Who REALLY run this planet/reality?

I want to know everyone's opinion, theories, ideas and gut feelings on who you think is REALLY in charge and running things here on what we call Earth and in this reality?

Your welcome 🙂 The sucess and participation level of the forum lies directly on all of our shoulders and I'm just trying to do my part. I figure maybe I can lead by example and show some of those who might be shy that its ok to speak up contribute.
I would like to say thank you for taking the time to write that and sharing your thoughts in this post as well as your other posts 🙂
I would be up for helping out more abd being a moderator. The ability to make categories and sticky threads would be nice and should help the forum quite a bit.
I think this will be a great forun too! Its off to a good start already.
Thanks again Bastutus69 🙂

Very well said, Schmenge, and thank you for contributing such an insightful, interesting and well worded perspective.
I started looking into the Gnostic texts about 6 years ago and found them to be very intriguing and even provide insight into our current situation as well.
I remember aquiring the information held in "The Nature of the Rulers", either by hearing it or reading it, but I think I'm going to revisit some of the texts now that I have a broader scope to analyze and absorb the information with better.
Thank for giving your thoughts and the information, it was greatly appreciated. Please feel free to add anything else that you wish. I would love to dig in deeper to these topics with you 🙂

bastutus69 I love your thought process and what seems to be your "gut feeling" on this topic. I have had simular thoughts and I think there is some truth in it for sure. In fact, those very thoughts led me deeper into the spiritual and magic rhelm to find ways to gain my lost powers (in which we all have) to counteract and fight back.
Interestingly enough, ince I gained more knowledge, I started to wonder if we are the powerful being and "they" are using symbols and rituals to appease us or using their "occulted" tools to keep us regulated down on a lower level to prevent us from finding our powers *or* we are the true creative beings that control our reality and they use a very sophisticated and advanced form of psychology to tug at, and use, our powerful emotions to control our reality.
There are just so many different things that could be going on that I just keep an open mind and try to put the pieces together until they fit perfectly.
Its a pleasure to read your comments and am happy that you are involved in this thread (and the others too, ofcorse:). Thanks again 🙂

I had this big reply wrote out and my mobile browser (I have to use my mobile device 99% of the time on here) refreshed and I lost it all 🙁 I spent some time on it and had it worded just how I wanted it and everything ::pouting:: *and cussing up a storm* lol

Thanks. I have a handful of more positive theories for when my anxiety goes up.. they are kinda' the "sleep better at night" scenarios 😉
I'm psyched to have these conversations and share these ideas too. 🙂

Hey there re/Planetary Power Plots
After wandering down the shadowy, cobwebbed alleys of conspiracy for a while now I've come kind of full circle back to when I first cracked the fragile egg-shell reality I was living in; my introduction to LSD in my teen years. That experience showed me synaesthesia in the way of seeing sound etc., but really introduced the fluid nature of the subjective/objective paradigm or paradox. In short, what I mean is, who is in control depends on where you're "standing" when you ask the question; if you take a slice along the political temporal plane it reveals evidence of conspiracy and a somewhat chaotic ego driven agenda of power and privilege justified within an elite religious world-view. However, as we know, conscious and event-based reality is reactionary and derivative, so we shift focus and begin to see motivations or nebulous animating principles beneath and beyond. This would equate to a more emotional, intuitive way of relating to "otherness", personified or otherwise. More abstract still, we might begin to grapple with duality consciousness itself; good and evil, synergy and entropy and perhaps even harmony and dissonance. At this level of abstraction it becomes easiest to realise the personal harmonic relationship with the world - in terms of our own inner dynamic of consciousness, especially in the challenges of the physical illusion and the sense of separation it facilitates, so giving rise to the fundamental schism of Ego and the micro macro relationship.
I'm not advocating Solipsism (see http://whatonearthishappening.com/ episode 1 I think) here, but rather correspondence as a method of understanding.
One of the most useful insights I had in dealing with the sense of outside oppression was that the Cabal (et al) had a lot in common with my own ego-driven psychology. If nothing else, know your enemy.
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