The Space Nation of Asgardia

Are you tired of having emotional, social and economic ties with your neighbours? Just, like, really over dealing with the gov in your geographical location?
Then the Space Nation of Asgardia is for you!!
Join over a million other disenfranchised earthlings in the newly formed Asgardia. Asgardia is a fully distributed start-up society that is facing outwards, because who wants to look at the mess we made down here, amirite?
Join today, and you can become a mayor. Just don't get to big for your boots, as Asgardia is a constitutional monarchy (!) and they already got a Head of Nation in Igor Ashurbeyli. This Santa-faced business man is a scientist and philanthropist, and we all know philanthropists only ever act in the interests of the greater good. So, no worries!

Haha, yeah I remember signed up for this thing a year ago, just for shits and giggles. I always suspected it to be a controlled-disclosure campaign of the SSP.
No better way than to promise an off-earth safe-heaven with a promising a career to start things afresh even if it means living under a martial-law like lifestyle. They are literally free to as they wish, as they are off-earth..
PS: I dunno how much credence folks here put to insiders like Tony Rodrigues (a shame Youtube took down/censored most of his previous interviews), who claim to have been under a 20-and-back to Mars, and then Ceres (I think, a moon of Jupiter?) where there are (allegedly) German human colonies/bases with human work-herds (slaves) in conditions similar to German WWII concentration camps with a futuristic twist.
Personally, I'm open to entertain the possibility, and it seems like Ass-gardia plays into this type of scenario, marketed to Earthlings.
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