/ceremonies/traditions/landscapes, and the visual aspects of those.
"i'd recommend getting high AF and watching it, but also watching it sober will make you feel high AF."

Now, THAT's my kind of film,ya'll~

Posted : April 24, 2018 1:17 AM
Posts: 632
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Posted : April 24, 2018 1:38 AM
Posts: 632
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Posted : April 24, 2018 1:40 AM
Posts: 632
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Here are two more from Netflix to add to the list:

*For the THC+ Explorer/Outdoor Enthusiast ---------> MERU *Afraid of Heights? Get ready to have your adrenaline pump nonstop with this one.

**For The Travel Doc/Murder Mystery Lover:------> The Galapagos: Satan Came To The Island * Island Garden of Eden + M-U-R-D-E-R!!! Yeah,baby,yeah.

Posted : April 24, 2018 2:13 PM
Posts: 1354
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In the past few days, I've watched two amazing films:
1) La Planète Sauvage (Fantastic Planet) by René Laloux (1973) which is an incredible animation that I wouldn't want to spoil, except to say that everyone listening to this show would surely enjoy. It's incredible.
I would also recommend watching the extras. Lots of insights on the production, including how a lot of the drawings and script were made and inspired by folks from a mental institution. It's fascinating, and I tend to think this movie has lots in common with what we know on gnosis, archons and lizard folks. Cheers!
2) The Holy Mountain by Alejandro Jodorowsky (1973 as well!! what are the odds. Historic time in film-making for sure!)
A Classic. I've re-watched this one, sober, after a while. Every time I do though, I am blown away by the dream-like and poetic landscape that Jodorowsky captures on film. The DVD version with digital remaster has incredible quality to it, and the extras on the DVD are very interesting (deleted scenes, comments on the Tarot and the film restoration process)

But these two movies are not just entertainment. They are experiences that touch the soul. It shows how radical and experimental the filmmaking process used to be and it's quite the show!

Posted : April 24, 2018 4:49 PM
Posts: 632
Honorable Member

Rock! Consider them the next ones on my list. =D

Posted : April 24, 2018 5:13 PM
Posts: 1354
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A Good American (2015)
Directed by Friedrich Moser

This is an awesome documentary about the story of William Binney, former Technical Director at NSA turned whistleblower after the 2001 attacks. It traces the story of Binney at NSA which is cool given how secretive it is, but also details regarding the ThinThread program which would've been an incredibly sophisticated and efficient way to collect metadata to intercept criminals in an anonymous way, as opposed to the corrupt, TrailBlazer program using bulk-data acquisition that led to WB's resignation in 2001. It's a great thrilling documentary that exposes the corruption of NSA by the Military-Industrial-Complex (MIC) and also gives us solutions that are potentially much more effective and low-cost.

Long story short, I recommend this to all THC folks, not only for the quality of the film, but because Binney is a vocal member for this community doing work with the International Tribunal for Natural Justice (ITNJ), as well as working in Netherlands and EU to implement a commercial version of ThinThread.

While I'm at it, if you're so inclined, William Binney made a convincing case last year about why the so-called guccifer 2.0 DNC hack was not a Russian hack, but an insider who purposely harvested/leaked data using a thumb drive, based on forensic timestamps and speed transfers. Though it doesn't prove who did it, it certainly confirms that it wasn't a remote-distance hack, which is the narrative being pushed by, and frankly if you're like me, it's becoming annoying.

Posted : July 18, 2018 3:08 AM
Posts: 146
Estimable Member

I'm going to dig in to this thread, but if you guys haven't watched the doc I posted in the Media section of this site called Counter Intelligence, yer fuckin up. WATCH IT!

Posted : July 19, 2018 11:47 AM
Posts: 26
Eminent Member

Title: Hereditary
Year: 2018
Synopsis: I won't give any details away so I won't potentially ruin your fun, but it is one of the better horror films I've seen in a while. I didn't watch the trailer before I saw the movie, so I had no idea what it was about. I'm glad I didn't see the trailer, it was better that way. If you like horror movies, I would wager you will really enjoy this.

Available on Amazon

Posted : September 1, 2018 4:08 AM
Posts: 1354
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I just finished watching The Dallas Buyer's Club, and man that was an amazing film. Matthew McConaughey kills it once again with an incredible performance. The film isn't new, but it's a great story about Big Pharma and the suppression of drugs for HIV patients back in the 80s.
One thing that caught my eye numerous times were the symbolism throughout the film: pyramid hand-signs, new world order, #33.
I probably wouldn't've caught this a few years ago, but now it's pretty obvious.

Another good film I would recommend, surprisingly, is the recent Bradley Cooper-directed film A Star Is Born featuring Lady Gaga. I never was a big fan of hers (and her seemingly friendship with Marina Abramovic) so I was skeptical to say the least. But it hit the sweet spot, an authentic vibe from Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga too. I don't want to spoil it, but it's nice to see a hollywood film hitting the zeitgeist, even if it's only a performance.

Posted : November 1, 2018 12:07 AM
Posts: 1354
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I watched yesterday the new Bob Lazar documentary (Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers by Jeremy Corbell) that just came out.
It features narration by Mickey Rourke (The Wrestler), as well as old George Knapp who first got Bob Lazar public more than thirty-years ago.
It's funny too, because in my early teen years when I first discovered the internet, I would pull all-nighters looking up Area 51 and Bob Lazar. All of it faded away until now, and although Bob's story is just a small piece of the puzzle, it's still an important one that I think should be heard.

The Disclosure scene has so many people coming forward with so much intel (which must include false intel too), with Nazi Germany UFO research/Paperclip, US Navy involvement / SolarWarden-SSP. It's quite an exciting time to witness, and Bob Lazar still hasn't changed any of his claims. In fact, since he first came out, Element 115 has officially been recognized as ununpentium, aka moscovium.

anyways, it was well-made, and I would recommend this and Above Majestic for those curious.

Posted : December 17, 2018 6:43 PM
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