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Universal Basic Income + Gender Confusion = End Times?

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enjoypolo wrote: You say live for free, but I don't think that's true in the case of a UBI. But just as a citizen are responsible for certain civic duties (e.g., being a jury member, or national service in many countries still), a UBI provides enough not for life of comfort, but of subsistence with dignity that they can support by other means.
And you may not agree with that, but what else do you suggest when automation is already replacing so much of the work-force globally?

Dude, UBI is a plan to literally give people 'free' money...let's not pretend that once people are 'guaranteed' free shit that you or anyone else is going to place restrictions on their 'right' to free stuff. Once again, I'll ask you to go to the nearest govt. housing project to see how civically-minded the folks there are. Automation has already eliminated lots of jobs and humans (whom you seem to think are utterly helpless) have thrived.

Once again, unlike you, I don't think like a central-planner...I'm far more humble, so I don't pretend to know how the entire GLOBE and EVERYONE on it should be controlled/managed. I certainly don't think creating a permanent underclass of folks who are reliant on 'free' handouts from whoever the ruling class is in this UBI utopia is the way to go.

With the way Leftists/Progressives (authoritarian assholes) are running the economy & society into the ground, you may want to rethink the very notion of us getting to the point where Utopianism becomes an actual possibility. Cheers!

Technology Has Already Taken Over 90% Of The Jobs Humans Used To Do



Posted : February 21, 2019 1:02 AM
Posts: 638
Honorable Member

my grandma is 100, i see myself dying at 60. is our lives getting shorter? the smarter we get the shorter life we get, the more evil the more good. as long as evil rules we wont live that long and if we dont live long why change the world basically. crazy stuff

Posted : February 21, 2019 1:35 AM
Posts: 638
Honorable Member


Posted : March 1, 2019 9:44 PM
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