The Shape Of Realit...
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The Shape Of Reality

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Neuron Crux
Posts: 81
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Does anyone else get the impression that the earth might actually be flat, or not, depending on how many dimensions you are actively engaged with?
Perhaps to move from the outside of a sphere to the interior, you have to pass through dimensions, say, from 3-5, and during that process you will inevitably pass through a zone where everything flattens out before wraping around to enclose you in the inner earth.
That flat and seemingly infinite circle may be 4D, just another stop along the journey.

What would we experience if the fabric of space and time was changing shape around us? Echoes, premonitions, Mandela effects?

These are the things I wonder about. I have no doubt that SOME elements of the so-called"flat earth movement" of the past several years have been influenced by hands behind the curtain, for whatever purpose (s), but I have a sneaking suspicion that there may be more to the matter than one might suspect. What are your thoughts? I would love to hear any and all sides, if the spirit of true curiosity can lift us up above the levels of presupposition and name calling.

Here's one more just for fun.

Posted : November 23, 2018 3:01 AM
Posts: 1026
Noble Member

Would that be McConaughey's Theorem of Mobian Temporal Topology? Joking aside, this is a metaphor which relates to time tangentially but does not provide a testable hypothesis or a real description of how this relates to our reality if a mobius-shaped time topology were an accurate representation in some other dimensional space.

I have found that Kozyrev's idea of time is the most compatible with a dynamic ether and is related to the ether in that time is a description of the speed of interations in the ether and is modulated by etheric density. The qualities of time that he describes are the result of the effect of cosmic energies streaming toward the earth being modulated by cosmic, solar, lunar, and planetary effects. A more apt metaphor than time repeating would be that time rhymes due to these effects impacting the unfolding of events or the "flavor" of history as it were in a cyclic pattern (on a precessional timescale), which is what astrologers seek to decode.

A Russian documentary about Kozyrev's conception of time (sorry for the horrible translations in the subtitles)

A bit more on Kozyrev, how his theories relate to ether, and Russian torsion science.

Posted : November 23, 2018 4:15 PM
Posts: 1026
Noble Member

Dr. Manfred Doepp on medical effects of Kozyrev mirrors.

Posted : October 7, 2019 2:27 AM
Posts: 474
Honorable Member

I've often pondered that there maybe copy of the earth, matrix style, or the primordial ark, that might as well be flat.
If it's a physical matter based it would have to be in a larger sphere, Saturn for example

Maybe that's heaven and the globe is hell, but if I were the trickster God it could easily swap depending on your own soul evolution. And of course just as soon as you though you knew which was real or not I'd flip it until you'd learnt the lesson well.

There's a lot of duality so why not 2 earth's 1 a sphere 1 a flat & both are places to learn the lessons needed before you become the god you are.

Posted : October 7, 2019 10:19 AM
Posts: 638
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maybe the earth is like a caterpillar changing into a butterfly. after the poll shift the earth updates like how phones were banana shaped and now they are like pop tarts. its probably something that would take a thousand years and the earth appears to be one or the other because it cant be both physically. you got me thinking

but going from round earth to flat earth would be like a downgrade. wes penre is going to talk about this type of stuff in his next video I think, about the poll shift and going from the patrix to the matrix. male trix to female trix. he always has good video's, he thinks the earth can be flat or round. hes not the first person that ive heard say that, that's cool you were thinking about it. wish we knew more about our world

Posted : October 8, 2019 2:53 AM
Posts: 474
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Have a look at theosophy and the secret doctrine.

It talks of the earth chain, many globes, of different density, both physical & spiritual.
They say all globes exist at the same time, but our soul evolution restricts which one were aware of or have access to. Depends how much of your unconscious you've made conscious...

Posted : October 8, 2019 4:44 AM
Posts: 638
Honorable Member

why were people so different a long time ago? even in the 70's you watch music video's and its like wtf. people always say humans evolve fast because we don't life long but its probably has to do with nature and the earth.

Posted : October 8, 2019 4:03 PM
Posts: 474
Honorable Member

sirujux wrote: why were people so different a long time ago? even in the 70's you watch music video's and its like wtf. people always say humans evolve fast because we don't life long but its probably has to do with nature and the earth.

Social conditioning.

Less mass media entertainment, or like in the UK there was only 3 TV channels and 4 radio stations, what was broadcast become the main thing to discuss in the playground or at work, and it shaped the national consciousness.

Just look at North Korea for what that type of conditioning can do to an entire population.

Ours in the West is more sophisticated, diverse and we have more choice, have no doubt our opinions and conscious awareness is manipulated.
How else could flat earth, Mandela effect, Greta thunberg, extension rebellion, lady Gaga, Kardashian, etc etc all capture our attention so much for a limited time span.

Posted : October 8, 2019 11:59 PM
Posts: 638
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that's tue. young people today though.. yesterday I watched mtv on youtube and its pretty dumb, its aimed at teens that want to be popular.
one of this girls yt videos has 16,014,134 views
holy shit her husband jake paul has a video with 252,756,691 views
4.4M thumbs down because his reputation was destroyed. hes a ass

Posted : October 9, 2019 12:26 AM
Posts: 638
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the way the world is currently is can we and the planet evolve? because you can tie a rope around a small tree and it will strangle it and kill that part of it after a long time. then a new branch will start to grow and continue the growth of the tree. that makes the tree grow even better, it takes so long though and maybe it will get cut down before it serves its purpose. like if a asteroid hit us would it make us smarter and make us create a new better life or would it just start us over and life will never be good.

that's like where we are in the world today, will we all die or will things get better or is there something like the aliens control us some day? or have we always been controlled and we start over in a loop every life? I guess the last one is pretty well known that we are not free ( unless you have blinders on you eyes).

Posted : October 9, 2019 6:05 PM
Posts: 638
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I was talking about this, his son is brilliant
sean lennon. the Claypool lennon delirium.

ive had a few beers, but its like pink Floyd in a way

Posted : October 9, 2019 9:29 PM
Posts: 638
Honorable Member

i think box earth makes more sense then a plate earth.
like a hamster lives in a glass box because its easy to make.
being in a human reality form we just cant understand everything.

i mean the funniest part about a plate with a dome is all this pollution would kill everyone and everything.

have you heared how loud and bass like thunder is now? its like the planet is in a dome.

Posted : December 1, 2019 7:12 PM
Posts: 638
Honorable Member

you know what makes air is water falls. ripples in the water...

Posted : December 1, 2019 8:47 PM
Posts: 638
Honorable Member

looping is the box the size of your box forever

Posted : December 1, 2019 9:39 PM
Posts: 638
Honorable Member

now flat earth is talking about fat earth. just because i was saying

Posted : December 1, 2019 10:04 PM
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