The Controllers: Mind Control and Its Role in the "Alien" Abduction Phenomenon
Martin Cannon
Martin breaks down his hypothesis of alien abduction actually being a product of mind control via MKULTRA and its related subprojects.
LINK - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IzHsqPk-7uv73kLaWB4fXVHUXMFeYx1z/view?usp=drivesdk

The Mysteries of John the Baptist: His Legacy in Gnosticism, Paganism, and Freemasonry
Tobias Churton
The search for the real historical person known as John the Baptist and the traditions that began with him
• Explores why John the Baptist is so crucially important to the Freemasons, who were originally known as “St. John’s Men”
• Reveals how John and Jesus were equal partners and shared a common spiritual vision to rebuild Israel and overcome corruption in the Temple of Jerusalem
• Explains the connections between John as lord of the summer solstice, his mysterious severed head, fertility rites, and ancient Jewish harvest festivals
Few Freemasons today understand why the most significant date in the Masonic calendar is June 24th--the Feast of the Birth of St. John the Baptist and the traditional date for appointing Grand Masters. Nor do many of them know that Masons used to be known as “St. John’s Men” or that John the Baptist was fundamental to the original Masonic philosophy of personal transformation.
Starting with the mystery of John in Freemasonry, Tobias Churton searches out the historical Baptist through the gospels and ancient histories, unearthing the real story behind the figure lauded by Jesus’s words “no greater man was ever born of woman.” He investigates John’s links with the Essenes and the Gnostics, links that flourish to this day. Exposing how the apostle Paul challenged John’s following, twisting his message and creating the image of John as “merely” a herald of Jesus, the author shows how Paul may have been behind the executions of both John and Jesus and reveals a precise date for the crucifixion and the astonishing meaning of the phrase “the third day.” He examines the significance of John’s severed head to holy knights, such as the Knights Templar, and of Leonardo’s famous painting of John. Churton also explains connections between John, the summer solstice, fertility rites, and ancient Jewish harvest festivals.
Revealing John as a courageous, revolutionary figure as vital to the origins of Christianity as his cousin Jesus himself, Churton shows how John and Jesus, as equal partners, launched a covert spiritual operation to overcome corruption in the Temple of Jerusalem, re-initiate Israel, and resurrect Creation.
LINK - https://mega.nz/#!Po5HgYRZ!9K34eaGgKeAyGenDC8nAJ2WKbIuiMQGUH7VOsycElOQ
Enjoy, folks!

Who Built The Moon?
Christopher Knight
The authors of Civilization One return, bringing new evidence about the Moon that will shake up our world. Christopher Knight and Alan Butler realized that the ancient system of geometry they presented in their earlier, breakthrough study works as perfectly for the Moon as it does the Earth. They found a consistent sequence of integer numbers that they can apply to every major aspect of the Moon; no such pattern emerges for any other planet or moon in the solar system. In addition, Knight and Butler discovered that the Moon possesses few or no heavy metals and has no coresomething that should not be possible. Their persuasive conclusion: if higher life only developed on Earth because the Moon is exactly what it is andwhere it is, it becomes unreasonable to cling to the idea that the Moon is a natural objectan idea with profound implications.
LINK - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Cc9wTNyE7opupwpFHfq52ehqcnps38GA/view?usp=drivesdk
Hope yall enjoy!
Please let me know if you have any requests.

trintdaddy wrote: Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare
Michael Hoffman
2001From 007 to 2001, from Dealey Plaza to the Apollo Moon Flight, from the barrel of a Bulldog .44 to the corridors of the pyramids of Sirius; from the secret symbolism of Jack the Ripper to the public symbolism of the first atomic bomb blast, this work illuminates the crimes and command ideology of the masonic Cryptocracy, where ground zero meets the zero hour in a bestial crucible of ritual murder, human alchemy and demonic invasion.
Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare takes the reader to the core of a cosmic cryptogram, a dark Oz where the ancient fables become modern memes for the psychological contagion and devastation of humanity, and where the stratagem the author terms 'Revelation of the Method'; becomes the key to the finale of the mysteries of the ages.
'...the most challenging expose of masonic magic ever written.' -- Lloyd Miller, A-Albionic Research'The ultimate secret may well have been cracked by Michael Hoffman in his book, Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare.' --Doug Moench, Big Book of Conspiracies
'Downard and Hoffman, certainly the two most inspired cryptographers of our time.' --Joan d'Arc, Paranoia magazine
About the Author
Michael Hoffman is a former reporter for the Associated Press and the author of six books of radical history, journalism and literature. He investigates political and occult crime by decoding what he calls twilight language.LINK -
guys, yall need to read this book without question. if you have any interest in psyops & secret societies, goddam this one is killer.

They Were White And They Were Slaves
Michael Hoffman
Very, very informative book. Blacks weren't the only slaves in America, folks.
This is a thoroughly researched challenge to the conventional historiography of colonial and industrial labor, a stunning journey into a hidden epoch, the slave trade of Whites, hundreds of thousands of whom were kidnapped, chained, whipped and worked to death in the American colonies and during the Industrial Revolution. This is a chronicle that has never been fully told, part of a vital heritage that has until now comprised the dustiest shelf in the darkest corner of suppressed history.
LINK - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mT277mq-T5xCejK3F-el5E1FXW8pkBzn/view?usp=drivesdk

Conspiracy Theories And Other Dangerous Ideas
Cass Sunstein
I recommend everyone read this book so you can know how "they" view this movement. This is THE playbook, folks. I don't recommend it because I believe in its premise. Know Your Enemy.
"The nation’s most-cited legal scholar who for decades has been at the forefront of applied behavioral economics, and the bestselling author of Nudge and Simpler, Cass Sunstein is one of the world’s most innovative thinkers in the academy and the world of practical politics. In the years leading up to his confirmation as the administrator of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA), Sunstein published hundreds of articles on everything from same-sex marriage to cost-benefit analysis.Conspiracy Theories and Other Dangerous Ideasis a collection of his most famous, insightful, relevant, and inflammatory pieces."
LINK - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AmZp39ppltaNAxGVqg6ZoCvhpk9H0yyH/view?usp=drivesdk

Why is no one else adding books to the collection ?
Let's get it going ,folks

Whiteout - The CIA, Drugs & Ths Press
Alexander Cockburn
On March 16, 1998, the CIA’s Inspector General, Fred Hitz, finally let the cat out of the bag in an aside at a Congressional Hearing. Hitz told the US Reps that the CIA had maintained relationships with companies and individuals the Agency knew to be involved in the drug business. Even more astonishingly, Hitz revealed that back in 1982 the CIA had requested and received from Reagan’s Justice Department clearance not to report any knowledge it might have of drug-dealing by CIA assets.
With these two admisstions, Hitz definitively sank decades of CIA denials, many of them under oath to Congress. Hitz’s admissions also made fools of some of the most prominent names in US journalism, and vindicated investigators and critics of the Agency, ranging from Al McCoy to Senator John Kerry.
The involvement of the CIA with drug traffickers is a story that has slouched into the limelight every decade or so since the creation of the Agency. Most recently, in 1996, the San Jose Mercury News published a sensational series on the topic, “Dark Alliance”, and then helped destroy its own reporter, Gary Webb.
In Whiteout, Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair finally put the whole story together from the earliest days, when the CIA’s institutional ancestors, the OSS and the Office of Naval Intelligence, cut a deal with America’s premier gangster and drug trafficker, Lucky Luciano.
They show that many of even the most seemingly outlandish charges leveled against the Agency have basis in truth. After the San Jose Mercury News series, for example, outraged black communities charged that the CIA had undertaken a program, stretching across many years, of experiments on minorities. Cockburn and St. Clair show how the CIA imported Nazi scientists straight from their labs at Dachau and Buchenwald and set them to work developing chemical and biological weapons, tested on black Americans, some of them in mental hospitals.
Cockburn and St. Clair show how the CIA’s complicity with drug-dealing criminal gangs was part and parcel of its attacks on labor organizers, whether on the docks of New York, or of Marseilles and Shanghai. They trace how the Cold War and counterinsurgency led to an alliance between the Agency and the vilest of war criminals such as Klaus Barbie, or fanatic heroin traders like the mujahedin in Afghanistan.
Whiteout is a thrilling history that stretches from Sicily in 1944 to the killing fields of South-East Asia, to CIA safe houses in Greenwich Village and San Francisco where CIA men watched Agency-paid prostitutes feed LSD to unsuspecting clients. We meet Oliver North as he plotted with Manuel Noriega and Central American gangsters. We travel to little-known airports in Costa Rica and Arkansas. We hear from drug pilots and accountants from the Medillin Cocaine Cartel. We learn of DEA agents whose careers were ruined because they tried to tell the truth.
The CIA, drugs… and the press. Cockburn and St. Clair dissect the shameful way many American journalists have not only turned a blind eye on the Agency’s misdeeds, but helped plunge the knife into those who told the real story.
Here at last is the full saga. Fact-packed and fast-paced, Whiteout is a richly detailed excavation of the CIA’s dirtiest secrets. For all who want to know the truth about the Agency this is the book to start with.
LINK - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zmYbgmsXj1GdAt2QgZkZfrm6TV96jazG/view?usp=drivesdk

The Daemon, A Guide to Your Extraordinary Secret Self
Anthony Peake
Arcturus Books – ISBN 9781848377219 2008, 2010 & 2012
This book, The Daemon, A Guide to Your Extraordinary Secret Self by Anthony Peake, expands on the proposition suggested in ‘Is There Life After Death?’ that all consciously aware beings consist of not one but two separate consciousnesses – everyday consciousness and that of the Daemon, a higher being that seems to possess knowledge of future events.
This book includes the stories of many famous artists, politicians, musicians and scientists who have felt a force outside themselves including Winston Churchill, Byron, Goethe, Jean Cocteau and many others.
In The Daemon, Peake expands on the proposition that all consciously aware beings consist of not one but two separate consciousnesses”everyday consciousness and that of the Daemon, a higher being that seems to possess knowledge of future events. This book includes the stories of many famous artists, politicians, musicians, and scientists who have felt a force outside themselves including Winston Churchill, Byron, Goethe, Jean Cocteau, and many others.
This was a great book to read, well written on a complicated subject - it gets across many esoteric topics in a scientific way. Everyone I gave a copy to said it was just what they needed and a great read.

Synchronicity: The Art of Coincidence, Choice, and Unlocking Your Mind
by Kirby Surprise
The experience of meaningful coincidences is universal. They are reported by people of every culture, every belief system, and every time period. Synchronicity examines the evidence for the human influence on the meaningfulness of events, and the way the modern computational model of the mind predicts how we create meaning.
It demonstrates that these events, based on the activity of the mind, are caused by the person who perceives them.
In this fascinating work, you will:
- Learn to use your amazing ability to create synchronistic events
- Discover how your mind creates the reality you experience
- Unlock your brain's vast resources of connectivity and creativity
- Change from living as a separate being to living as a part of the unified whole
Synchronicity will show you how you already create events around you, and make you a conscious co-creator of your reality. Dr. Surprise describes the miracles of your brain's processes, merging the worlds of modern physics and ancient mysticism to reveal abilities you have always possessed, but which were not fully understood--until now.
Learn to make reality dance to the rhythms of your thoughts.
Another book that looks at the science of old esoteric magical arts, I found i could wrap my head around these sorts of twoo-woo topics better with a bit of modern explanation. well written and useful.

This is freely available in many places as it out of copyright.
It has become one of the core books to be read by those seeking a more mystical path.
It is often referenced in relation to the creations of Tulpa's.
She had the drive.
Alex studied Buddhism at the Sorbonne.
Then she headed towards Lassa, Tibet. She had great questions to answer to; she was, indeed, a great questioner; she gave also great answers while living. Yet, there are some instances of her thought I still don’t understand.
She spent 14 years in Tibet (in fact, the 1st western woman to do so) and had a great work of translating, from the Sanskrit, the original texts.
A soprano voice, Alex marveled men, and scholars. She met with Indian sages and discussed with them. She liked philosophizing (“her nature”).
In 1911 she was stationed in Pondicherry and she was affirming: “Be yourself your own light”--very Buddhistic.
She met with Aurobindo who told her about the 3rd beatitude: it’s the “renunciation of ambitions,…desire”.
In another instance she said: “Ni dieu, ni maitre” :(no need for) neither God, nor a master, like my father exiled in Brussels,... with Victor Hugo.
But her driving-force, was this magnus question: the 3rd beatitude of the Bhagavad Gita (the way of the yoga); she questioned several people about it. She wanted the Nirvana.
She wrote about the 3rd beatitude: common to Buddhists of the north and Hindus (Vedanta).
In Sikkim (1912) she met with the XIII Dalai Lama (China had invaded Tibet). He offered her several gifts; one of great import: Milarepa’s poetry, Alex wanted so much to translate.
She arrived to Lassa in 1924.
Later in life, already 100 years old, she was asked about Yoga. She replied: it’s an "intellectual... philosophy",... but also the “suppression of cogitation”*.

Dallas '63: The First Deep State Revolt Against the White House
Peter Dale Scott
“Our most provocative scholar of American power” reveals the forces behind the assassination of JFK—and their continuing influence over our world (David Talbot, Salon).
On November 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy was gunned down in Dallas by Lee Harvey Oswald. Shortly after, Oswald himself was killed. These events led many to believe there was a far greater plan at work, with a secret cabal of powerful men manipulating the public and shaping US policies both at home and abroad for their own interests.
But no one could imagine how right they were.
Beneath the orderly façade of the American government, there lies a complex network, only partly structural, linking Wall Street influence, corrupt bureaucracy, and the military-industrial complex. Here lies the true power of the American empire. This behind-the-scenes web is unelected, unaccountable, and immune to popular resistance. Peter Dale Scott calls this entity the deep state, and he has made it his life’s work to write the history of those who manipulate our government from the shadows. Since the aftermath of World War II, the deep state’s power has grown unchecked, and nowhere has it been more apparent than that day at Dealey Plaza.
In this landmark volume, Scott traces how culpable elements in the CIA and FBI helped prepare for the assassination, and how the deep state continues to influence our politics today.
As timely and important as ever in the current chaotic political climate, Dallas ’63 is a reality-shattering, frightening exposé not of those who govern us—but of those who govern those who govern us.
Praise for Peter Dale Scott
“[A] staggeringly well-researched and intelligent overview not only of the JFK assassination but also of the rise of forces undermining American democracy. . . . A kind of Rosetta stone for cracking open the deepest darkness in American politics.” —Kirkus Reviews on Deep Politics and the Death of JFK
“Highly recommended.” —Library Journal on Deep Politics and the Death of JFK
“May well be the most thoughtful and serious-minded of the 2,500 titles on the subject published over the years.” —Toronto Star on Deep Politics and the Death of JFK
“Peter Dale Scott is our most provocative scholar of American power. Scott picks up where the pioneering C. Wright Mills left off, shining a light on the dark labyrinth of power—a shadow world that has only grown more arrogant and wedded to state violence since the days of the ‘power elite’ and the ‘military-industrial complex.’ There is no way to understand how power really operates without daring to follow Scott’s illuminating path.” —David Talbot, Salon, on The American Deep State
“Breaks new ground on the deceptions that covered up anti-Castro assassination plots and protected the operation to assassinate JFK . . . an essential read.” —John Newman, author of Oswald and the CIA
“An incandescent affirmation of Peter Dale Scott’s stature as our sharpest and most discerning historian whose works expose and document the intricacies, concealed alliances, and underlying continuities that exist between a public state which is bound by the checks and balances of constitutional authority, and a deep state which is neither influenced nor informed by constitutional constraints. Highest recommendation.” —Alan Dale, moderator of the JFK Essentials forum
About the Author
Peter Dale Scott, a former Canadian diplomat and professor of English at the University of California, Berkeley, is a poet, writer, and researcher. His diplomatic service from 1957 to 1961 included two years of work at UN conferences and the UN General Assembly, as well as two years in Poland. In addition to teaching poetry and medieval literature at Berkeley, he was a cofounder of the university’s Peace & Conflict Studies (PACS) program.
Scott’s most recent political books are The Road to 9/11: Wealth, Empire, and the Future of America(2007); The War Conspiracy: JFK, 9/11, and the Deep Politics of War (2008); American War Machine: Deep Politics, the CIA Global Drug Connection, and the Road to Afghanistan (2010); and The American Deep State: Wall Street, Big Oil, and the Attack on U.S. Democracy (2014).
Scott’s books have been translated into six languages, and his articles and poems have been translated into twenty. The former US poet laureate Robert Hass has written that, “Coming to Jakarta is the most important political poem to appear in the English language in a very long time.” In 2002, Dale Scott received the Lannan Literary Award for Poetry.
LINK - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DlZK7V1sOjvfm9zmVqiBwIAwGxltKkRi/view?usp=drivesdk

Pantheism: A Non-Theistic Concept of Deity
Michael Levine
Many people who do not believe in God believe that 'everything is God' - that everything is part of an all-inclusive divine unity. In Pantheism, this concept is presented as a legitimate position and its philosophical basis is examined. Michael Levine compares it to theism, and discusses the scope for resolving the problems inherent in theism through pantheism. He also considers the implications of pantheism in terms of practice. This book will appeal to those who study philosophy or theology. It will also be of interest to anyone who does not believe in a personal God, but does have faith in a higher unifying force, and is interested in the justification of this as a legitimate system of thought.
This is a rich book. It should be on the bookshelves of anybody interested in philosopy of religion or in natural theology. The book has been written in a highly systematic and professional way.
LINK- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gHoiJwgahU529URBNDn9FSjTpRdCYt-K/view?usp=drivesdk

trintdaddy wrote: @nickzeptepi - have you read bloody treason?
Not read it, but I saw this the other month and it was compelling and showed the larger back story - plus who he thought made the kill shot - not heard this detail before.
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