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Weaponizing Cognitive Dissonance

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rani wrote: fifthcolumn - Don't dismiss the usefulness of catharsis too quickly. While I am in agreement with you that talking cures rarely work, and in fact, can easily re-traumatise people, there are other form of release. My particular favourites are Dr. David Berceli's trauma release exercises and Eileen Day McCusick's tone balancing. Neither require rehashing of traumatic experiences. You don't even have to think or name the experience, you simply let it go. As much as we are able to rationalise out difficult past experiences, they still remain stuck in your musculature (see Reich's armouring concept) and/or in the auric body as demonstrated by McCusick.

Also, a comment on the effectiveness of cognitive dissonance as a weapon - it plays on a natural defense mechanism in the human psyche. The Greeks referred to 'aporia' (an expression of real or pretended doubt or uncertainty especially for rhetorical effect.) also can be thought of as non-seeing. I have (willfully) used this myself in everyday life. For example, a guy is skeeving on me on the train, I feign a non-understanding until the train pulls into the station and I feel safe to extricate myself from the situation. It is comforting and protective. I can safely deflect unwanted attention in a non-confrontational way. The thing is I know I'm doing it. Lots of people fall into aporia unconsciously, and the more you use this rhetorical trick upon yourself, the more you need it to support a nonsensical worldview.


I am in agreement with you that talking cures rarely work, and in fact, can easily re-traumatise people

Actually, I don't think we're in agreement here. I've done psychotherapy where it was useful for me to talk and talk until I stumbled upon the source of much of my rage. Once I did, I could develop strategies, and a direction to travel in, to heal it. Finding the source of it may have re-traumatized me, but if one step backward buys me ten steps forward, I'll make that trade.

So if psychotherapy qualifies as a "talking cure," then I'd say that, while not a cure for me, it was an incredibly useful first step in the process- and therefor, kinda "worked." But it definitely depends on the shrink. And I imagine there are more inept ones than adept ones.

Dr. David Berceli's trauma release exercises and Eileen Day McCusick's tone balancing. Neither require rehashing of traumatic experiences. You don't even have to think or name the experience, you simply let it go.

My understanding of Catharsis Theory, as employed by Freud and Jung, is that it involves the experiencing of, and engaging in, negative emotions regularly in small doses so that these emotions don't accumulate to a point where you explode and engage in them to a harmful degree. Venting Them vs. Bottling Them Up. Do Berceli and McCusick suggest engaging in small doses of negative emotions regularly? Because your description of "not thinking or naming the experience- simply letting it go," doesn't sound like Catharsis. It sounds like taking off and nuking the site from orbit. Which I love, and would be interested to see how effective it is, but I don't think is technically "Catharsis."

Am I missing something here?

The thing is I know I'm doing it. Lots of people fall into aporia unconsciously, and the more you use this rhetorical trick upon yourself, the more you need it to support a nonsensical worldview.

Agreed. Like any tool, or weapon, Aporia and Cognitive Dissonance can be used for good or ill. And you can hurt yourself with them. My feeling is that Cog Dis has already been weaponized against us. I would like to steal the technology from the enemy, re-engineer it for the greater good, distribute it widely among my allies, and ensure that they know how to use it wisely.

You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Posted : May 16, 2019 7:27 AM
Posts: 318
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I am in agreement with you that talking cures rarely work - Actually, I don't think we're in agreement here.

Apologies! I must have misread your comment. In my experience, no one I know has had any lasting benefit from psychotherapy. Additionally, most of the people I know who practice it professionally were by far the most traumatised people I know. YMMV of course. I feel like in an attempt to heal themselves, they gravitate towards trying to heal others.

I've done psychotherapy where it was useful for me to talk and talk until I stumbled upon the source of much of my rage... Finding the source of it may have re-traumatized me, but if one step backward buys me ten steps forward, I'll make that trade.

I'm glad you had a good result, but you can get the same results without being re-traumatised. That's a win for me. For example, in one session of TRE that I did (alone, in my lounge, for free) I had a big physical release accompanied by a very clear 'thought bubble' which rose up, spoke itself in my mind, and then kept on going out of my body.

My understanding of Catharsis Theory, as employed by Freud and Jung, is that it involves the experiencing of, and engaging in, negative emotions regularly in small doses so that these emotions don't accumulate to a point where you explode and engage in them to a harmful degree. . . Am I missing something here?

So, we have catharsis as defined by Jung and the original Greek conception from which he took the name. The Greek term means 'purification' or 'cleansing' and was usually done through art. Going to the amphitheatre and watching a tragi-comedy for instance, would provide a catharsis. Have a good laugh and a cry and you don't have to name your own pain, but some of the psychic energy you are holding is released. At this point it is useful to refer to Reich and his work on the life energy of the body. That which cannot be vented by the body turns in on itself in a vicious feedback loop.

These energies become trapped in stiff musculature to the point where they will effect the final form in an organism. They reshaped the morphogenetic field to such an extent, that Reich claimed he could read peoples problems from their body shapes. For example, very full lips on a person might denote a neediness that was not satisfied by suckling as an infant.

So in this model, there is no bottling it up vs venting, as a healthy organism will have an emotional expression and move on. Reich was a strong believer in a healthy, regular orgasmic release as being the body's natural release mechanism. TRE is also a way to tap into the body's natural mechanisms as mammals shake after trauma to release pent up energy. TRE is a way of inducing this shaking mechanism after the traumatic fact with no reference to the trauma itself.

My feeling is that Cog Dis has already been weaponized against us. I would like to steal the technology from the enemy, re-engineer it for the greater good, distribute it widely among my allies, and ensure that they know how to use it wisely.

i agree completely. To this end I have been turning the global warming narrative to good use. I have started telling people that cell towers cause global warming, and this has had a very useful effect in initiating a discussion on their dangers. It has been more useful than trying to tell people about HAARP and ionospheric heating, say, because you just see the blinds behind their eyes slam shut.

What other narratives can we co-opt in a similar way?

Posted : May 17, 2019 3:54 AM
Posts: 422
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Apologies! - Not at all.

most of the people I know who practice it professionally were by far the most traumatised people I know. YMMV of course. I feel like in an attempt to heal themselves, they gravitate towards trying to heal others.

I agree entirely. Doctor, heal thyself! And while psychoanalysis was useful for me, it was by no means a cure. More of a guide. I think the cure only comes when the patient starts to implement strategies toward it.

but you can get the same results without being re-traumatised.

This is something I've always suspected, but don't have any experience with. Of course, this may be something I have already done- healed a past trauma by using some of the more energetic techniques, all the while not knowing it existed. It could be true and I wouldn't even know it.

Going to the amphitheatre and watching a tragi-comedy for instance, would provide a catharsis.

Right. And this is my problem with it. The average schmuck walking around engages in way too much "art" these days in the form of books, TV, movies, video games, etc. that traumatizes them repeatedly, regularly re-engages them in negative emotions, and programs their subconscious into a very narrow range of problem solving techniques. Fuck it or Kill it. (I can hear in my head that ancient Greek teenager bragging to her friends, "I saw Medea 17 times.")

But we are talking past one another - and I think I know why.

You are referring to the word "catharsis," meaning "purgation" - cleansing or purifying.

I am referring to "Catharsis Theory," which is a strategy that preaches "expressing or getting out one's aggression and anger should reduce the feeling of aggression." Venting or Bottling.

Based on what you've written, I think we agree with each other. Or are you just using aporia on me for rhetorical effect? (Gonna use that word all the time now so I can remember it.)

Reich claimed he could read peoples problems from their body shapes.

I should look more into Reich. Any dude who recommends regular orgasms and can make it rain, needs to be taken seriously.

What other narratives can we co-opt in a similar way?

I like using the Placebo Effect to introduce energy healing. Of course, I use the phrase "Your body's natural healing mechanisms" so I don't come off like a raging hippy.

You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Posted : May 17, 2019 8:37 AM
Posts: 474
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fifthcolumn wrote: Nick,

Shining a light - probably not a great metaphor

I think this is a great metaphor. Light up that magic torch, baby!

I'm no expert on Jung - but what I've learnt has helped me.

Don't let me sour you on a model that gets you results. I would say, though, that many models are limited. If you feel your progress start to stagnate or you find that some of the results you are getting are undesirable, then it is wise to re-examine the model you are working with.

The end result of either eradication or integration is what's important - no affect

I just seek to find the clearest and most efficient way to inform my brethren below of the path I have found to crest the next ridgline in our journey up the mountain together.

You're right, there's many paths up the same mountain, some are well worn and useful for many and some we have to forge ourselves. One of the reasons i started the Know Thy self - mega thread. What helped you get over that ridge and further up the mountain?

Jung has many many useful works, for me, and for the collective. I'm sure it can be refined and it is being so by the likes of Winnacott and Kalsched who have helped changed the perception of pre-verbal trauma and that Babies can't remember anything so they cannot be traumtised.
This ridiculus notion meant that in the USA babies would have major surgegical procedures with no anesthetic up to 1984/5. I think the archons would love to feed off the fear and pain energy of a baby having heart surgery.

I recall having my first root canal dental procedure I was 18. the anesthetic didn't work at the root it only numbed the cheek and outer gum. so the whole operation i could feel the pain but i could bare it. I guess my pre-verba trauma gave me the capacity to contain the deep seated pain, and the fear / freeze not to say anything cos I'd learnt that as a survival mechanism.
now i imagine the dentist after his degree of learning allows the archon to see and pass through him and feed off the pain it sees but the dentist misses.

Dentist in the old days could be a great cover for archontic energies to acces peoples fear and pain. the sound of a dentist dril even the thought of it, can cause peoples nerves to go into a danger zone.

Posted : May 18, 2019 12:29 AM
Posts: 422
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nickzeptepi wrote: You're right, there's many paths up the same mountain, some are well worn and useful for many and some we have to forge ourselves. One of the reasons i started the Know Thy self - mega thread. What helped you get over that ridge and further up the mountain?

Jung has many many useful works, for me, and for the collective. I'm sure it can be refined and it is being so by the likes of Winnacott and Kalsched who have helped changed the perception of pre-verbal trauma and that Babies can't remember anything so they cannot be traumtised.
This ridiculus notion meant that in the USA babies would have major surgegical procedures with no anesthetic up to 1984/5. I think the archons would love to feed off the fear and pain energy of a baby having heart surgery.

I recall having my first root canal dental procedure I was 18. the anesthetic didn't work at the root it only numbed the cheek and outer gum. so the whole operation i could feel the pain but i could bare it. I guess my pre-verba trauma gave me the capacity to contain the deep seated pain, and the fear / freeze not to say anything cos I'd learnt that as a survival mechanism.
now i imagine the dentist after his degree of learning allows the archon to see and pass through him and feed off the pain it sees but the dentist misses.

Dentist in the old days could be a great cover for archontic energies to acces peoples fear and pain. the sound of a dentist dril even the thought of it, can cause peoples nerves to go into a danger zone.

Babies can't remember anything so they cannot be traumtised.

Yeah, Christ! Can you believe they got away with telling people that? INSANE.

I think the archons would love to feed off the fear and pain energy of a baby having heart surgery.


I recall having my first root canal dental procedure I was 18

I do believe that whatever doesn't kill you can make you stronger. But you must do the work to heal the trauma and integrate the pain tolerance before you can become Superman. You let me know when it happens and we'll go fight crime together.

Dentist in the old days could be a great cover for archontic energies

There's an old movie called "Marathon Man," in which the torturer is a dentist. He's uses all the dentist's tools to inflict the pain. The archons fed on me for weeks after watching it. Just the thought of that scene turned me into a five star restaurant.

You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Posted : May 18, 2019 1:27 AM
Posts: 1026
Noble Member

rani wrote: Additionally, most of the people I know who practice it professionally were by far the most traumatised people I know. YMMV of course. I feel like in an attempt to heal themselves, they gravitate towards trying to heal others.

Ding ding ding, my pet theory is that the people who are traumatized or repressed are drawn to psychotherapy in an attempt to self-diagnose and work things out for themselves. Even if they do go for psychotherapy with a doctor it is typically is not very effective in my experience. There are three people I know well who have gone down this road, all three were probably traumatized as children. One uses psychopharmaceuticals to deal with their depression in addition to avoiding discussing anything they view as "negative". Another is a repressed homosexual whose closet goes to Narnia and is an avid Trump supporter. The third was molested by their father for years and never developed a stable relationship as far as I know. Yet they feel that their psychological knowledge is sufficient to diagnose and treat others when the issues that drew them to getting into psychology remain unresolved. Go figure.

Posted : May 18, 2019 1:37 AM
Posts: 474
Honorable Member

fifthcolumn wrote: Babies can't remember anything so they cannot be traumtised.

Yeah, Christ! Can you believe they got away with telling people that? INSANE.

I think the archons would love to feed off the fear and pain energy of a baby having heart surgery.


I recall having my first root canal dental procedure I was 18

I do believe that whatever doesn't kill you can make you stronger. But you must do the work to heal the trauma and integrate the pain tolerance before you can become Superman. You let me know when it happens and we'll go fight crime together.

Dentist in the old days could be a great cover for archontic energies

There's an old movie called "Marathon Man," in which the torturer is a dentist. He's uses all the dentist's tools to inflict the pain. The archons fed on me for weeks after watching it. Just the thought of that scene turned me into a five star restaurant.

Yea! Fighting the archons and there subversion with my magic torch and your super powers!! hihi. their days are numbered.....

I'm on my Hero's Journey to find my and intergrate my true Self, release the stress and fix my body - I was 160kg now I'm 98kg.

Your Marathon Man experience reminds me of a "freind" (handler) getting me to watch Requim for a Dream & The Basketball Diaries. It wasn't soon after that I was introduced to drugs and like the Traumatise addict I was I lapped them up.

I'm thankfull and grateful to the universe (spirit) that things fell into place to give me the opportunity to go on my Hero's Journey

Posted : May 18, 2019 2:54 AM
Posts: 474
Honorable Member

shamangineer wrote: Ding ding ding, my pet theory is that the people who are traumatized or repressed are drawn to psychotherapy in an attempt to self-diagnose and work things out for themselves. Even if they do go for psychotherapy with a doctor it is typically is not very effective in my experience. There are three people I know well who have gone down this road, all three were probably traumatized as children. One uses psychopharmaceuticals to deal with their depression in addition to avoiding discussing anything they view as "negative". Another is a repressed homosexual whose closet goes to Narnia and is an avid Trump supporter. The third was molested by their father for years and never developed a stable relationship as far as I know. Yet they feel that their psychological knowledge is sufficient to diagnose and treat others when the issues that drew them to getting into psychology remain unresolved. Go figure.

Jasun Horsely has covered this in his blogs and podcasts about a year ago. in some cases traumatised kids who have screen memories, and sexual abuse try to get psychotherapy and end up with a "handler" type who will help but only to a certain degree and definatly continue to repress the truth from coming out.

Check out this one with a therapist who uncovered ritual abuse and then was hounded by her peers when she highlighted it.

Conversation with Alison Miller, therapist and author of Healing the Unimaginable, on discovering ritual abuse, meeting inner children, dissociative identity disorders, False Memory Syndrome, how widespread is ritual abuse, the therapeutic community’s awareness of organized abuse, psychologically sophisticated organized crime, Elizabeth Loftus & the agenda to discredit memory, Lori Handrahan & the child porn industry, liminal realities, an innate resistance to unpleasant realities, more than Jesus suffered, compartmentalization of awareness, popular media & violence, MKULTRA children, Ewen Cameron’s babies, Nazi Luciferians, concentration camp experimentation, Mengele in the US, unbonded children, rewiring the brain, creating new circuits, Kabbalah-based groups, electricity, drugs & birth induction, the false impression of a memory continuum, everything happens at night, a place of fragmented identity, cult camps, Daycare Center abuse, multigenerational abuse, altered states of perception, conscious perpetrators, what Lucifer wants, high-level politicians, Wendy Hoffman, Ann Diamond & Leonard Cohen, mass media triggers, The Wizard of Oz and Walt Disney as mind control aids, Shirley Temple & pedophile porn, screen memories, deception-embedded experiences, staged alien abductions, healing process, internal informants, how deep can memories be buried, parallel interpretations of events, dream revelations, the failure of Jungian dream analysis, programmed other worlds, David Icke’s reptilians, intelligence agencies & occult fraternities, natural psychism, mind control & psychic abilities, hijacking people’s inherent abilities, the dreams of the elite, a sense of isolation, the spice of life.

Also podcast 110 and 115 are by ritual survivors

Posted : May 18, 2019 3:06 AM
Posts: 1026
Noble Member

Well the person I am speaking of wasn't the result of ritual abuse, just a dirtbag. No,that's too kind - I like dirt, just a shitbag.

Posted : May 18, 2019 3:40 AM
Posts: 422
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shamangineer wrote: Ding ding ding, my pet theory is that the people who are traumatized or repressed are drawn to psychotherapy in an attempt to self-diagnose and work things out for themselves. Even if they do go for psychotherapy with a doctor it is typically is not very effective in my experience. There are three people I know well who have gone down this road, all three were probably traumatized as children. One uses psychopharmaceuticals to deal with their depression in addition to avoiding discussing anything they view as "negative". Another is a repressed homosexual whose closet goes to Narnia and is an avid Trump supporter. The third was molested by their father for years and never developed a stable relationship as far as I know. Yet they feel that their psychological knowledge is sufficient to diagnose and treat others when the issues that drew them to getting into psychology remain unresolved. Go figure.

"whose closet goes to Narnia"

Damn, that's good. Still smiling. I'm stealing that one.

One uses psychopharmaceuticals

Yeah, I didn't take the chems my shrink suggested. So glad I didn't. He just let me verbally wander through my life until I stumbled across the answer. He barely spoke 3 sentences to me each time I showed up. The whole time I'm going "Why am I paying this putz?" But it was pretty useful to me in the end. Maybe that's the mark of a good one? If they can shut up and get out of your way while you figure out what's going on?

The more I talk to you people about it, though, it makes me feel like I achieved some results in spite of the process...

I can definitely see the financial disincentive for those people to actually cure someone, though. It backs up what Nick is saying about them becoming more of a "handler" than a healer once they've given you a taste of the good stuff.

You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Posted : May 18, 2019 6:15 AM
Posts: 422
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nickzeptepi wrote: Yea! Fighting the archons and there subversion with my magic torch and your super powers!! hihi. their days are numbered.....

I'm on my Hero's Journey to find my and intergrate my true Self, release the stress and fix my body - I was 160kg now I'm 98kg.

Your Marathon Man experience reminds me of a "freind" (handler) getting me to watch Requim for a Dream & The Basketball Diaries. It wasn't soon after that I was introduced to drugs and like the Traumatise addict I was I lapped them up.

I'm thankfull and grateful to the universe (spirit) that things fell into place to give me the opportunity to go on my Hero's Journey

Fighting the archons and there subversion with my magic torch and your super powers!! hihi. their days are numbered.....

It's a date, brother.

I'm in this mood because of scorn
I'm in a mood for total war
To the darkened skies once more
and ever onward

-VNV Nation "Darkangel"

I was 160kg now I'm 98kg.

Congratulations! That is no easy task! All balls, bro. I think that's the point in your movie when Morpheus, watching from outside the matrix, says "He's beginning to believe."

I'm thankfull and grateful to the universe (spirit) that things fell into place to give me the opportunity to go on my Hero's Journey

When I started my own journey, I decided that Gratitude would be my weapon of choice. It has served me extremely well. I consider your statement a masterful use of it.

I am thankful and grateful for my conversations with my new buddy, Nick. They have helped to restore my Faith In Humanity- which is a resource I find hard to come by these days.

You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Posted : May 18, 2019 8:51 AM
Posts: 318
Reputable Member

It's so synchronous you guys brought up dentists. I was going to suggest them as a future topic. One the one hand there is the trauma aspect, the opportunity for implanting etc. The second thread is chasing REAL oral health. I recall a dentist on Rex Research talking about how toothpaste (fluoride aside) causes the guns to not be able to adhere to the teeth any more, causing them to recede. I think he said using regular bar soap (without glycerine) as toothpaste would allow the gums to re-grow.

Posted : May 20, 2019 12:58 AM
Posts: 318
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So, back to Cog dis. I was dreaming up a nice design for some template "fill in the blanks" sticker sets which highlight instances of dissonance in every day life. For example. Fluoride in toothpaste, poison! In drinking water, great! Mercury, in fish, poison! in vaccines, great! etc.

Posted : May 21, 2019 10:09 PM
Posts: 422
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rani wrote: So, back to Cog dis. I was dreaming up a nice design for some template "fill in the blanks" sticker sets which highlight instances of dissonance in every day life. For example. Fluoride in toothpaste, poison! In drinking water, great! Mercury, in fish, poison! in vaccines, great! etc.

Fluoride in Superfund Cleanup Sites, toxic waste! Fluoride in Prozac, great!

Propylene Glycol in antifreeze, poison! Propylene Glycol in food, great!

Placebo Effect in drug trials, bad! Placebo Effect in healing, great!

Depleted Uranium in soil, bad! Depleted Uranium in Iraqi soil, great!

Torture in the Geneva Conventions, bad! Torture in Guantanamo, great!

Russia interfering in U.S. elections, bad! U.S. interfering in Venezuelan elections, great!

KGB assassinating democratically elected leaders, bad! CIA assassinating democratically elected leaders, great!

You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Posted : May 22, 2019 5:43 AM
Posts: 318
Reputable Member

I try to stay positive, but some days I despair.

I posted on an aussie forum about 'geoengineering' as there was a program about it on our state sponsored tv channel, I figured they were officially 'out'. I only got one reply that was basically, 'lol, shut up, your sources aren't credible'. My sources were NASA's JPL, Harvard and Oxford Uni. wtf?

Posted : May 23, 2019 9:54 PM
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