'Unrestrained Capitalism'???!!! WTF R U CLOWNS SMOKING???

A common theme I hear from Leftists/Progressives (authoritarian assholes) & many in the Conspiracy Community (sadly) is that we're currently living in an economy that can be characterized as "unrestrained capitalism" and/or "late-stage capitalism". As a libertarian I cringe (and try not to vomit in my own mouth) when I hear ignoramuses, liars, and/or Leftist/Progressive ideologues make this claim. It is yet more evidence that Lefties/Progs live in a fantasy world of their own imagination! Behold all of the 'unregulated' freedom we have! Oh, and I'm mostly focusing on FEDERAL laws/regulations/taxes, each of the 50 states has their own stacks of laws/regulations/taxes too!
Year after year, the United States beats out much larger countries -- India, China -- and more totalitarian ones --Russia and the Philippines -- for the distinction of having the highest incarceration rate in the world.
Following are the original ten planks within the Communist Manifesto written by Karl Marx in 1848, followed by a discussion of how America has adopted each of the planks.
What Is Tax Freedom Day?
Tax Freedom Day® is the day when the nation as a whole has earned enough money to pay its total tax bill for the year. Tax Freedom Day takes all federal, state, and local taxes and divides them by the nation’s income. In 2018, Americans will pay $3.39 trillion in federal taxes and $1.80 trillion in state and local taxes, for a total tax bill of $5.19 trillion, or 30 percent of national income. This year, Tax Freedom Day falls on April 19th, 109 days into 2018.
All told, the full costs of government amount to 51 percent of GDP. Workers toil 121 days to pay for government spending alone, and 65 days to pay for regulatory costs. All told, Americans labor 186 days to pay off the full burden of government.
Every day, the average American commits three felonies. So argues civil-liberties lawyer Harvey Silverglate in his new book “Three Felonies a Day,” the title of which refers to the number of crimes he estimates that Americans perpetrate each day because of vague and overly burdensome laws.
How Many Federal Laws Are There? No One Knows.
How many federal regulations are there in the United States?
75,000 pages of fine print per year, with more than 5,000 significant sets of rules per year on average, taking up roughly 30% of the pages … since 1975 this comes to on the order of 200,000 major rules, using on the order of 800,000 pages of fine print.
This does not count minor rules and regulations not placed in the Federal Register.
The Tax Code alone with its explanatory texts was on the order of 70,000 pages, though some pointed out that only 2,600 pages or so made up the actual law, and the rest simply tried to translate those broad rules into practical sub-rules.
The Tax Code is one of the simpler sets of regulations … an apple grower faced When Picking Apples on a Farm With 5,000 Rules, Watch Out for the Ladders 5,000 regulations just to produce and sell apples!
No one knows. There are roughly 200,000 pages dealing with “major regulations” but the minor ones do not even get published in the first place.
Federal Register
Code of Federal Regulations

hisich wrote: A common theme I hear from Leftists/Progressives (authoritarian assholes) & many in the Conspiracy Community (sadly) is that we're currently living in an economy that can be characterized as "unrestrained capitalism" and/or "late-stage capitalism". As a libertarian I cringe (and try not to vomit in my own mouth) when I hear ignoramuses, liars, and/or Leftist/Progressive ideologues make this claim. It is yet more evidence that Lefties/Progs live in a fantasy world of their own imagination! Behold all of the 'unregulated' freedom we have! Oh, and I'm mostly focusing on FEDERAL laws/regulations, each of the 50 states has their own stacks of laws/regulations too!
Year after year, the United States beats out much larger countries -- India, China -- and more totalitarian ones --Russia and the Philippines -- for the distinction of having the highest incarceration rate in the world.
Following are the original ten planks within the Communist Manifesto written by Karl Marx in 1848, followed by a discussion of how America has adopted each of the planks.
https://www.jeremiahproject.com/culture-war/10-planks-communism/What Is Tax Freedom Day?
Tax Freedom Day® is the day when the nation as a whole has earned enough money to pay its total tax bill for the year. Tax Freedom Day takes all federal, state, and local taxes and divides them by the nation’s income. In 2018, Americans will pay $3.39 trillion in federal taxes and $1.80 trillion in state and local taxes, for a total tax bill of $5.19 trillion, or 30 percent of national income. This year, Tax Freedom Day falls on April 19th, 109 days into 2018.https://taxfoundation.org/publications/tax-freedom-day/
All told, the full costs of government amount to 51 percent of GDP. Workers toil 121 days to pay for government spending alone, and 65 days to pay for regulatory costs. All told, Americans labor 186 days to pay off the full burden of government.
Every day, the average American commits three felonies. So argues civil-liberties lawyer Harvey Silverglate in his new book “Three Felonies a Day,” the title of which refers to the number of crimes he estimates that Americans perpetrate each day because of vague and overly burdensome laws.
How Many Federal Laws Are There? No One Knows.
How many federal regulations are there in the United States?
75,000 pages of fine print per year, with more than 5,000 significant sets of rules per year on average, taking up roughly 30% of the pages … since 1975 this comes to on the order of 200,000 major rules, using on the order of 800,000 pages of fine print.
This does not count minor rules and regulations not placed in the Federal Register.
The Tax Code alone with its explanatory texts was on the order of 70,000 pages, though some pointed out that only 2,600 pages or so made up the actual law, and the rest simply tried to translate those broad rules into practical sub-rules.
The Tax Code is one of the simpler sets of regulations … an apple grower faced When Picking Apples on a Farm With 5,000 Rules, Watch Out for the Ladders 5,000 regulations just to produce and sell apples!
No one knows. There are roughly 200,000 pages dealing with “major regulations” but the minor ones do not even get published in the first place.
https://www.quora.com/How-many-federal-regulations-are-there-in-the-United-StatesFederal Register
Code of Federal Regulations
ANYONE who claims we live in a nation of 'unrestrained capitalism' is either IGNORANT or a LIAR...those are the only two possibilities...

hisich wrote: It is yet more evidence that Lefties/Progs live in a fantasy world of their own imagination!
If I learned anything from this podcast it is that we all live in a fantasy world of our own imaginations.

Be ready to have your head explode if you actually bother to watch this video by a Libertarian Marxist Economic Politician: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GB4s5b9NL3I
I get off where he says "The IMF and G20 issue a digital currency in the name of humanity", but most of the rest is pretty well reasoned. That one line does make me question his motivations pretty hard though.

shamangineer wrote: Be ready to have your head explode if you actually bother to watch this video by a Libertarian Marxist Economic Politician: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GB4s5b9NL3I
I get off where he says "The IMF and G20 issue a digital currency in the name of humanity", but most of the rest is pretty well reasoned. That one line does make me question his motivations pretty hard though.
Its like you didn't even see the info I posted...talk about Cognitive Dissonance...

How bills really become law:
This is part of the creep of the totalitarian private sphere into the democratic public sphere spoken of in the video I posted. Eliminating democracy is not the answer, because votes have become so disconnected from policy that what you are actually railing against is largely the result of corporate control over politicians. Provide public funding for politicians and enact laws to eliminate the revolving door and it would improve to a degree. As I stated in the fascism episode another way to increase choice would be to eliminate totalitarian workplaces by requiring democratic workplaces. TPTB hate a true democracy because it undermines their power. This would require the people be involved in drafting law / policy in addition to voting on it rather than delegating these fundamental aspects of decision making in a periodic fashion. Or in the case of the workplace having no real say to begin with other than "I quit" and accepting the financial ramifications of such a decision.

This is what unrestrained capitalism has wrought:

shamangineer wrote: As I stated in the fascism episode another way to increase choice would be to eliminate totalitarian workplaces by requiring democratic workplaces.
Oh the irony...

shamangineer wrote:
TPTB hate a true democracy because it undermines their power.
WTF is "a true democracy"?

shamangineer wrote: This is what unrestrained capitalism has wrought:
You're either trolling me or suffer from a severe case of cognitive dissonance...in the post that started this thread I listed the facts that destroy the myth of the USA being an example of "unrestrained capitalism".

Every time I hear some chuckle-head yammer on about how great democracy is I think of this:

hisich wrote: Every time I hear some chuckle-head yammer on about how great democracy is I think of this:
The average person is not as dumb as many would contend, they are merely brainwashed and focused on daily survival. Given a social structure that protected citizens rights, disseminated facts rather than propaganda, had opportunities for independent intellectual growth and exploration, and removed the threat of destitution, these same people would operate at a much higher level of intelligence on - the order of 20-30 IQ points in my estimate.

hisich wrote: You're either trolling me or suffer from a severe case of cognitive dissonance...in the post that started this thread I listed the facts that destroy the myth of the USA being an example of "unrestrained capitalism".
You haven't proven shit. I have provided arguments which contradict this contention which you are not acknowledging or addressing.

When I look at 'Progressive'-run Shitholes like Detroit, San Francisco, L.A., Baltimore, Chicago, etc.--which weren't always Shitholes--I wonder what excuse Democracy-worshippers have for their decline? If democracy is so great, why didn't the 'Progressive' electorate of these places recognize that things were going in a bad direction & change course? Why do they continue to re-elect the same regimes that wrecked their cities in the first place?

hisich wrote: Oh the irony...
Oh the tyranny of having your voice heard!
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