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The Key to Magic- Your Subconscious Mind (1)

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For Men...
(If you are a chick, you should read the next post in this thread.)
(The two posts are identical except for the pronouns his/her, she/he, etc. I am curious if the separate posts make it easier to assimilate the information.)

Your subconscious mind is the key to unlocking the universe. Many models suggest that your subconscious mind either is God, or is your access to God. (God here is shorthand for the forces of creation and manifestation). So if you want to manifest your desires, the only route to take is through your own subconscious. You have to learn to speak to your autistic older brother.

I think of my subconscious as my autistic younger brother. This is technically wrong, but it is useful for me to assume this perspective. Your subconscious mind is not autistic, but it shares more than a few traits with autistic people. Your subconscious mind is not younger than you. In fact, it is older than you. By about 5 - 7 years.

When you were born, your body and your subconscious mind had already been alive for about 5 years. For the first half decade of your life, your subconscious mind was driving the bus without you. It was only through his ability to learn and repeat patterns, that your conscious mind could be birthed from him. He laid the foundation of your being by soaking up and repeating every pattern he saw.

This is one of the reasons it helps me to think of him as "autistic. He learns and repeats patterns. And he is a master at it. He learned language for you. He learned how to stand, how to walk, how to run. He learned how to eat and drink and play. All by watching the patterns demonstrated before him. And all throughout your day, he repeats the patterns he has learned while you're not paying attention.

You don't have to think about walking. You don't have to think about eating. You don't even have to think about driving most times. He has mastered these patterns and can repeat them flawlessly, freeing up your conscious mind to think about other things.

This is the greatest gift ever given to you- and also your greatest obstacle.

For the first years of your life, he soaked up every pattern like a sponge. Good or bad- it didn't matter. As long as the pattern was demonstrated for him enough times, he learned it and repeated it. And he is still repeating many of those same patterns, behind your back, to this day. Good or bad.

The patterns that repeat themselves in your life are likely his doing. Why do I fly off the handle so easily? Why am I always depressed? Why do I worry so much? Chances are that these are patterns your subconscious mind has picked up and is repeating without your conscious mind realizing it.

The key to ascension is recognizing these unhealthy patterns - Self Awareness. Being able to see when your autistic older brother is driving the car in a manner that you no longer desire. If you can become aware of the patterns he is executing, and learn to speak to him in a way that creates new, more desirable patterns- the world is yours for the taking.

The movie Rain Man is a metaphor for your relationship to your subconscious mind. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it. It highlights the difficulty in communicating with the autistic older brother that you never knew you had. And it illustrates the sheer power of creation that can be achieved when you are working in harmony with your subconscious mind. Of course, the movie is a product of the illuminati so the final message is "It is too hard and too dangerous for you to take responsibility for your autistic older brother. That job is best left to authorities and institutions better suited to the task."

You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Posted : May 31, 2019 6:14 AM
Posts: 422
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For Women...

Your subconscious mind is the key to unlocking the universe. Many models suggest that your subconscious mind either is God, or is your access to God. (God here is shorthand for the forces of creation and manifestation). So if you want to manifest your desires, the only route to take is through your own subconscious. You have to learn to speak to your autistic older sister.

I think of my subconscious as my autistic younger brother. This is technically wrong, but it is useful for me to assume this perspective. Your subconscious mind is not autistic, but it shares more than a few traits with autistic people. Your subconscious mind is not younger than you. In fact, it is older than you. By about 5 - 7 years.

When you were born, your body and your subconscious mind had already been alive for about 5 years. For the first half decade of your life, your subconscious mind was driving the bus without you. It was only through her ability to learn and repeat patterns, that your conscious mind could be birthed from her. She laid the foundation of your being by soaking up and repeating every pattern she saw.

This is one of the reasons it helps to think of her as "autistic." She learns and repeats patterns. And she is a master at it. She learned language for you. She learned how to stand, how to walk, how to run. She learned how to eat and drink and play. All by watching the patterns demonstrated before her. And all throughout your day, she repeats the patterns she has learned while you're not paying attention.

You don't have to think about walking. You don't have to think about eating. You don't even have to think about driving most times. She has mastered these patterns and can repeat them flawlessly, freeing up your conscious mind to think about other things.

This is the greatest gift ever given to you- and also your greatest obstacle.

For the first years of your life, she soaked up every pattern like a sponge. Good or bad- it didn't matter. As long as the pattern was demonstrated for her enough times, she learned it and repeated it. And she is still repeating many of those same patterns, behind your back, to this day. Good or bad.

The patterns that repeat themselves in your life are likely her doing. Why do I fly off the handle so easily? Why am I always depressed? Why do I worry so much? Chances are that these are patterns your subconscious mind has picked up and is repeating without your conscious mind realizing it.

The key to ascension is recognizing these unhealthy patterns - Self Awareness. Being able to see when your autistic older sister is driving the car in a manner that you no longer desire. If you can become aware of the patterns she is executing, and learn to speak to her in a way that creates new, more desirable patterns- the world is yours for the taking.

The movie Rain Man is a metaphor for your relationship to your subconscious mind. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it. It highlights the difficulty in communicating with the autistic older sister that you never knew you had. And it illustrates the sheer power of creation that can be achieved when you are working in harmony with your subconscious mind. Of course, the movie is a product of the illuminati so the final message is "It is too hard and too dangerous for you to take responsibility for your autistic older sister. That job is best left to authorities and institutions better suited to the task."

You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Posted : May 31, 2019 6:17 AM
Posts: 474
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fifthcolumn wrote: When you were born, your body and your subconscious mind had already been alive for about 5 years.

How do you get 5 years?

Posted : June 1, 2019 1:04 PM
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nickzeptepi wrote: How do you get 5 years?

I think this is generally accepted when speaking in terms of personality and reasoning. It may be that you are born with these traits, but they are at such a rudimentary level that they don't amount to much. Hunger is an unpleasant feeling, and so you cry and your parents feed you. After this pattern is developed, your subconscious will observe it and repeat it because it is beneficial to you. It takes a while before the accumulation of all the patterns you recognize and repeat can be built upon to create your conscious mind.

Your conscious mind can do things like accept the notion that you get hungry at times. It can reason that you will get hungry again in the future and you might want to plan for this. It can stop crying so hard when you are told that dinner is coming soon, because it understands that there is a future in which your needs will get met. It can only do these things because it has seen that pattern repeated over and over, and it has developed the capability of analyzing the world based on this accumulation of patterns.

It's not the same for everybody, and there is no clear line that separates the time when your subconscious is driving from the time your conscious mind takes over. It is a gradual and intermittent process but, for most of us, by the time we are 5-7 years old, we can be safe in saying that the conscious mind is doing most of the driving. (Even this is technically wrong- studies suggest that the average person spends over 90% of their day just repeating patterns from their subconscious. So perhaps the better way of phrasing it would be that by 5 or 7, the conscious mind has the capability to do most of the driving.)

This is the impetus behind the statement "Give me a child until it is seven, and I will show you the man," attributed to Aristotle and the Jesuits. They are referring to this accumulation of patterns that lays the foundation for your entire being. It is why people who have been severely abused during these formative years are the hardest to cure of their problems. And it is why Ronald McDonald is such an insidious and vampiric character.

Bruce Lipton is really good at explaining this dynamic and how it influences your life. I highly recommend his book and lectures on the "Biology of Belief." But here he is talking specifically about this interaction between your subconscious and conscious minds.

You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Posted : June 1, 2019 11:35 PM
Posts: 474
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fifthcolumn wrote: you cry and your parents feed you. After this pattern is developed, your subconscious will observe it and repeat it because it is beneficial to you. It takes a while before the accumulation of all the patterns you recognize and repeat can be built upon to create your conscious mind.

I have and many other have a slighlty different experience,
The child cries - it does not know why- a good mother is connected subconsciously in the mother-baby bond and can reflect back at the baby the emotions and feelings to teach the baby (how else is going to learn) the good enough mother will be able to determine hungry, full, tired, needs love or attention etc etc.
Now what is there is a very poor or no mother-baby bond - a orphaned or adopted baby looses the first bond, and if it is not recreated sufficently and/or the next caregiver has low emotionla empathy, has little interest, is neglectful etc. then the situationis radically different
the baby cries (it really want the conection back it lost - it craves love and attention) the caregiver interprists it as it is hungry and feeds the baby. this will set up a dysfunctional association where the grown child will seek out food for a range of emotions that were not reflected back to it adequately.

maybe why there is an obesity crisis - to many workng moms with not enough empathy to connect to the baby and just feed every time they cried for what ever reason - now baby has eating as the answer to a range of emotions & feelings.

Gabor Mate goes into the preverbal truama and how a child interprits and internalises seemingly good intentions and words into self blame and shame.
There a few out there but this one is quite good

Oh and Dr Bruce Lipton has stated that all his work he mentions is not effective for a perosn who had a broken mother-baby bond and ended up in survival mode for prolonged periods. I wonder what percentage of the population would fall into this catogory?

In recent years i have litterally had to re-learn what hungry, full, empty are. I had a feeder as an adoptive mother, I also found out she over fed my brothers babies when in her care - he had to ban her from feeding them as they always were given back so full they refused food from their actual (good-enough) mother for the rest of the day.

For the majority there is normal development - but there are some who had to survive their preverbal developmental stages.


Posted : June 2, 2019 11:35 AM
Posts: 474
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Further to this
I am now starting to realise that when a being (human or otherwise) has thre autonomic nervous system (vagus nerve) shocked at a early stage or is carring a similar shcok truama form its parents it unlocks extreme adaptability and significant changes in their physiology, even musculoskeltal frame.

so the differnece we see in dogs, big cats, asian and afican elephants, trees etc are not developed over years but are "natural" adaptions to an enviroment that has shockd and got to the central nervous system to trigger the adapt or die gene.

Is that why we as a human species are being shocked, traumatised, to trigger this survive mode (most of use breath into the chest which bulds stress chemicals in the brain and activates the fight or flight mode) so we are primed to adapt to the 5G background radiation that will soon envelope us?

Posted : June 2, 2019 11:55 AM
Posts: 422
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nickzeptepi wrote: I have and many other have a slighlty different experience,
The child cries - it does not know why- a good mother is connected subconsciously in the mother-baby bond and can reflect back at the baby the emotions and feelings to teach the baby (how else is going to learn) the good enough mother will be able to determine hungry, full, tired, needs love or attention etc etc.
Now what is there is a very poor or no mother-baby bond - a orphaned or adopted baby looses the first bond, and if it is not recreated sufficently and/or the next caregiver has low emotionla empathy, has little interest, is neglectful etc. then the situationis radically different
the baby cries (it really want the conection back it lost - it craves love and attention) the caregiver interprists it as it is hungry and feeds the baby. this will set up a dysfunctional association where the grown child will seek out food for a range of emotions that were not reflected back to it adequately.

maybe why there is an obesity crisis - to many workng moms with not enough empathy to connect to the baby and just feed every time they cried for what ever reason - now baby has eating as the answer to a range of emotions & feelings.

Gabor Mate goes into the preverbal truama and how a child interprits and internalises seemingly good intentions and words into self blame and shame.
There a few out there but this one is quite good

Oh and Dr Bruce Lipton has stated that all his work he mentions is not effective for a perosn who had a broken mother-baby bond and ended up in survival mode for prolonged periods. I wonder what percentage of the population would fall into this catogory?

In recent years i have litterally had to re-learn what hungry, full, empty are. I had a feeder as an adoptive mother, I also found out she over fed my brothers babies when in her care - he had to ban her from feeding them as they always were given back so full they refused food from their actual (good-enough) mother for the rest of the day.

For the majority there is normal development - but there are some who had to survive their preverbal developmental stages.


Jesus, Nick. You bring light like thunder. I wanna party with you.

Thank you for dropping bombs into my overly-simplistic and generalized example. I think it will do a lot of people a lot of good.

You are living proof that a human can correct the most difficult programming anyone could be subjected to- that early childhood trauma. Shit like that alters destinies. Shit like that makes smart people stop what they're doing to watch- and ask "How'd he do that?" and maybe more importantly, "What's he gonna do next?"

Lipton can be very useful for understanding the mechanisms that prove that humans can become Demigods. I don't think he understands fully how a person goes about doing it. Not like you do.

Your seeding of your post with Eye of the Tiger proves this.

There is no force stronger than the human will. If it can be harnessed and directed toward the greater good, no power in the verse can stop us.

Thank you for your insight, brother. It serves as both a clarifier and optimizer.

You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Posted : June 2, 2019 8:47 PM
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nickzeptepi wrote: Gabor Mate goes into the preverbal truama and how a child interprits and internalises seemingly good intentions and words into self blame and shame.

Just finished listening to Mate. He sounds really good.

He and Lipton make similar points that apply to this discussion. Understanding something intellectually (with your conscious mind) is only the first step. Inhabiting the knowledge (impressing it on your subconscious mind) and employing it, as it pertains to you, is the job. Very few of us are going to wake up one day, enlightened. For most of us, it is a process. Hard work.

And I love his epitaph. "This was a lot harder than I thought it was going to be!" That shit is funny!

You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Posted : June 2, 2019 11:09 PM
Posts: 1354
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nickzeptepi wrote: I have and many other have a slighlty different experience,
The child cries - it does not know why- a good mother is connected subconsciously in the mother-baby bond and can reflect back at the baby the emotions and feelings to teach the baby (how else is going to learn) the good enough mother will be able to determine hungry, full, tired, needs love or attention etc etc.
Now what is there is a very poor or no mother-baby bond - a orphaned or adopted baby looses the first bond, and if it is not recreated sufficently and/or the next caregiver has low emotionla empathy, has little interest, is neglectful etc. then the situationis radically different
the baby cries (it really want the conection back it lost - it craves love and attention) the caregiver interprists it as it is hungry and feeds the baby. this will set up a dysfunctional association where the grown child will seek out food for a range of emotions that were not reflected back to it adequately.

maybe why there is an obesity crisis - to many workng moms with not enough empathy to connect to the baby and just feed every time they cried for what ever reason - now baby has eating as the answer to a range of emotions & feelings.

Gabor Mate goes into the preverbal truama and how a child interprits and internalises seemingly good intentions and words into self blame and shame.
There a few out there but this one is quite good

Oh and Dr Bruce Lipton has stated that all his work he mentions is not effective for a perosn who had a broken mother-baby bond and ended up in survival mode for prolonged periods. I wonder what percentage of the population would fall into this catogory?

In recent years i have litterally had to re-learn what hungry, full, empty are. I had a feeder as an adoptive mother, I also found out she over fed my brothers babies when in her care - he had to ban her from feeding them as they always were given back so full they refused food from their actual (good-enough) mother for the rest of the day.

For the majority there is normal development - but there are some who had to survive their preverbal developmental stages.


The mother relationship seems crucial indeed.
My own experience dealing with that was painful. It’s kinda of a personal anecdote, but one of the most biggest revelations I had in the relative past, was figuring out that the relationships I used to look for with women, were most often towards nurturing types that, subconsciously, reminded me of my mother (I call that the Nurturing stage).
It seems goofy and all, but boy, did it changed my life. No wonder all the pain and suffering. Big lesson learned, and glad I found it earlier than later.

The other thing I thought of, was that we can extend that to our relationship with Mother Earth as being one that needs to be addressed and healed (as above so below).

Posted : June 2, 2019 11:52 PM
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enjoypolo wrote: The mother relationship seems crucial indeed.
My own experience dealing with that was painful. It’s kinda of a personal anecdote, but one of the most biggest revelations I had in the relative past, was figuring out that the relationships I used to look for with women, were most often towards nurturing types that, subconsciously, reminded me of my mother (I call that the Nurturing stage).
It seems goofy and all, but boy, did it changed my life. No wonder all the pain and suffering. Big lesson learned, and glad I found it earlier than later.

The other thing I thought of, was that we can extend that to our relationship with Mother Earth as being one that needs to be addressed and healed (as above so below).

You are sooooo right about this, man.

I had a domineering mother. It caused me react poorly to female authority figures. Don't get me wrong- I react poorly to all authority figures, but I would particularly despise the females who overstepped their bounds rather than the men. Like I'd expect it from a dude- but that woman should fucking know better.

I found it excruciatingly humiliating to have to admit to myself that my problems stemmed from how mommy and daddy treated me as a child. But it was, ultimately, one of the most freeing admissions I ever made.

Raising Arizona - The Lone Biker of the Apocalypse... Check out the tattoo:

I always knew the tattoo was funny. Only now do I understand why it is scary.

The other thing I thought of, was that we can extend that to our relationship with Mother Earth as being one that needs to be addressed and healed (as above so below).

This is downright brilliant, man. Including the notion that maybe we can find some of what was missing from our relationship with our mother, in our relationship with Gaia. I fucking love that! All balls, bro!

You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Posted : June 3, 2019 4:51 AM
Posts: 318
Reputable Member

hey, lay off the mums.... it's a f'ing hard job! My mother told me a story that her mother used to sew her into her vest and knickers every winter to keep her warm, because they were too poor to afford to heat the house or hot water for baths. She hated it, but contextually, it was the best her mother could do for her. My mum did her best for me, and although I thought she didn't do a great job, now I'm a parent I understand the constraints under which she acted. I try and avoid regrets, but my biggest is that I didn't get to tell her how sorry I was for being a jerk to her as a kid before she died. (I've been expressing gratitude since she died, and having amazing confirmation back from her, but that is for another thread)

We are all doing the best under our circumstances, and often are trying to compensate for the perceived failings of our parents. And so the pendulum swings.

Let's all try and have some compassion for ourselves AND our families.

You could start maybe with some ancestral lineage healing. Very simple, and effective medicine for your ancestral line and your own personal wellbeing. Even if you don't know your ancestors, they know you.

That being said, I would recommend the Seth material in order to understand our true natures. FifthColumn, it will give much clarity to the notions you are progressing on. I am currently reading The Eternal Validity of the Soul and it has explained to me much that I have been struggling with my whole life.

" In it he discusses the eternal validity of the soul and presents his very unique and original view of physical and non-physical reality. Topics include: what to expect immediately after death, how to glimpse into past lives, ways to contact friends and relatives who have died, dreams and out-of-body experiences, the three lost civilizations that preceded Atlantis, and much more. "What I will tell you has been told before throughout the centuries, and given again when it was forgotten. I hope to clarify many points that have been distorted through the years… I am primarily a personality with a message: you create the world that you know. You have been given perhaps the most awesome gift of all: the ability to project your thoughts outward into physical form."

Posted : June 5, 2019 1:03 AM
Posts: 1354
Member Moderator

rani wrote: hey, lay off the mums.... it's a f'ing hard job! My mother told me a story that her mother used to sew her into her vest and knickers every winter to keep her warm, because they were too poor to afford to heat the house or hot water for baths. She hated it, but contextually, it was the best her mother could do for her. My mum did her best for me, and although I thought she didn't do a great job, now I'm a parent I understand the constraints under which she acted. I try and avoid regrets, but my biggest is that I didn't get to tell her how sorry I was for being a jerk to her as a kid before she died. (I've been expressing gratitude since she died, and having amazing confirmation back from her, but that is for another thread)

We are all doing the best under our circumstances, and often are trying to compensate for the perceived failings of our parents. And so the pendulum swings.

Let's all try and have some compassion for ourselves AND our families.

You could start maybe with some ancestral lineage healing. Very simple, and effective medicine for your ancestral line and your own personal wellbeing. Even if you don't know your ancestors, they know you.

That being said, I would recommend the Seth material in order to understand our true natures. FifthColumn, it will give much clarity to the notions you are progressing on. I am currently reading The Eternal Validity of the Soul and it has explained to me much that I have been struggling with my whole life.

" In it he discusses the eternal validity of the soul and presents his very unique and original view of physical and non-physical reality. Topics include: what to expect immediately after death, how to glimpse into past lives, ways to contact friends and relatives who have died, dreams and out-of-body experiences, the three lost civilizations that preceded Atlantis, and much more. "What I will tell you has been told before throughout the centuries, and given again when it was forgotten. I hope to clarify many points that have been distorted through the years… I am primarily a personality with a message: you create the world that you know. You have been given perhaps the most awesome gift of all: the ability to project your thoughts outward into physical form."

Thank you for your sharing your story and wisdom Rani, I totally agree about parents doing the best they could even it sometimes leads to pain/trauma. I'm not a parent yet so I can only imagine what it takes at this point.

I also think, for me at least, it was an arduous process of knowing/seeing in my earlier years that they had tried their best was, leading to the cathartic event, giving me the empathy necessary to forgive of them/self and heal (or go towards healing) eventually.

Thanks also for those books and links, the last book mentioned especially sounds like a trip.:rolleyes:

Posted : June 5, 2019 2:02 AM
Posts: 318
Reputable Member

Hey no worries. Sorry if I came off defensive. I just get told every morning by my daughter that I have ruined her life, and she's 5.

And also like to say thanks to FifthColumn for re-writing the post for my lady brain. Please note, from now on my preferred pronouns are Der, Derp and Darpa. 😀

Posted : June 5, 2019 5:11 AM
Posts: 422
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rani wrote: hey, lay off the mums.... it's a f'ing hard job! My mother told me a story that her mother used to sew her into her vest and knickers every winter to keep her warm, because they were too poor to afford to heat the house or hot water for baths. She hated it, but contextually, it was the best her mother could do for her. My mum did her best for me, and although I thought she didn't do a great job, now I'm a parent I understand the constraints under which she acted. I try and avoid regrets, but my biggest is that I didn't get to tell her how sorry I was for being a jerk to her as a kid before she died. (I've been expressing gratitude since she died, and having amazing confirmation back from her, but that is for another thread)

We are all doing the best under our circumstances, and often are trying to compensate for the perceived failings of our parents. And so the pendulum swings.

Let's all try and have some compassion for ourselves AND our families.

You could start maybe with some ancestral lineage healing. Very simple, and effective medicine for your ancestral line and your own personal wellbeing. Even if you don't know your ancestors, they know you.

That being said, I would recommend the Seth material in order to understand our true natures. FifthColumn, it will give much clarity to the notions you are progressing on. I am currently reading The Eternal Validity of the Soul and it has explained to me much that I have been struggling with my whole life.

" In it he discusses the eternal validity of the soul and presents his very unique and original view of physical and non-physical reality. Topics include: what to expect immediately after death, how to glimpse into past lives, ways to contact friends and relatives who have died, dreams and out-of-body experiences, the three lost civilizations that preceded Atlantis, and much more. "What I will tell you has been told before throughout the centuries, and given again when it was forgotten. I hope to clarify many points that have been distorted through the years… I am primarily a personality with a message: you create the world that you know. You have been given perhaps the most awesome gift of all: the ability to project your thoughts outward into physical form."

Leave it to a woman to bring compassion and forgiveness into a discussion of How and Why. Typical... I think your'e absolutely right, though. You think we're controlled by these capstone bottom feeders? Our parents had nothing to work with- no access to the information and perspectives that we currently enjoy. They were hopelessly manipulated and victimized by their authority figures and most of them did the best they could do with what they had available to them. Most of them...

Ranes, I've read The Education of Oversoul Seven and while there were some fascinating ideas about the hollow earth and how time functions, I can't say I found it useful. The Seth material seems brilliant in a lot of places - with some very useful things about the conscious and subconscious minds - but I am very skeptical of channeled material and some things in it bother me. Statements like "He who hates an evil merely creates another one," seem like decrees handed down that I have no ability to verify. I am just supposed to accept it.

If I hate rape, but never kill or harm a rapist, am I still creating another evil? What is the mechanism behind it? Is there a Seth book you could direct me to to understand this better?

You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Posted : June 5, 2019 5:27 AM
Posts: 422
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rani wrote: And also like to say thanks to FifthColumn for re-writing the post for my lady brain.

Rani's interesting, man. I can't tell if derp's fucking with me, or if darpa thinks writing two posts might be useful to anyone at all.

You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Posted : June 5, 2019 5:36 AM
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