Wilhelm Reich Docum...
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Wilhelm Reich Documentary Film Project on Indiegogo

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WIlhelm Reich

Wilhelm Reich is a figure all on this forum should be acquainted with. He was the protege of Sigmund Freud and his studies took him into the nature of the libido. He developed tests to understand the function of the orgasm and found that sexual energy was an energy unknown to science and was in fact the life force. Pursued by the SS, KGB, and FBI at various portions of his career he was never the less able to accomplish many breakthroughs in the field of subtle energy research including the development of a concentrator (his orgone accumulator), an orgone motor, and etheric weather engineering with the use of his cloudbuster apparatus. He is the only person to have his books burned in the United States under court order. On top of that the FBI had him burn all apparatus and books at Organon himself. He was eventually imprisoned on crap charges based largely on harassment by KGB infiltrators in the FBI and died a few days before his release.

There is currently a crowdfunding drive to support a detailed factual documentary of Wilhelm Reich based on ALL currently available information, including records at the institute he founded called Organon, Norway, and Germany. The footage has been shot based on a successful Kickstarter campaign and the director Kevin Hinchey is looking for funds for editing the raw footage and creating the animations required for the documentary. It is $55 on the Indiegogo campaign for a digital download of the documentary once it is complete.


Here is a 45 minute documentary about Reich's work:

A 2012 docudrama about Reich, there is a few minutes at the beginning with Reich discussing the function of the orgasm in Germany at the beginning of the video, but after a few minutes the rest of the movie is in English.

Posted : April 23, 2016 2:20 PM
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And the documentary drive went bump in the night. . . This Indiegogo campaign has been extended and they are at the half-way mark of $90,000 0f funding with 15 days to go. I know this will be an excellent documentary and if it appeals to any audience it would be that of Mr. Carlwood.

Wilhelm Reich Cloudbusting
Wilhelm Reich cloudbuster

Reich's Orgone Accumulator:

Reich working with his bion or cancer cultures.

From Wilhelm Reich's book Listen Little Man:
You are a brute behind your mask of sociability and friendliness

Posted : June 4, 2016 1:29 AM
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I just noticed the video links seem broken:
a short Wilhelm Reich documentary, but with rare footage of his orgone motor in action at 23:40.
Wilhelm Reich Documentary

The Strange Case of Wilhelm Reich - a German docudrama about Reich. There are a few minutes of German at the beginning when Reich is reading his theory of the orgasm to academics, but after that it is in English. It contrasts Reich's philosophy against that of Ian Cameron, President of the Canadian Psychiatric Association, American (1952–1953) and World Psychiatric Associations, the American Psychopathological Association and the Society of Biological Psychiatry during the 1950s. Cameron was instrumental in MKUltra experimentation.
The Strange Case of Wilhelm Reich

Posted : June 4, 2016 1:47 AM
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"Man's right to know, to learn, to inquire, to make bona fide errors, to investigate human emotions must, by all means, be safe if the word Freedom should ever be more than an empty political slogan"

- From Reich's Response to Complaint for Injunction

Posted : June 4, 2016 1:37 PM