jack_daft wrote: The problem with this online tug of war is that no one gets physically tired.
The eternal middle man that I am can see the merits to both of your positions. I can also see, as a reader of both of your posts, the value you each give to this forum.
Can this be resolved in a way that you both get satisfaction? Infighting is a cold barrel we press against our own skulls while the opposition doesn’t so much as lift a finger.
I don’t presume to know precisely why it is that either of you have chosen this path in life, but I can share my own. I believe without a doubt that society has lied to us. This world that we cohabitate is the result of orchestration. Through indoctrination or design, every single authority figure in my life has perpetuated this fantasy.
I don’t crave “like minded” individuals. I crave authentic thinkers that, ideally, cause me to question my own paradigm. I have looked for a place where I am not catered to, a place where I am exposed to the thoughts of people I might not otherwise meet in my life.
There is a monster, be it real or idea, that will forever try and dissuade this form of commingling. There is a system who would diminish our capacity to share our perceptions and collectively grow as a result.
If you two never see eye to eye, I will continue. I will still extract value from your contributions. And I will never have known what potential benefit I could have gathered from your eventual collaboration.
I'm tired already, brother.
My perspective might not be pointed nobly enough right now to share your vision of collaboration. But I could envision some future peaceful coexistence if the power dynamic were addressed and the behavior ceased.
Because that's what bugs me the most. Isn't this forum about a shared distaste for those who are given power and then abuse it?
But if Sham were to say, be forced to be "Curator of Newbs" for a year... You know, just act kind and welcoming... Maybe even deferential and supportive, here and there... I think it would go a long way to showing that he understood what he did wrong and was working to mend fences.
You're right, man. This shit is heavy. But we could make a game of it, have some fun. For the next 6 months the only posts Sham's allowed to make are positive and supportive ones. Shit, if he played this game like a good sport, I would totally vote to give him another chance.
One other thing, man.
Do you think Greg's the type of guy who would want to know about this shit? You think he'd care?
You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

shamangineer wrote: I also noticed Fifth Column liked the post where I call him a fucking pissant. Either he agrees with my argument, or more likely this is tacit acknowledgement the whole point of the thread was to literally piss me off to the point of calling a spade a spade and instigate a pile-on of rubberneckers.
Wrong again, bro. The reason I liked your post was because there was no Love button. I loved your post, man.
I am naturally predisposed to things that prove my point.
Do you know what pissant means?
You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

fifthcolumn wrote: Wrong again, bro. The reason I liked your post was because there was no Love button. I loved your post, man.
I am naturally predisposed to things that prove my point.
Do you know what pissant means?
Yes, it means you are insignificant, a very small person. I said it because as I stated before you have brought up no real argument, nothing of significance, just petty sleights that you have already done worse versions of yourself. All of the insults listed immediately before calling you a fucking pissant were slurs you had used against me, some in this very thread.
If you are determined to go crying to Greg citing the Shamangineer cancer thread as the reason why I am such a horrible viscous person knock yourself out. It's frankly pretty embarrassing to be pulling that shit as a grown-ass man on an internet BB. I seriously doubt Greg has any interest in breaking up troll-fuelled flame-wars over petty grievances.
I'm sorry if I don't run around blowing butterflies up everyone's ass on the boards, but I have a life. I drop info here and there if something interests me. but I'm not here to coddle every conspiracy theory no matter how unfounded or foolish, I'm here to provide my perspective. If nobody cares to listen, fine.
But if you want to metaphorically kick me in the nuts for it, insult me, and even go on a half-assed campaign to get me removed from the boards I'm going to get a bit pissed off with your incessant bullshit and call out your pissant antics every step of the way.

shamangineer wrote: as I stated before you have brought up no real argument
Sham, your repeating this doesn't make it so.
Why don't Fen or Jack's opinions count, man?
You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

fifthcolumn wrote: Sham, your repeating this doesn't make it so.
Why don't Fen or Jack's opinions count, man?
You can't even frame a question without it being an attack, this is literally how you ask questions. Just like a bitchy little pissant. You are basing this attack on a lack of information, which makes it inherently bullshit.
I generally agree with Fen and Jack's statements, it would be nice if people could be more cooperative. It's how to get there where people disagree, case in point above.

shamangineer wrote: I generally agree with Fen and Jack's statements,
If you agree with them that there's a sliver of truth to what I'm saying, then why do you keep saying
you have brought up no real argument,
You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Because I mean an argument as in making a point with facts in support and not simply yelling at each other.
Do you have any point? Because you've gone on this multi-day tirade, created a whole thread dedicated to your beef and brought in bystanders, what is your endgame?
Do you want me to be nice to people advocating racism, homophobia, white genocide, ect. on the principle that we all just have a different idea of what human is? Should I just say 2+2=Q to get along? Should I not burst the bubble of the person reading a website stating the CIA is a communist front because you think it's a communist front? I haven't heard any actual point to all of this sound and fury aside from cliche ideals like cooperation and unity which aren't really specific in any way.
Or maybe you really just wanted to frame things to make the case to get me kicked off the boards, is that it?
I think it's just that you don't like me because I have proven you wrong on multiple occasions and you can't let it go - a basic case of chronic butthurt.

shamangineer wrote: Should I not burst the bubble of the person reading a website stating the CIA is a communist front because you think it's a communist front?
Dude! You weren't bursting anyone's bubble, she had already come back! She already knew the site was worthless, god knows how many hours she spent wading through it, and she came back with her tail between her legs. And then you kicked her for it. Made her feel worse.
What you did was kick an ally when she was having a bad day. AND YOU KNEW SHE WAS HAVING ONE! You just read it!
Man, it's hard not to say something really fucking mean right now. But I'm trying, Ringo. I'm trying real hard... to be the shepherd.
Why would you wield your power differential that way?
You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

fifthcolumn wrote: Dude! You weren't bursting anyone's bubble, she had already come back! She already knew the site was worthless, god knows how many hours she spent wading through it, and she came back with her tail between her legs. And then you kicked her for it. Made her feel worse.
What you did was kick an ally when she was having a bad day. AND YOU KNEW SHE WAS HAVING ONE! You just read it!
Yeah, no. I told her she was right for questioning it and to keep on her way. Once again, you are misrepresenting my statements.
fifthcolumn wrote:
Man, it's hard not to say something really fucking mean right now. But I'm trying, Ringo. I'm trying real hard... to be the shepherd.Why would you wield your power differential that way?
Power differential? What, pray tell are the awe-inspiring powers I am wielding? Coordinated finger waggling?

fifthcolumn wrote: Dude! You weren't bursting anyone's bubble, she had already come back! She already knew the site was worthless, god knows how many hours she spent wading through it, and she came back with her tail between her legs. And then you kicked her for it. Made her feel worse.
What you did was kick an ally when she was having a bad day. AND YOU KNEW SHE WAS HAVING ONE! You just read it!
Man, it's hard not to say something really fucking mean right now. But I'm trying, Ringo. I'm trying real hard... to be the shepherd.
Why would you wield your power differential that way?
Bro, utilize the ignore function...you'll be glad you did...

I make a plea to the Forum Moderator.
I don't think I'm wrong here. But I could be. I admit it. But I don't know who in this forum I would trust to tell me so. So I make a proposal.
Could you send a letter up the chain to Greg and tell him that "The citizens of the Wild Card Forum would like his ruling on a matter that has caused much division and unrest." If I am guilty of half the things Shamangineer has accused me of, then he is right. And I am a stain on the forum.
I will submit to whatever ruling Greg makes. If he wants me out of here for this, I should go. The title of this thread could be reason enough.
I HUMBLY submit this plea to the Moderator.
You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

I've refrained from pouring oil into this discussion but seeing that it's gone from a spark to a full blaze, an intervention is required. Yet, frankly, I still don't understand what y'all are fighting about.
Isn't the whole point of this forum to be a space where outsiders can exchange their opinions?
As far as I understand, this sparked out of ShamanG's thread on Trump. My 2-cent is: We don't need to be eye-to-eye on everything, in fact, that's the last thing I'd expect out of a THC fan-base. Especially when it comes to arguing about politics. We know the whole thing is wrestlemania, so why bother wasting our precious time on it? (and doing the archon's work for them)
As far as @TheCarlwood is concerned, I'm not even sure this is worth his time, but if you really insist, then you can PM him (or tag him in the thread).
My feeling is, as cheesy and corny as it may sound, we're all sailing on this ship headed towards the uncharted waters, and we've entered the phase where the sea is going to get increasingly difficult and challenging. If we can't even have our shit together and co-exist, then peeps will jettison out, and we'll all end up sinking.
I'm no Solomon in terms of finding a fair resolution to this. All I can say is, Drink a little drink, smoke a little smoke, let's agree to disagree on things but still keep our eyes on the horizon, no? The only other solution... is a duel like the old days!:p
PS: If you want to change the thread title, let me know and I'll do it. 😉

enjoypolo wrote:
The only other solution... is a duel like the old days!:p
I would definitely have to use my no-hands shirt-ripping-off powers in that case.

shamangineer wrote:
I get what he’s saying, I’ve felt it....you can’t give two shits about that kinda attitude Bro....I was into Shamalamdingo too at first until I got into the forum, then I realized he didn’t walk the walk. He sure can kiss some Carlwood Ass though Bro....I don’t participate on this forum because of such trolls...

Fuckin'' bigfeet, man...
You know, there's never supposed to be one a you assholes around when you need one?
I think Shampleton's stench ran off Rani. Ain't it fucked how one dude's issues can keep wise minds from intermingling?
You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.
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