What IS the moon wave?

I get that crrow777 doesn't want to speculate and that's cool. But what do you all think it could be? A glitch in a projection? What else might it be?

Well, if we are to put any stock in the gnostic/hermetic idea that the moon is where all the memories of the world are stored, Akashic record style, it could have something to do with an interplay between this massive hard drive, storing info as light, and our DNA, which hypnosis suggests also has a massive amount of human memories,(related to this world) stored/encoded in it.( junk DNA?)
This is suggested as the reason why alchemical/hermetic languages, and The Runes which they are based off, have virtually the same word for moon/mind/man; Manas
Also, we are Hu-man,( which is either spirit-mind or consciousness-mind, I forget which!), and the Vedic H-an-uman is a monkey, hence taming the monkey-mind is the first step on the 'ladder of lights' or up the chakras, and Hanuman is linked closely to the moon.

Interesting. Pushing your hard drive analogy further, the wave could be a reboot or de-frag scheduled around the equinoxes when our attention and activities change with the changing seasons.

@sylviatrilling and Spiritual.Warrior2 Good thoughts on this and you theories in your PDF SP2 are not incompatable with the ideas I put up.
I have started to think of it not so much as a prison as a honey trap, a gravity well or a frequency vortex, which could easily be holographic in nature.
A reading of the Pista Sophia is a really good look at this whole concept.
If you are cruising past a gravity well, and you have any weight/attachments, then it is going to pull you in, or you may just nip in for a look, but once you are there, the honey trap nature of this little power plant come in to being.
If you get attached to anything, it works like weight, and it is damn tough to climb out of a frequency vortex when you decide you have had enough if you are too heavy.
Wether things here try to keep you here deliberately because you are contributing tho the overall power in the system, or just because they are what they are and so they do what they do is academic to my. As soon as you start shedding baggage, physically, emotionally and spiritually, everything around you, people included, will keep trying to knock you off the ladder and drag you back down to the bottom of the vortex.
But there is a way out........

2434 wrote: What is the MOON wave ?
After reading and reading and reading about Crroww777’s lunar wave observation I believe I have an answer that not many have concluded.The MOON is an artificial construct who’s primary function is to cause humans to “sleep” at night and disrupt our natural energy cycles.
In short, the MOON is an instrument of our Spiritual Slavery.This is so because we live in a MATRIX PRISON where nothing is what it seems to be.
Here's what I want to know: Where do the etheric parasites fit into all of this?
The MOON was constructed by the Archons (Spider Demons)
Demon is a human word. They're beings.

I do not often claim any conclusion regarding the lunar wave but I can say this. The footage by itself is important but not enough to answer the questions most folks have. But - when all the footage is combined and considered through the lens of research and endless observation the following things can be said:
*The moon cannot be hit by supposed space rocks
*the moon cannot be walked on
*the moon gives off its own light
*The moon is not a rock in space
*the moon is likely much closer than we have been told - sun too
*No one or no thing can go above low earth orbit which is not even what is called space
*space has been intentionally misdescribed - and - the coded meme's use water to describe space, whatever that means

So I've got two things to chuck in here. Let's see if either make it back out! 😉
Firstly, satellites. In the last month, due to restless children,( all this turmoil is affecting everyone, it seems) I have been logging some decent star time. From the time I step outside it is two minutes tops before I see a "satellite". If I don't clock 3 before I go back in, it's a quiet night.
4 nights ago, I saw 5, all headed in different directions including West-East,( a new one for me) within 30 seconds!! A new record.
And hot damn these things are fast, whatever they are. Jet traffic over us is usually 25 - 35000 feet, and these things are going better than double, by the looks of them. So at what height, I wonder to myself...
Second, Crrow, and others, do you have any info on the Moon being labelled as "Uriel's machine" ? As in the Arch Angel.
Buggered if I can remember where I ran into it now, but someone called it as such, and then said if you look at the moon 3rd eye open, it appears to have wheels/cogs in it, and chains/ropes running to and fro between it and Earth.
Another experiment for a later date.

Uriel's Machine???? I've heard of that too! Not sure where exactly, been a few years since I've heard that, and since I've stumbled on Gregs podcast, I've been thinking about that. I've googled etc and still can't find where I've read that and it's been bugging me.
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