Turbulent times

I find it strange that its perfectly ok for any other country to deport people who are in another country illegally but want to flame Trump for wanting to enforce the rules that are already in place in our country. There are more than just Mexicans here. The Mexican/U.S. border has been open for any people (Turks, ISIS, Russians, etc) to just walk through to walk among us to do as they want. There are no records of them, way to check their background or find them if they commit a crime. And somehow the people of this country is pissed off that Trump wants to put into action plans to help keep us safe. This will not affect or infringe upon our rights.
Maybe I just don't see the reality of the situation?

I completely agree about the MSM. I killed my satellite TV two years ago and rely completely on alternative sources. I really appreciate Jimmy Dore, as he seems to get that the reason we have a one party system is that corporate Democrats are how Republicans get the things they want done. Trump has come from outside the Republican machine politics and is not getting the free pass that Bush-Reagan and Cheney-Bush certainly got, and that Killery certainly would have, as did Mr. Bill and Obama before her. Populism will be tolerated, if it's a populism that can be used, as by the Koch Bros. and Americans for Prosperity who could dance the Tea Party on strings like it was Team America.
Personally, I don't think the Donald has a generous bone in his body, and we (if he lasts long enough, given the one party politics he's invaded) will get to see his greedy, self-centered, personality traits play out. That said, Killery could well have been worse, and would have had most of the MSM laying down like a tired kitten, while Faux News would be back to its divide-and-rule tactical role. Trump could be what makes the frogs jump out of the boiling pot, and/or, he could be the face of an unfriendly Fascism that brings us to war in our streets and roads.
Turbulent times are filled with turbulence. Peace, true peace, is only had, one person at a time. It's up to us, within our selves, to not be taken up into partisan passions. For me, my wars are over. Now I watch and wait, knowing what I can and cannot do. I've had a full life, but I still tend to my bodily wellbeing, taking whatever comes with as much neutrality as I am able. It's a forgive them Father, for they know not what they do kind of situation out there. In here, there is the only peace to be found.
Here's the latest Jimmy Dore Show, posted last night, as a case in point about what I am calling the One Party System:

To qualify my comment I'll state that I don't watch TV and try to avoid anything but music on the radio when I'm in the truck going to work. So I am willfully ignorant on the topic.
That being said I doubt that there is really any difference between Trump and Obama and Hillary etc... Obama was no different than Bush. All of Bush's policies were continued and expanded under Obama. Obama had the same people funding him that Bush did. The Obamacare that everyone brags about is just a mandatory insurance law that has degraded the quality of healthcare in this country while at the same time increasing it's cost.
It blows my mind that people could even think that voting does anything but give your consent to a totally rigged system where your vote literally does not count. I doubt that we've had an honest election in this country in decades but since the advent of electronic voting the exit polls have been different from the result by a margin large enough to prove electoral fraud 100 times over.
So not knowing much about what is going on I see only a few possibilities:
Either the MSM is taking things out of context and / or blowing them completely out of proportion, which is most certainly happening but by this I mean only this is happening
Or Trump was put up there as a clown to make those of us that have any faith in the system loose what little faith that they have.
Or Trump lied to people behind the scenes and now that he is in office has turned on the elites and is actually doing some good.
I will leave in here the possibility that Trump got in despite rigging the election in the other direction. We will know this is true if they stonewall him like they did to Carter.
When WWII ended the Germany people may have lost the war but the Nazis most certainly did not. They were brought here and took over our space programs and the OSS ( which is now called the CIA ). In my entire adult life I've watched as the US has been set up to become the next fall guy for the global elites.
If you study the art of making and winning warfare it becomes fairly obvious that the US being subverted from within and is being prepared for civil and / or world war. My gut feeling on this is that it's both. At the very least we are being pushed towards a world war that will not have the full support of the people.
We have had our Reichstag Fire. We've been the aggressor in several unjustified wars. We have been bankrupted by international bankers who have stolen ownership of everything from our industry to our natural resources. Now we are being broken apart on the civil side of things. We are at the last couple of moves on the chessboard.
So you can say what you want about Trump but in my opinion he's just a blow hard that has no real power to do anything of significance that his puppet master's don't approve of.
In my opinion the only chance that we have is if a sizable portion of the population starts acting like adults and taking responsibility for their own participation in things and stops looking towards other's to solve their problems for them.
As long as people are willing to give their power away so that they don't have to take responsibility I see no way that things can do anything but get worse.
To put a little perspective on running away to Ireland I think it's worth thinking about why the US might be targeted for begin taken down in a very public and humiliating way. We have been the bastion of freedom and liberty that has driven other peoples to rise up and demand it for themselves. For a global, tyrannical, police state to take over we must first be taken down and made an example. So you can run, I just think that your problems will likely follow you.
To be clear I don't think that all hope is lost. I just don't think that arguing about if the current presidential puppet is a good one or not is going to help the situation. We need to think about what we are doing and how it affects outcomes. Your vote at the ballot box my not matter in the grand scheme of things but where you put your energy does. Think about who you are spending your money with and who your are working for etcetera. The little decisions that you make on a day by day basis matter a lot. You don't even have to make all of the right decisions you just need to be a little more right today than you were yesterday.

sololmon wrote: I suppose my curiousity also doubles as a call to action for those who can see the situation more clearly than the norm, but who haven't yet stepped into the game, so to speak.
That sounds less like being the change that you want to see in the world and more like asking everyone else to be the change that you are unwilling to become yourself.
In my life I've not ever seen a situation where one could intentionally influence someone else without it being manipulative. And I've never seen manipulative work out well.
The only way that I have ever seen anyone influence another in a positive way is when someone lives their life as a statement of their truth and someone else sees that truth and likes it and attempts to emulate it. However even if you are doing the "right thing" but you are doing it in an attempt to influence other's, to me that is the very seeds of corruption and the only fruit that can be harvested from any tree that those seeds produce will in turn be corrupt it's self.

sololmon wrote: ... if you take opposition to it, do you choose to run or fight?
...It starts with consciousness. All hands on deck.
I've been asking myself this ever since 9/11. Having recently given up fighting, I am tired. But I would point out we are not limited to an either-or-choice. We can sit in dignity and do our best to clean our own lamp.
satyagraha wrote: Again I turn to the I Ching: - Hexagram 36 - Ming I / Darkening of the Light:
One should let many things pass, without being duped.
Oh and as for Mr. Rhino and complaints about illegals, well for all he knows that wall will be holding him in someday, if he's a runner. Seems like a tough guy this Rhino. Am tired, and like him my hide is impervious. But brother try some harder entheogens and steal some liberty.

(quietly click back arrow and staying out of this hot one)

Let's start here with we're all okay, and as to the details of what's going on, we don't really know. More assuredly, our influence is not great. If we can view our guesses as guesses, it will be much easier to cut each other some slack and begin at home as it were. We don't have to agree on much, and better anyway to find where we agree. If it comes to getting personal, this forum will lose much attraction for this personal expression.

satyagraha wrote: Let's start here with we're all okay, and as to the details of what's going on, we don't really know. More assuredly, our influence is not great. If we can view our guesses as guesses, it will be much easier to cut each other some slack and begin at home as it were. We don't have to agree on much, and better anyway to find where we agree. If it comes to getting personal, this forum will lose much attraction for this personal expression.
I'm not guessing Saty. I'm breaking up nail-gun fights at work. Cracker felons all walking around like pigs in shit. Mexicans confused and scared. Missed a day of work to stay out of some bad shit, and my last paycheck doesn't cover my heat bill due. But yeah I am OK, and
Rhino has my respect but very little sympathy,

I just watched quite a movie tonight, mistakenly ordered from Netflix, as it was all subtitles, and being dyslexic, I must pause for every bit if the dialog, and this movie was dialog driven. The movie was called, Tangerines. I am very glad I got to see it.

Professional politicians have been murdering, robing, energy draining, and life extracting us since day one. Now we have a professional businessman doing the same. It's sad to see/hear people actively supporting this man and his policies. Give him a chance??? Really? It's not like he has not proved to all over the past few decades who he is. There was no gem of a candidate, and I've got no confidence or love for government. But I've got plenty of both for all the people, plants, animals,
Being anti trade deals doesn't erase his xenophobic rhetoric or policies. Supposedly he's also investigating vaccines, but guess what...Big pharma isn't going anywhere. And yes, we may be a few steps further from war with Russia, but we have surely moved towards confrontation with many more nations.
No politician will save us. No businessman. No corporation. No nation.
Let's love, help, care for each other. Our family needs us.

Simon Parkes....Wolf Spirit Radio....
Trump is planning to introduce " new tech" into America's workplaces....18 months..quietly changing the playing field...
Not the new/ancient tech found in Antartica..... That is reserved for the black projects/space program...
Instead our "old tech" outdated in the black projects arena, is coming out...
Standing Rock and all the other "oil" disputes will disappear as we move forward....
Soft disclosure is happening...

So, I'm just going to chime in and say that I live in Wyoming. Arguably the reddest state in the union, and with the most relaxed gun laws. You don't have to have a license to conceal-carry here. I'm not anti-gun. I own one myself. But I don't have an itchy trigger finger like 70% of the people in my town. I'm not the kind of guy who would take my new gun to the range saying "Time to go play with my new toy." But that's how a lot of these guys around here are. These are my neighbors.
I worked in the oil field here. My bosses were always talking conspiracy, but only conspiracy that protected their right-wing worldview and shamed "liberals" or in other words, anybody that's not hateful and white. I won't stoop to using the term "alt-right", because fuck the language the MSM is trying to fill our mouths with, but I've definitely had my fill of people from that neck of the political woods, and interacted with them on a personal basis for months on end. There's a huge concentration of violent bigots in my area.
I really do have fears of roving bands of rednecks looking for people different from them. People looking to combat the liberal menace, or whatever the fuck they tell themselves. Probably that they're a citizen militia doing the lord's work. The point is, these people who were already prone to ignorance and violence, have been rallied by Trump's messages. They're braver with their intolerance. This isn't some shit I've been sold on by the liberal news media. I've seen it first hand. A lot of these guys are just waiting for their chance, and shit, some of them have probably already organized a bit with their buddies.
If there's going to be a fascist uprising in this country, I almost guarantee you it will start here.

Sounds so reminiscent of the Brown Shirts. A case study of how a small percentage can leverage huge political change.
...a republic, if you can keep it. Thanks for the warning, Ben, but we may have lost it in and around 1947.

chromerhino wrote:
What we have been witnessing is a total control of opinions, social biases and norms, values, thoughts, racism, etc. etc. etc. i
Since everyone is pointing out some of Trump's flaws, whether they are true or false, let me point out a few of his well known more positive traits. He is one who takes charge and gets shit done and he does more before his morning shit than most people do all day. His work ethic and drive has made him a billionaire, a couple times from bankruptcy. He has never drank or done drugs, or even relied on substances to give him energy. He is straightforward, honest, one of the most practical businessmen in the world and he is deceivingly smart. He is smart and cunning in ways I think we will come to appreciate in the months to come. He is a patriot, family oriented and loves good ol' fashion American ideals and values. A huge fucking step up from the last president and alternative president we could have now no matter what way you feel about Trump himself. When I do the comparison of the last president and who could be in office now I am thankful at least for what else could be happening right now!
I'm fairly on board with the rest of your post, and despite what I'm about to say I still do think he's better than Hillary. But to say that Trump is straightforward, honest, family oriented and loves good ol' fashion American ideals and values is just not true if you ask me. He is a charlatan, he is the inheritor of a multimillion dollar real estate empire who is on his 3rd mail order wife and whose great success in life has been in branding and marketing. A born millionaire who has convinced people he is a self made man. He is famous for shorting contractors, using illegal labor, skimping on projects beyond the façade, and using slick financial techniques to leverage his failures. I think he's better than Hillary because I think his win represents turmoil behind the scenes but I can not and will not get on board with this narrative that's been coming out claiming that he is some sort of moral human who gives a flying fuck about the majority of Americans.

gunshy wrote: So, I'm just going to chime in and say that I live in Wyoming. Arguably the reddest state in the union, and with the most relaxed gun laws. You don't have to have a license to conceal-carry here. I'm not anti-gun. I own one myself. But I don't have an itchy trigger finger like 70% of the people in my town. I'm not the kind of guy who would take my new gun to the range saying "Time to go play with my new toy." But that's how a lot of these guys around here are. These are my neighbors.
I worked in the oil field here. My bosses were always talking conspiracy, but only conspiracy that protected their right-wing worldview and shamed "liberals" or in other words, anybody that's not hateful and white. I won't stoop to using the term "alt-right", because fuck the language the MSM is trying to fill our mouths with, but I've definitely had my fill of people from that neck of the political woods, and interacted with them on a personal basis for months on end. There's a huge concentration of violent bigots in my area.
I really do have fears of roving bands of rednecks looking for people different from them. People looking to combat the liberal menace, or whatever the fuck they tell themselves. Probably that they're a citizen militia doing the lord's work. The point is, these people who were already prone to ignorance and violence, have been rallied by Trump's messages. They're braver with their intolerance. This isn't some shit I've been sold on by the liberal news media. I've seen it first hand. A lot of these guys are just waiting for their chance, and shit, some of them have probably already organized a bit with their buddies.
If there's going to be a fascist uprising in this country, I almost guarantee you it will start here.
This about sums it up. You aren't alone. I have worked as a white carpenter in Oregon for 20 years, and I deal with all this shit everyday. Illegitimi non carborundum (translation: morons, ugh!)
There is a strike tomorrow. Support your brown brothers and sisters.
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