TV Series: Counterpart

Starting watching this series. Recognised various real-word intelligence approaches, someone did his homework. Series so far is about these things:
- variations of personality, hinting at psychoanalysis of the protagonists
- parallel universes with shared actors (mirroring Star Trek Discovery, which seems to be saturated with Freemasonic themes, by the way)
- intelligence agencies, especially interpersonal manipulation methods: how an intelligence operative would get to you etc.
Plays in Berlin. Has a genuine German touch, wouldn't wonder if a German wrote this script, did not check though.
It is a mixture of subjective psychology, conspiracy, intelligence. Psychology aspect is a bit thick, so far.
Let's say: Fringe, but the German way.

One of the best things on television right now! It stimulates me the same way TWIN PEAKS did but in a higher dimensional way. Plus, Schilinger from O.Z. rocks my world:)
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