Oh my hell,
How many of you all just love the shit out of Lauren Silva's voice??
She is suuuch a talented singer! Mr. Spaceman is my Faaaaav =D!
What's YOURS?
(In Fact, I'd really love to go listen to her right this very second, but seems like somebody is having some 503 issues. No worries. It happens. It shouldn't happen,but It Happens. )
Speaking of, Maybe it's time for a THC Themesong CD!!!
I know,iknow,i know- They're FREE with a Plus membership.
But, it would be cool to just pop a cd (for us old-ass folks & all) in the SUV
& go merrily on the way.. Maybe a freebee with orders from T.H. C.C.?<--(after rocking into those 6's, that's is)
You've amassed quite a few & how much fun are they?!
I'd SOOO rather listen to Lauren than Justin ANY DAY!!
Think about it? What a great Xmas gift;)
W-O-R-K I-T O-U-T, Lady!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now,you do know GEMINI's have NOTORIOUSLY sharp tongues & wits.
Double your pleasure, Double YOUR FUN,yo!
~The Twins Rock Twice As Hard~
I swear on my big, fuzzy

**Waves @ Chukobyte

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