Travelling to the US - need advice

Preeeeach that Fungi Gospel,Enjoypolo!!! Kombucha is incredible. We cultivate those mamas, as well as many others, around here:) I wonder how Kombucha Mothers ship?
I'd love to share one especially magnificent mushroom madre' with you that you are sure to love! Raised special by the honest,but dirty fingernails of Southern Oregon hippies: D. Cheers to our health!☆

genxgemini wrote: Preeeeach that Fungi Gospel,Enjoypolo!!! Kombucha is incredible. We cultivate those mamas, as well as many others, around here:) I wonder how Kombucha Mothers ship?
I'd love to share one especially magnificent mushroom madre' with you that you are sure to love! Raised special by the honest,but dirty fingernails of Southern Oregon hippies: D. Cheers to our health!☆
Being English I love tea, but not mushrooms, so im wavering, but I think l’ll try it out and see if I like it.
Thanks for the tip all.
Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.

It's one of those "tastes horrible" but insanely good for you sort of things. Hope you like vinegary stuff:)

sacroff wrote: Shops sell distilled water out here. Happy with that find, so I’ve been drinking that since I got here. But thanks for all the advice.
I just realized it was unclear. When making coffee, the water being filtered through the grounds will by purified of most things, and heavy metals and fluoride will be mostly left in the grounds. So instant coffee won't help.

hugh johnson wrote: I just realized it was unclear. When making coffee, the water being filtered through the grounds will by purified of most things, and heavy metals and fluoride will be mostly left in the grounds. So instant coffee won't help.
As much coffee as I drink,I didnt realize how much of a filter those grounds really are.
Wow, I can feel a little less bad for guzzlin' the Gevelvia:)

I tried to copy and paste a link to YouTube, but I think it's my phone acting up. Do a quick search, "bottle water pH test". You may be surprised. A lot of the bottle water is garbage. I'm lucky, because my house runs off a well.
My well has good sweet water, but a lot of others around in Oklahoma are near to ruined by the oil field companies with their injection drilling. They pump tons of salt water into the ground. About 50% of the Wells around here are really salty. that water will kill my mom's house plants which is strange. The Amazon rainforest has a 60% higher sodium content in the soil. That's one reason it's so over grown. It's basically miracle grow. And the main ingredient in miracle grow is salt as well.

What is it you want to know specifically?

genxgemini wrote: As much coffee as I drink,I didnt realize how much of a filter those grounds really are.
Wow, I can feel a little less bad for guzzlin' the Gevelvia:)
Coffee drinking in humans is associated with longer lifespan and less chronic diseases. In mice caffeine was shown to increase lifespan by about 50%
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