The Sack of Maracai...
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The Sack of Maracaibo

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When I went into that maze, I was not a fan of Lil Wayne. Wasn't fond of his music, but when I saw Kevin Rudolph's Let it Rock, I got pissed at the dude. Thought it sounded lazy and misogynistic. And I harped on the line "dirty like socks that's on the ground." That line really fuckin bugged me. Just sounded like nobody put any effort in. On Rudolph's fucking masterpiece. I felt bad for him.

I haven't told you this, but after a little while in that maze, it felt like Em and I were building armies. It felt like he would bring somebody to show me (cause I don't know dick about the music scene). Felt like "Hey man, this guy wants to ride with us." I don't know anybody so I figure, anybody wants to start over that's cool with me. More the merrier. Silence means consent.

Then I get this:

Goddamn it Bleach
There is no fucking method on this plane
To get me to do
What you want me to
No man, not hazy wayne

First I'm gonna pick my bone
You lazy puke not even tryin
Rudolph's flyin reasons alone
What's the tack you're plyin

Least hustle for a genius
Disgrace more Mars than Venus
Is there some reason you got
Stashed beyond your penis?

You said it yourself
Slow rappers low shelf
Ain't got enough goddamn get up and go
Sittin back lopin
unlocked and unscopin
Easy greasy turned out sleazy
And I don't wanna know

Ain't got much smash and grab
Just a weakly backhand stab
At somethin he can't be or even speak
I don't know him trim from whistle
Can't say he's my favorite missile
Whadda we call him other than "the meek"
But if you say he's tried and true
With balls all painted blue
Well, then you quibble Spartan or Greek

Never felt the laid back Cali
Sun melt off my roar and rally
Those dudes roll smooth and loosely
Never really dug it, truthfully
But I got boys who roll more
Slowly than I would

Wayne, still in chains, comes gracious and humble
Plain to see sincerety
On the dude, without stumble

Hey man, you know his music?
This whole industry's an affliction
All I know is when he opens his mouth
It's like the briefcase in pulp fiction

I honestly got no problem wih the dude
If he's gettin squared away
Fuck, redemption's the best story outta this whole goddamn stay
Betties love that shit
Bad boy turns around and saves the day
No end to all the ass that a dude like that'll slay
Tell him if he don't out Han Solo me
I got no problems rollin deep
And if he wants the option
Then he's got some faith to keep

Look, if it's my call - no stall
Freefall all yall
Reset- four leaf clover
Christmas laced in Valentines
A snog and Russel Stover
Clean the slate
Smash the gate
Biblical do-over

Truth and reconciliation
Storm the radio stations
Honesty will make them free
While causing fear and frustration

Let some know it and bestow it
Onto others with filter
In "Really Bad" the truth is clad
For those easily off-kilter

But not knowing's slowing everything
And eating up our style
We must see how bad it can be
To make the lesson worthwhile

Build yourselves and your allies
Bestow light upon children
Hold your ground
Ye mighty Found
Do not seek to kill them

We bring redemption to the righteous
Long ago stolen
All who want to ignite us
Leave battered and swollen
When you spoil the child and spare the rod
I say
Just who the fuck is like unto God???

Amen amen amen

I started this not liking Lil Wayne at all. I kinda love the dude, now.

You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Posted : August 19, 2021 8:18 PM
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I know you're not a sync guy, but that third video talking about the solar plexus was what I needed to hear. I started receiving messages last week to move up and get to work on the solar plexus and now I have a better idea how to do that so thank you 🙂

Also, some of my favorite people are on FreemanTV. (Sonia Barrett, Emily Moyer, etc etc) I didn't think I'd be able to make it through two 2+ hr long videos but I couldn't turn them off. Up until 4 years ago I lived in a raging university cult town (that sits on the 33rd parallel) so the whole social engineering thing trips me the fuck out because I was almost sucked into it and I've lost 99% of my friends to it. Crazy shit.

Posted : August 23, 2021 12:57 PM
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Yeah, babe. I think more chicks like to talk energy and more dudes like to talk science. Tryina unify some field theories. Here's the bomb, though- Solar Plexuswise:

Big Freeman fan.

Mark Passio has really tightened up his game. He was straight hack and slash earlier on and it turned alotta people off. I once heard him demolish a 33rd parallel programmed automaton redneck who called into a show just to berate him. First time I heard him use the term "Unbegun." Fell in love with him there on the spot. I needed his rage. It was something I sync'ed with. But even I knew it was gonna turn alotta fuckers off.

I think he's tuned it just about perfect, now. Nobody's a hundred percent right about everything, but I got Mark clocked in the nineties.

You are so welcome, babe! You just made my day!

You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Posted : August 23, 2021 5:07 PM
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Yes yes, I'm a frequency junkie. The solar plexus exposure therapy recommendation is my nightmare but I'm going to heed the advice. I don't think I isolate because I'm scared to face different energies - I have more of the hermit thing going on, I'm in my lab working on projects, ya know? But I still need to exercise the muscle I suppose.

First time I heard him use the term "Unbegun." Fell in love with him there on the spot.
I wrote that part in my notes because I loved it

His delivery is a little intense in those videos but I feel like it's an appropriate intensity for the subject matter, and the people who can't handle hearing the truth will reject it even when it's candy coated so at a certain point why bother?

Nobody's a hundred percent right about everything
I agree, I think that's the trickstery nature of this realm

Posted : August 24, 2021 1:06 AM
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"The solar plexus exposure therapy recommendation is my nightmare but I'm going to heed the advice."

That's the thing - The worst nightmare's the first. You get over those first one or two hurdles and then all of a sudden, you're a hurdler. Your mind (or Plexus chakra) get's just that first little workout and realizes it can do this. It starts to perceive hurdles in terms of "How" rather than "Why."

Every bit more exposure (short controlled bursts, at first) builds you into something more powerful. Less fragile. All things get easier with practice.

"I agree, I think that's the trickstery nature of this realm"

I don't know if I'd agree that the realm is trickstery... I don't wanna see it that way, anyway. Feels like you got the world against me, tryina fool me. I'd rather play a game where the world had no motive for or against me. The entities within it? Sure. But fuck, man. The fabric of the universe tryina deceive me? Seems uncool. Now the Matrix? Definitely. Psychotically Industrially Trickstery.

I like callin it Mystery when the universe is doin it to me.

You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Posted : August 24, 2021 3:28 PM
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Oooooooh, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho.... He is soooo fucked. I got feathered brethren on the valley walls whistlin intel to me from multiple high ground perspectives. I was already gonna fear no evil, but now I feel like thwartin some.

But first I gotta kiss some people.


Oh la Lyla
You've shown from the start
Twelve gauge in your heart at the ready

Oh la Lyla
Come down off the breeze
I'm down on my knees, bright and deadly

Takin scalps in the afternoon with la Lyla
Fightin off a swoon
Takin scalps
Lyla says be at peace, I can
Oh but Lyla, my sweets, I won't die like Cheyenne

Hup, hup, hup

You really must know
Too much Navajo in this white boy

Oh la Lyla
Miss Sparrowhawk Queen
So much one can glean from the right toy



Dude, I had this little native hotty slide up, armor me, and point out some path. The whole time she's all lookin me in the eye and smilin at me. Blessin me with lingual kisses. Your fucking witches kick ass. I'm totally screwed, though. I know none a these chicks so I got no idea how to pronounce their names. Can't rhyme shit with it if it's Cal-eye-na or Cal-ee-na. And how the fuck is Kalolin pronounced?

My favorite (because I'm techno boy) is "We are here... To give all..." comin outta The Harp. Shit's got like six kindsa balls.

Man, I have tasted the difference between both musics and magics, now. Been hammered by their best! Even took one from your people. Thank God. Startin to get these rose colored glasses thinkin all natives were cool. These dudes disabused me a that notion real quick. I'm the luckiest asshole walkin the planet. Watch both my inherent and newly forming biases just flake off and blow away. Stronger by the day.

Hey dude, I'm comin lookin for you. You gotta at least lemme buy you dinner.

You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Posted : September 1, 2021 5:08 PM
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--- This is now CONFIRMED.

Brother, a thousand thanks.

So, you would not believe how crazy that shit got. They tried to crucify me. No shit. Symbolically. Naw, not physically. Still hurt like a bitch. But as luck would have it, those are the parts of the story I've left out. HA! Even if they wanted to crucify me, it wouldn't a played on my radio station.

Remember when I said I never left my chair? That wasn't ENTIRELY true, dog. I left my chair once. Well, twice, now - but back when I bragged that I never got outta my chair, I only had gotten out once. It's a funny story, dude. I'll tell ya now.

They got me to drop everything and run out to LA. Got pillaged. It's what broke up my marriage.

So I was in that maze the first time - toward the beginning. I knew they were talkin to me and I was so happy to finally be able to make some waves in this fuckin world... Like I could have a say, and not just watch it all go down the shitter. I was also high on purp, dude.

They had me convinced I had to pick a bride and maybe have a kid to usher in a new world. They spun me and I danced. So I tell this to my wife. I gotta go out to LA, and hook up with this Avi chick. I'm pretty sure she's gonna wanna talk to me. With her drowning and Kanye "Hey man, Hurry up now, I can't take much more," I'm sure this bitch is gonna wanna see me. My buddy says I crossed the line when I told her I might hafta fuck one a these chicks and have a kid.

Nobody's perfected in the truth yet, man... And that purp's good shit.

So she lost it. I wanted her to come. Told her I'd be better with my attorney present. She wouldn't do it. So I bolted alone. Told her I might be killing myself by going, but I gotta do it. Never had a shot at effecting the war like this, ever in my life.

Off to LA for my Fucking Fool's Journey. Right about April Fool's Day, I think. I'm walkin around Hollywood (because that's the only part I kinda understand geographically from GTA5 and I don't own a cellphone). I see this black chick yellin at a truck driver. So I go over to chat her up. Fool's journey, right? I heard the stories.

Low and behold! She's a producer! She knows how to get a message to Avi! So this chick tells me where to buy a cellphone, activates it for me, helps me build an Instagram account and post a message to Avi. I think it was some shit like "I'm me and I'm here now. Talk to me."

Then I drive this chick to the convenience store for a smoothie and her friends rifle my car and take all the cash I had taken to fund the trip with. $1500. I normally roll with plastic, but I was goin all incognito and paper trail-less. They weren't gonna find me. It was still early in the game, so I had no clue of their near total omniscience.

But I don't know this yet. So I piss off and find a hotel room. Spent the first night in my car. Gonna splurge tonight, because I now have torpedoes in the water toward Avi. Just a matter a time until she messages me. Unpackin the car I realize I've been pillaged. Whole world comes crashing down.

I am not sleepin under a bridge! I own a fucking prius! Those things need to be maintained! What the fuck am I doing here??? I go to leave another message for Avi. She's added a little video to the picture I messaged her on. It's her hairstylist hammering a nail into a wall and the two a them saying "Nailed it!"

Ok... That could totally be a positive response. But not enough. I leave another message for her. Something like "Hey babe, nobody's gotta fall in love with anybody - but I'm comin over to sleep on your floor." Nothing.

So I spend a lonely night in my hotel room wondering what I'd done to my life. My marriage. Hurt like fuck. Cried hard. Fuck your fool's journey. I'm too old for this shit. Drove home after a couple leads didn't pan. Thought about my marriage on the way home. Probably best, in the end.

So that's my pillaged in LA story. THE ONLY TIME I LEFT MY CHAIR until Bloody Sunday. The Aquarius full moon on July 23rd - My primer detonation was the 22nd. The day my wife and I physically separated. Moved into separate places. I spent the day haulin cargo and pullin wires outta boxes to rig up my computer and assemble the last pieces of the bomb. I'm not much one for ritual, but that was pretty cool.

When I'm packin up my life into boxes, at my least stabilized point, that's when they drop the Really, Really This Is The Truth This Time bombshell on me. Lorde's THE ONE. I was so stupid! They've been trying to tell me the whole time! Lawdy, Lawd. Ella, eh? Ella Lani O'Conner. A name that echoes all over me. And her game? She's got me stitched up from here to eternity. Like she knows me WAY too well. And she knows how to pimp me. Better than anyone else. And she does. And I bite.

Well, little miss Lani O'Conner immediately proceeds to start fuckin things up. She tries to lead me into a conversation that'll fuck up the ethers I just set for the bomb. Tempting, but not gonna happen, little girl. I keep a lid on the poser aussie until the Aquarius full moon passes.

She hits me with Solar Power right around the time I'm writing about indigent housing with solar panels on it. At this point in time I am meant to understand the lyrics as "Yes! You did it! This Solar Panel thing you're writing is it! You can be done now. It's over, over, over."

That's really nice to hear! But I'm gonna just keep going here, cause that's like the seventh time one a you assholes has told me it's over and I can quit now. I'm gonna over, over, over do it just a hair. Just to make sure. And hey babe, are you really my soulmate?

Then, I come to realize AGAIN that these people aren't being real people. They are portraying characters in my life. Lorde is playing my brother. I guess Shinoda was playing my buddy who I got hosed with Shammy's magic when this started. Lorde has been playing my brother this whole time.

When she's gleefully singing (and it was gleeful in the past - these cocksuckers can change their own music behind them) When she's gleefully singing "It's over, over, over," she is referring to my relationship with her - silly man, I'm playing a role, I never loved you. There's such goddam delight in it. AND "It's over, over, over," is her gleefully describing my shattered relationship with my brother, who had just let me down for the last time.

That was a double fuckin gut punch that left me reeling. I think that's the point when she released Stoned at the Nail Salon. Or at least that's when it got to me. Where she's giving me orders and signaling to all her little friends - just like Avi did - that I was nailed. And it dawns on me what these little punks are up to.

So I go lookin into Lawdy's catalogue. Sure enough, turns out she's got a song called Ribs. I guess that's where she teaches me that she's not a DUMB-grown test tube humunculus. She's just a spoiled rich kid who stayed home all day and read my work before I ever wrote it. I guess that was supposed to teach me that I can't know someone from their music. Or that I'm just a dumbass. But I don't know because I never legitimately traveled that timeline. I got a peak into it and chose a different route.

How much they pay you to perform on GMA, little girl?

Where you got it wrong, babe, is here. I'm like an angrier Jesus. I ain't gonna stand and watch while you bitches nail me up. I'm gonna squirm, baby! So this is me dodgin your rib shot, missy. I woulda thought they'd a sent somebody prettier.

Like I don't merit Gwen Stefani? Up yours, Lucifer.

I ain't Jesus. You fuckers keep failing to get that through your head. I'm a whole other guy. And I ain't nearly as cool as him.

Fuckin Zeal Landers, right? Gotta be a whole island of illuminazis who brag that they're just as ruthless and efficient as the intellectual effete of Madagascar. Where penis envy and good short fiction is taught to the children from a very early age.

Now, that's me not bein Christ. But he is my new hero, so I'm tryina be more like him. So, Bonnie Lass, are Jesus's sister's eyes all a blister as much as mine were when it was over, over, over? Or do I still owe her one or two? You assholes are the ones pushing balance when you own the whole fucking board. Would one or two more get me to even ten percent of the fuckery she's done to me and my brother?

You wanna crucify me, little girl? To pin it up on social media?


Well, little missy... You're just gonna hafta come a little harder than that.


You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Posted : September 2, 2021 5:04 PM
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Followin Kalolin
Down from the galley in
Awe a her carol and
Thunderous voice

Yellow my Plexus
Fellow Warrior Nexus
Blind the demons that vex us
Make our brethren rejoice

Shadows dance to the fanciest
Unforeseen, happenstanciest
Hallowed feminine manliness
Draped with grace and aplomb

Rain dropped mana from heaven
Crank me up to eleven
Roar your writ of replevin
As the demons abscond

Fall like rain on em, gorgeous
Wash the stain from this fortress
And if they burst in to torch us
I got a suitcase nuke behind the sistern in the john

Beautiful beyond measure
God's own holy treasure
I beam pride and pleasure
As you tower over those who've done you wrong

You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Posted : September 3, 2021 8:16 PM
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Stud, I totally understand where you're comin from. Don't get me wrong. And I get that you were livin in different times, and all. So I gotta say, man, there is nothin in me that ever wanted to be a sacrifice. My whole thing from day one was war. That was always me, bro. YOUR DAD seemed to choose me for something. Because I was different, right?

Because I was who I was AND because I managed to figure out a few key things. Man, I bought a ninja suit in eighth grade. You know this. I'm the only one who forgets.

So I'm out here playin a role I thought you'd want me to play. The everlovin sweetheart. All forgiving and loving. But I ain't good at it. Don't get me wrong, I'm pretty swass, right? But nowhere like you, dude. I ain't built for pacifism. I agree there's probably a time and place for it. Somewhere... But here and now?

What I find down here, man, is that you teach people how to treat you. And when you turn the other cheek, it teaches people that you are to be hit. Well, dude, I don't think that's how I wanna play the game. Alotta people down here'll take advantage of ya when you sweetheart em like that. Just way too many of em, dude.

Like... really... animals, man. Screw ya over for a dollar. Just so emotionally raped on a soul level by the worship of money. And self.

None of em can ever learn and grow because they are all buried in screens. Screens that give the answers whenever they ask - and mostly the wrong ones. They get no practice building a memory. Why would they need to? All the answers are right there. Their memory has been outsourced to those that feed their screens.

And those screens are now built like casinos. They're designed to draw you in and never let you go. How can you build a memory of what just happened to you when the next flashing light is demanding your attention.

I think this is a foundational principal of trauma based programming. She can nail my second hand to a cross and I'm STILL considering dancing with her and her music. I been fucked over so many times - over and over and over - that I've become numb to it. I can't remember what SHE JUST GOT DONE DOING TO ME because the next flashing light is demanding my attention.

I got Madonna's big dick comin outta my left ear and Lordy the trap, I don't know what, comin outta my right. It's sensory overload that obscures your judgement. Plus that purp's pretty good shit, too. But it's really about that repeated trauma. It teaches my subconscious that this life is hard and painful. And to be scared of everything around me.

It builds my castle around the distrust of my fellow man. It rehearses me to be on guard and looking for attack, rather than neighborly. It entrains my brothers and sisters to keep their heads down and mow their lawn rather than stand up for what's right. Why would anyone want to live in that house?

A man without memory is frozen in time. He cannot learn from his mistakes. He cannot build upon any foundations because he cannot form them. He cannot solidly act from the benefit of his own experience. And he can never become wise. This is what their screens are doing.

And, brother, if that weren't enough. The children coming up with the disease of screens have all been programmed into little narcissists. Social Media is "Look At Me. Aren't I wonderful? My parents always told me so, so you should, too. I have no clue about the world I exist in, yet I should be adored. Look what I ate today."

It's kinda scary, dude. If you were thinkin about comin down, I'd wave ya off. This is NO place for a sacred gem like you, brother. I'm absolutely serious. I'd tell ya to circle around another time. Lemme clear off a nice patch for ya to land. I know nobody can touch us, I'd just like to teach some a these pukes a little respect before ya got here.

Lotta goddam whiners down here. Hey, man, gonna try and clean up the language a little more when I'm around ya. I know you didn't ask me to. I thought maybe it'd be a cool thing for me to do for ya. Take it on like a game. Maybe one day you won't hafta hear it comin outta me. Right now we'll just shoot for cleanin it up a bit. Nobody's the Buddha yet, right? New places to grow and new challenges to take on. Put in the time and effort and get better at it.

That's one of the things these kids rarely get. Puttin in the time at the bottom. The system and their parents have always just told them they were the best and greatest. They've never had any real honest feedback on their output. They can't honestly judge their own place in the world because they've never been told they failed at anything. It seems to breed a value system that is entirely self-oriented. Good has become "what is good for me." As opposed to "what is good for us."

The children today seek worshippers, not allies. Not brethren.

Your children, my brothers and sisters, have been so beaten down by this simpleton and his marionettes. They wield too much power. They have convinced the world that magic doesn't exist, and it leaves the common man susceptible to all forms of manipulation and abuse.

My first reaction - especially if I was livin with cavemen - would be to say "shun it, too dangerous, avoid it." That's what I'd tell the masses who didn't have the time or resources to learn it right. Once you start playin with magic, things on the other side can start to see ya. Come and manipulate ya to feed on ya.

Like the little girls did me, right? They're gonna increase their Social Credit Score and show all their friends how big and important they are by emotionally torturing me? What mentality engages in that kinda stuff?

I guess the 'intelectual retort' was "Nothing's wrong, nothing's true. I live in a hologram with you."

Oh, ok. So you have the right to manipulate and shatter the lives of other people because it's all just a game. I used to tell people that "When you and I die, and we hear Wa - Wa - Waaa and the screen says GAME OVER, and we look at each other and realize that we just put a quarter in the same machine- I'm gonna shake your hand and ask ya to have another go."

Except if you're the kinda asshole who's just gonna run backwards in my Double Dragon sidescroller. You know? The punk who goes the opposite way to keep everybody else from progressing through the levels. If you're that guy, I ain't askin ya for a second game. Thought I might try to build something with you while we played...

My brother and I would play Red Dead and the punk would be in a beautiful riding montage with me, pull out his pistol, and shoot his own horse in the head. On purpose. And I'd be forced to watch that brilliantly complex physics engine ragdoll him and his trusty steed across that desert floor. Just because he got bored. And when he'd pull himself to his feet to stand over the flailed corpse of his horse, I'd shoot him in the fucking head.

I don't suffer assholes in my game. Let alone saboteurs.

They got a name in the gamer world for people who seem to exist to spoil other's fun. A few, actually. Hackers, Modders, Exploiters, Cheaters. But the one I like for the little girls is "Script Kiddies." They got no real knowledge. Their power's stolen. Bought. Attained without the effort required to learn to use it properly.

Jezu, brother, I want you to understand what it's like down here before you show. If yer comin, dude. Everything about this place is rigged to invert and mislead them. Please give them the eyes to see truth. To see reason.

May it bless all involved.


You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Posted : September 8, 2021 3:42 PM
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Enemy Tactics

"Angel Numbers" and Synchronicities

It may be that synchronicity is the language of the universe. The language Spirit uses to communicate with us. Your enemy knows this language and how to speak it to you. It may be the easiest way for him to manipulate you. When your archon tells you "Punch that asshole in the throat," it's very easy to say "Fuck that thought, I ain't doin that." But if your thought simply asks you "What time is it?" you rarely have a problem glancing at a clock.

And lo and behold! It's 4:44! Just as I was fondling the notion of buying that new car my wife really doesn't want! I wonder what it means!

ALWAYS JUDGE YOUR SYNCHRONICITIES AND SIGNS. Some of them are DESIGNED to fuck you. If your enemy knows you're lookin for em, he will use them against you. Happened to me AND my brother.

Taking credit for God's gifts or natural life setbacks

When an asshole has peeped your future, it's very easy for him to take credit for it. So any good or ill fortune coming to you, can be used to make your enemy appear all powerful in your mind. For instance, I had an AMAZING synchronicity a week or two ago. A live band starts playing in a backyard across the arroyo from my apartment. I sit out to listen and - no shit - the cicadas start up in the tree next to me and FUCKING HARMONIZE with this country music!

I considered it my God sayin "Just relax, bro. We got this." Blissful. Then I go inside to song lyrics that read something like "You like those cicadas? I can make anything happen." Maybe, but if you can see the gifts my God gives me before he gives them to me - you could just tell me it was from you. God doesn't usually sign his work.

Mimic Gods blessings to you before they arrive

Your enemy, knowing your future, can appear to you - dressed up as a future blessing. It is designed to make you leap at something that you inherently feel is right. Like maybe some part of your mind is already in harmony with that future, and if the enemy presents himself as something that looks enough like that future he can entice you to grab the rotten gift and miss the divine one. Slow down, take your time, and judge.

Waste Your Time

It's all just a race to the grave. Each and every one of you is a little potential time bomb for Lucy. If you can ascend far enough before your 3d life timer reaches 00:00:00, you can build against him. So he must waste your time with whistles and buzzers and flashing lights.

Repeated Trauma

This little gem is his 'big move' right now. You want the treat? Lift up your head. That's right. Higher. Good. Then smack ya over the head with a rolled up newspaper. Oh, but you never got the treat! The treat's right here. Don't you want the treat? Lift up your chin. Come here. SMACK.

When you are repeatedly traumatized like that, you begin to get numb. Stop feelin it. Forgive a lot more than you should. Forget a lot more than ya ought to. Fucks up all your baselines and impedes your ability to adequately judge the world around you. Distance and time are the only things I know of that can heal your judgement and perspectives.

Influence Magic

I have been hit BY PEOPLE IN THIS FORUM with love magic. Dirty fuckin pool, ladies. But if you can do it - guess who else can. You wanna be jerked around by someone else just because they can read books and light candles? Karma's a bitch.

Changing the past

Those songs ain't written in stone, ladies. Neither are those album covers. This is the one that blows me away. How is allowing this a good thing? Seems like a perversion of nature to screw me outta winnin a trivial pursuit game. How can an asshole build on his experience if the past changes behind him? Like, was this meant to be part of the game? Seems so fuckin unfair.

How is anyone supposed to have a logical debate or discourse with someone who says "I didn't say that! Why would you think I said that? That's so funny that you think that!" and then be able to alter the fuckin past to fit their bullshit story. Really??? That's allowed? Seems fucked to me.

You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Posted : September 8, 2021 3:45 PM
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