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The Education of Fifth Column

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I admit, fully, that I could be wrong regarding Shamangineer. My only problem is that I do not yet understand how. If I cannot understand my mistakes, I cannot learn from them.

SO I ASK ALL MEMBERS OF THE FORUMS, who might still care, to offer me their perspectives on a few questions that still linger in my head. Things I'm still fuzzy on. More perspectives from different angles might help to make the picture more "three dimensional" for me.

(Shamangineer, I would never tell you that couldn't post on a thread of mine. I would offer to you that I am way too polarized toward you, right now, to hear a valid argument from you. That same valid argument has a much better chance of getting through my thick head if it comes from somebody else. Not your fault - mine. However, I also think you should watch. Make sure everything's above-board. If you're inclined.)

If you are a sheepish newb, grizzled vet, or longtime lurker and you feel I have held this forum hostage for no good reason, I am here to learn. I will not hit back.

If I could resolve these sticking points, it may help to resolve others.

1.) Was I arguing politics? I thought my arguments were about Polarity and newb kicking (and maybe respect in general). Any quotes that show me arguing politics would assist me greatly.

(The only one I can find is when I admit to being an expert in butthurt. But I wrote a post a while back about the benefits of being wrong. I think it was "Black Belt In Being Wrong." And I thought if Sham was referring to that, then he was absolutely right. "Black Belt in Butthurt" is pretty funny. So I wore the hat. But that's not really arguing politics, is it?)

2.) Have I aged out? Is the concept of "respect in general" old fashioned? I came up before forums so I am inexperienced. I guess the kids would say I felt "trolled" by Sham in the Trump Behind The Scenes Thread. Did I misread that?

You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Posted : January 3, 2021 10:37 PM
Posts: 64
Trusted Member

Hi fifth column, just a third party adding in their two cents. Disclaimer I haven't read all of your posts. If you ask me though, I think dedicating two threads to a forum poster seems a bit too much.

fifthcolumn wrote:
1.) Was I arguing politics? I thought my arguments were about Polarity and newb kicking (and maybe respect in general). Any quotes that show me arguing politics would assist me greatly.

(The only one I can find is when I admit to being an expert in butthurt. But I wrote a post a while back about the benefits of being wrong. I think it was "Black Belt In Being Wrong." And I thought if Sham was referring to that, then he was absolutely right. "Black Belt in Butthurt" is pretty funny. So I wore the hat. But that's not really arguing politics, is it?)

I'm not sure if you were arguing politics and I don't think it matters honestly. I think a more insightful question is were you truly butt hurt? If so, what has Shamangineer done to trigger you? And if so, why has that triggered you?

fifthcolumn wrote:
2.) Have I aged out? Is the concept of "respect in general" old fashioned? I came up before forums so I am inexperienced. I guess the kids would say I felt "trolled" by Sham in the Trump Behind The Scenes Thread. Did I misread that?

I don't think "respect in general" is old fashioned. From what I can tell, you guys don't see eye to eye on Trump, is that where what you consider disrespect came from? Ignoring Shamangineer moving forward wouldn't work? I don't think Shamangineer has done anything worthy of being removed from the forum.

I hope this doesn't come off rude as that's not my intention.

Posted : January 4, 2021 4:10 PM
Posts: 422
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chukobyte wrote: Hi fifth column, just a third party adding in their two cents. Disclaimer I haven't read all of your posts. If you ask me though, I think dedicating two threads to a forum poster seems a bit too much.

I'm not sure if you were arguing politics and I don't think it matters honestly. I think a more insightful question is were you truly butt hurt? If so, what has Shamangineer done to trigger you? And if so, why has that triggered you?

I don't think "respect in general" is old fashioned. From what I can tell, you guys don't see eye to eye on Trump, is that where what you consider disrespect came from? Ignoring Shamangineer moving forward wouldn't work? I don't think Shamangineer has done anything worthy of being removed from the forum.

I hope this doesn't come off rude as that's not my intention.

I'm not sure if you were arguing politics and I don't think it matters honestly. I think a more insightful question is were you truly butt hurt? If so, what has Shamangineer done to trigger you? And if so, why has that triggered you?

When I was 17, my uncle gave me a Kennedy Assassination book and since then I have voted only once (My wife begged my to double her Obama vote in 2008). I do think that Trump might be the least destructive asshole we've seen in years, but he is still one of them.

What really hurts my butt, is the polarity I see dividing my allies in this forum. I tried to do what little I might be able. I first attempted to ease things with Hisich, as he seemed to be the most polarized and belligerent. That thread is here:

Well, Hisich lost it in a bad way and Polo and Nick jumped him. He deserved it. Polo and Nick are solid dudes, and they stomped out Hisich like buddies who felt a buddy had been attacked. I applaud them. While it might not have been the most perfect solution, Hisich damn near begged for it.

So I quietly bowed out of the discussion. I figured Hisich might be unhelpable. So i turned my gaze toward the other biggest polarity pusher I saw. Sham.

I entered the Trump Behind The Scenes thread and asked:

"Hey stud,
Is there a reason why you're reinforcing the destructive polarity that the lizards are pushing right now?"

I figured if anyone could hear a Polarity argument, it'd be Sham. The way he proceeded to treat me, after I made an attempt to speak to him logically, triggered me. He's not even making a good faith effort to consider my points. I felt bewildered and disrespected. Is his behavior in that thread "respect in general"?

I don't think "respect in general" is old fashioned. From what I can tell, you guys don't see eye to eye on Trump, is that where what you consider disrespect came from? Ignoring Shamangineer moving forward wouldn't work? I don't think Shamangineer has done anything worthy of being removed from the forum.

I make no argument as to what should be done. I kinda feel like that's Greg's decision. I could ignore Sham. But then I would have no idea of the newbies he's shamed. I'd have no ability to clean up after him and make people feel welcomed and respected here. I like the people who come here. I want them to feel like this is the one place that their views won't just be discounted and disrespected. They get enough of that in the outside world.

I hope this doesn't come off rude as that's not my intention.

Jesus, no! Your saying this indicates a high level of respectful discourse! Maybe a level I don't deserve! I could not be more grateful for your comments. If you'd like to understand where I'm coming from, spend some time in the Trump Behind The Scenes thread (the videos are unnecessary to watch) and the ill-titled Shamangineer thread I've posted.

You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Posted : January 4, 2021 7:12 PM
Posts: 273
Reputable Member

The anonymity of internet, with its lack of in-person social cues, is not conducive to respectful/thoughtful exchanges. Most folks--myself included--wouldn't act as shitty in-person as online.

Shamangineer may just have an out-sized ego and/or may believe his success in the 'real-world' w/i his narrow field of study/accomplishment makes him an expert in other fields as well. He may just be an arrogant prick who thinks everyone else in inferior to him, esp. w/him having the favor of Greg & the THC moderators, and that comes through in how he treats others he deems beneath him who dare to challenge his genius.


Posted : January 5, 2021 12:46 AM
Posts: 474
Honorable Member

Also ask the deeper stuff - my psychology lessons are still strong

why do you need this external validation, how's your relationship to you own father, are you missing that validation? and are now projecting it out wards?

2 threads about it, is it more about attention than the content of the messages?

I'm not having a go, but I know there are unconscious intent and drives to things we are not aware of. bring those to light and get your own fresh perspective.

love ya

peace to all

Posted : January 5, 2021 1:23 AM
Posts: 1023
Noble Member

nickzeptepi wrote: Also ask the deeper stuff - my psychology lessons are still strong

why do you need this external validation, how's your relationship to you own father, are you missing that validation? and are now projecting it out wards?

2 threads about it, is it more about attention than the content of the messages?

I'm not having a go, but I know there are unconscious intent and drives to things we are not aware of. bring those to light and get your own fresh perspective.

love ya

peace to all

This video goes into a bit more of the psychology in detail, if you have the ears to hear it:

Posted : January 6, 2021 8:06 PM