Trump behind the scenes

Apprentice celebrity wrangler talks about what Trump is like behind the scenes.

Supporting evidence, I'm pretty sure this is the meeting he was taking about and you can see a change in the atmosphere around 1 minute in.

Hey stud,
Is there a reason why you're reinforcing the destructive polarity that the lizards are pushing right now?
You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Not really, just thought it was a hilarious firsthand account. Do diapers count as PPE for incessant butthurt? Just thought you might know as you seem to be an expert on the subject.

Ah, so you reinforce the polarities they concoct to divide us, because you get a kick out of it.
It's funny. I always thought Hisich was the douche. But you know, at least that dude is fighting for something he believes in. Trying to better mankind. You seem to fight to feel smarter than other people. And to laugh at them.
So, in my expert opinion, I suggest Huggies while you reread your "Polarity for Dummies" book.
You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

fifthcolumn wrote: Ah, so you reinforce the polarities they concoct to divide us, because you get a kick out of it.
It's funny. I always thought Hisich was the douche. But you know, at least that dude is fighting for something he believes in. Trying to better mankind. You seem to fight to feel smarter than other people. And to laugh at them.
So, in my expert opinion, I suggest Huggies while you reread your "Polarity for Dummies" book.
Making mankind better with racism, homophobia, ignorance, and lies? A lot of people fought for Hitler too, didn't make them right either. At least Hitler didn't shit himself regularly, although due to being more competent than Trump he had a far worse death toll. It's not my fault Trump is both incontinent and incompetent.

shamangineer wrote: Making mankind better with racism, homophobia, ignorance, and lies? A lot of people fought for Hitler too, didn't make them right either. At least Hitler didn't shit himself regularly, although due to being more competent than Trump he had a far worse death toll. It's not my fault Trump is both incontinent and incompetent.
I was just asking what the goal might be here. If the goal is to dissuade any new lurkers who might have voted for Trump from joining in the forum, then you're hitting the mark perfectly.
Do you think all Trump voters are your enemy, man?
Don't you think it's possible that the newbie conspiracy theorist might see Trump as the first real choice he's had since Nader, or Perot? Don't you think it's odd that your narrative matches precisely with that of the mainstream media and the entire established government? That seems like a big 'tell' to the newbie. If the powers that be hate him so venomously, he must be the fucking savior.
It is a tell. It's just not the tell they think it is. It's not a "revealing your hand" kinda tell. It's a "telling them to pick a side" kinda tell.
This kind of polarity magic doesn't care which side you pick. It is just desirous of the "infinite potential energy" created between two poles. They look to get us to direct that energy we feel for the boogeyman on the opposing side, at each other.
Right now is the most polarized time, in this country, that I have ever seen. They've exhumed McCarthy with new Red Scares, manufactured riots and thought-form plagues, quarantined whole nations, and 'Hitlerized' the leader of the free world. The average asshole walking around thinks the world is at DEFCON 2.
Nah, man. It's just Tuesday. Lemme know when the sky starts falling, cause I ain't never seen a HAARP hologram before. Kinda want to. I miss Rani's Gaian Mother Stalgruten perspective. Laughing at the impotent toilings of men. "When the fucking birds stop chirping, then we talk about changing the DEFCON level."
Personally, I get twice my daily ration of antagonizing people by going out and not wearing a mask. Big shit-eating grin on my face. You ain't got any mask laws or curfews where you're at? That's a polarity I can back. Bill of Rights shit.
I honestly ain't trying to antagonize here, but the 'deplorables' have a saying for threads like this one. They say "Trump is living rent free in this guy's head." You think there's a shred of truth to that?
Kinda looks like it, from over here. I was just wondering if there was a goal I couldn't see.
PS- The "Q scenario."
Everybody's got a gateway conspiracy. The first one that reveals to them clearly, for the first time, that the mainstream media is fulla shit. Trump and Q was that for a lot of our brothers and sisters. Newbies ain't expected to play the game on a professional level. They make mistakes. Should they be made to feel stupid for them? Or approached brotherly and told "I remember when I believed Obama would be the savior of mankind. Funny game. The only way to win is not to play."
Which of those two approaches do you feel is best for the forum?
You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

My side is based on evidence. Here is someone who worked with Trump regularly saying what he saw of Trump's abysmal behavior behind the scenes of his workplace. You just want to shoot the messenger and steer the argument towards division to deflect from the disgusting truth.
Trump "Hitlerized" himself when he read NAZI speeches to lull himself to sleep and when he tried to illegally overturn the election. . . That's on him.

shamangineer wrote: My side is based on evidence. Here is someone who worked with Trump regularly saying what he saw of Trump's abysmal behavior behind the scenes of his workplace. You just want to shoot the messenger and steer the argument towards division to deflect from the disgusting truth.
Trump "Hitlerized" himself when he read NAZI speeches to lull himself to sleep and when he tried to illegally overturn the election. . . That's on him.
Hey man,
I don't think you're gonna be able to hear this from me.
Gonna say it anyway.
Am I steering the discussion toward division?
Or am I steering it toward unity?
Your fucking call, bro.
Merry Christmas
You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

The most unified societies known to man are totalitarian cults, doesn't make it a good thing. Fundamentalism of all stripes manifests as a full-blown case of mind-worms, a mental virus that erodes critical thinking. I am not in alignment with many people about many topics not because I am divisive, but because facts I have learned do not align with their viewpoint. One such thing is that Trump craps himself regularly due to his addiction to Adderall because he can't read good. The fact that this pisses you off to no end is your problem and making it into a rallying-cry for unity isn't exactly drawing a crowd to die on this hill of crap.

shamangineer wrote: The most unified societies known to man are totalitarian cults, doesn't make it a good thing. Fundamentalism of all stripes manifests as a full-blown case of mind-worms, a mental virus that erodes critical thinking. I am not in alignment with many people about many topics not because I am divisive, but because facts I have learned do not align with their viewpoint. One such thing is that Trump craps himself regularly due to his addiction to Adderall because he can't read good. The fact that this pisses you off to no end is your problem and making it into a rallying-cry for unity isn't exactly drawing a crowd to die on this hill of crap.
Did you just argue to me that you are too smart to forgive the novice his mistakes?
You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

fifthcolumn wrote: Ah, so you reinforce the polarities they concoct to divide us, because you get a kick out of it.
It's funny. I always thought Hisich was the douche. But you know, at least that dude is fighting for something he believes in. Trying to better mankind. You seem to fight to feel smarter than other people. And to laugh at them.
So, in my expert opinion, I suggest Huggies while you reread your "Polarity for Dummies" book.
I've been guilty of saying shit I shouldn't & acting douchie, but I've always made points I thought were valid/true. My views regularly & slowly evolve. I point things out that aren't politically correct & admit to having biases/prejudices (like all folks have).
I've always found Shamangineer to be an annoying Lefty. Now the dude thinks he's exposing some Great Truth by pointing out that a billionaire NYC real-estate developer sometimes acts like a prick.

hisich wrote: I've been guilty of saying shit I shouldn't & acting douchie, but I've always made points I thought were valid/true. My views regularly & slowly evolve. I point things out that aren't politically correct & admit to having biases/prejudices (like all folks have).
I've always found Shamangineer to be an annoying Lefty. Now the dude thinks he's exposing some Great Truth by pointing out that a billionaire NYC real-estate developer sometimes acts like a prick.
"I've been guilty of saying shit I shouldn't & acting douchie, but I've always made points I thought were valid/true. My views regularly & slowly evolve. I point things out that aren't politically correct & admit to having biases/prejudices (like all folks have)."
I think this is a really good move. It has already gone far to win you back hearts and minds. You have a forceful character, brother. It carries far more weight when it is used to support an ally. In my opinion, you prostitute it when you use it to sell Orange Man Bobbleheads. I have now seen it used both ways. I think it feels more powerful when it is used to back an ally. But that's just my opinion.
I think if we sat down over some Goya beans you'd come to the conclusion that I was an 'Annoying Lefty,' too. I'm working on the 'Annoying' part.
You think Sham's working on his 'Annoying' part?
Don't answer that. I'm sorry. You're young and fulla more piss and vinegar than any three of us. Fiery as fuck. You'd do everybody a favor by fading into the background. Goddamn loose cannon rolling around in the middle of my peace talks...
You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

shamangineer wrote: The most unified societies known to man are totalitarian cults, doesn't make it a good thing. Fundamentalism of all stripes manifests as a full-blown case of mind-worms, a mental virus that erodes critical thinking.
Did you just equate unity with fundamentalism? Come on, man. This is a strawman argument. I am not asking for all minds in the forum to fascistically follow the same tune. But shouldn't we shoot for some happy soccer team middle ground? Unity-wise?
I'm actually arguing that the group be more tolerant of opposing viewpoints. Or at least more forgiving of them.
Am I not?
You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.
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