
Your woman is your 800 pound gorilla in the metaphysical world. There are many reasons for this but the primary one is because Emotion is Metaphysical Rocket Fuel. Females will always be more connected to emotion than we will. They will feel it deeper. They will understand it better. And they can manipulate its energy on a far greater scale than we ever will.
Women also wield a huge amount of power in the physical world, but it is indirect power. In these 3 dimensions, men are the force to be reckoned with. Our tendencies toward logic and reason, combined with our physical prowess, allow us to build and destroy on a greater level. But even then, we're not at the top of the food chain.
Every high performance automobile, every skyscraper, every aircraft carrier, and every luxury mansion was built and sold to gain favor with, keep safe, or make comfortable a woman. It is quite possible that the single most driving force in all of humanity is gender. How do you manifest legions from thin air and march them off to rain fire on foreign lands? You tell the men that their women are in danger. And you convince the women that a man in uniform is sexy.
But beyond the crass force of the material world, lies the seat of true power. In this realm, Emotion reigns supreme and they will always be better connected to it than most of us.
Your 800 pound gorilla wears a set of full body chains. They were placed on her by the matrix she grew up in. The slithering string-pullers of this world worried a little bit about us men, but they took their fucking time developing the chains for our women. They are an intricate and omnipresent masterwork of bondage and misdirection.
It is absolutely clear that the last thing this matrix wants is to be staring down the business end of a pack of 800 pound gorillas.
The chains they wear are manifold. They are so immense and cumbersome that they keep them from even getting close to one another. But the largest one, the one that causes the most damage and ensures the matrix's longevity, is labeled "Lack of Emotional Control." The matrix couldn't separate woman from her most powerful weapon. All it could do was make sure she couldn't aim it.
"Hell hath no fury." "Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em." "Women are crazy." These are not insightful takes on a biological reality. This is programming that both hides and reinforces these chains.
I believe it is the duty of every man to help slip the chains off his woman. Inch by inch and week by week, gently and reassuringly loosening the shackles from your 800 pounder. An 800 pounder that could pop off at any second and start slicing down trees, with those flailing chains, as she thrashes about. She has never been told that she can control her emotions. She's been programmed since birth that she is at their mercy. And frankly, she resents the insinuation that this is not a healthy state of affairs.
There is a method I have found to assist in the removal of these chains. It is time consuming and arduous. And sooooo fucking worth it.
Begin by laying the groundwork with discussions about stress hormones. When a human engages in negative emotions, the body produces chemicals that cease growth, disable learning mechanisms, and decrease lifespan. There is much information about this on the web. Make sure she understands that negative emotion is killing her.
Independent of this, encourage a few discussions about goals. What do you want out of life? Get her to agree that "Happy" and "Healthy" are at the top of the list. An easy way of doing this is posing the hypothetical: "If I told you I was gonna give you 50 million dollars - but you had to be miserable for the rest of your life - would you take it?" Make sure she understands that money (or any material gain) is only a perceived route to the end goal- a healthy life filled with joy.
If you can get her to agree to these things, you've got her right where you want her. Whenever she starts losing her mind about a situation, you are armed with her own "best interests" to defuse it.
"You are absolutely right! Where does she get off? Fuck her. It pisses me off that she gets to give you a heart attack just because she's a cunt... Well, baby, you feel like shit about it, right? That's my point- when you feel like shit, your body is producing stress hormones that are toxic. They are just poison and they are decreasing your lifespan. Why does that bitch get to steal my time with you? It's not cool."
"Wait a minute, gorgeous. Come here. Is this really the hill you wanna die on? I'm looking at this, wondering why you don't seem to understand that you hold all the cards here. Who gives a shit what they do? Does it mean anything to anyone? You're sitting on top of the mountain, poisoning yourself over the morons who wanna be up where you are. Why are you doing that to yourself?"
"Ok, beautiful, listen to me. You're right, the situation is fucked. But it is what it is. We've got no ability to change it. The way I see it, you've got two choices. Fucked situation; or fucked situation and you're poisoning yourself. Which one do you want outta this?"
When she inevitably tells you that you're not supporting her, you can flip the script with the groundwork you've laid. "Baby, we agreed that Happy and Healthy were your goals. I was just trying to offer you a perspective that could help you get what you want here. You are absolutely right! (stroking her) You have every right to pissed! (keep stroking) He's out of his goddamn mind! (never stop stroking) That's bullshit! But, sweety, why does he get to poison you?"
Always keep in mind that many studies have been done now that prove that venting your anger is unhealthy for you. The conclusions of these studies state things like "Venting your anger is practice for being an angry person." And "Venting your anger doesn't diminish it, it rehearses it."
Lots of hugs. Lots of smiles. No arguing or losing your temper. It ain't easy, but it can be done. Tame that gorilla whipping chains around all over the house. It's all carrot and no stick, baby! The Hard Way.
You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Haha, wow. Just never tell your lady you see her as an 800 pound gorilla, ok?
Catherin Austin Fitts did say that what governments fear most is a bunch of angry mothers.
However, I was thinking just the other day about how powerful men are metaphysically. Sure, our emotions are used against us women to delegitimise us, like having emotions is so terrible. But men aren't even allowed to have emotions at all.
Additionally, and I know this sounds crazy, but I believe our hair plays a part in ESP. I think they are like antenna that can pick up subtle energies, and they are after all, plugged straight into our brains! Women have always been allowed to wear their hair long, but men have, in many cultures, had a prohibition on long hair. Even now, women are encouraged to cut their hair every 6 weeks, and I think this is to stop the ends from forming properly, as it is crucial the ends are intact for best reception.
It is always said that women have a special 'intuition' but I don't think it's something we alone have, but men are less likely to have intuition as their major 'organ of intuition' has been shorn off them. Just like Sampson in the bible.

rani wrote: Haha, wow. Just never tell your lady you see her as an 800 pound gorilla, ok?
Catherin Austin Fitts did say that what governments fear most is a bunch of angry mothers.
However, I was thinking just the other day about how powerful men are metaphysically. Sure, our emotions are used against us women to delegitimise us, like having emotions is so terrible. But men aren't even allowed to have emotions at all.
Additionally, and I know this sounds crazy, but I believe our hair plays a part in ESP. I think they are like antenna that can pick up subtle energies, and they are after all, plugged straight into our brains! Women have always been allowed to wear their hair long, but men have, in many cultures, had a prohibition on long hair. Even now, women are encouraged to cut their hair every 6 weeks, and I think this is to stop the ends from forming properly, as it is crucial the ends are intact for best reception.
It is always said that women have a special 'intuition' but I don't think it's something we alone have, but men are less likely to have intuition as their major 'organ of intuition' has been shorn off them. Just like Sampson in the bible.
Haha, wow. Just never tell your lady you see her as an 800 pound gorilla, ok?
When I showed this to my lady, she said "Women aren't going to like being called 800 pound gorillas."
This is one of those chains.
800 pound gorilla - (american phrase) A seemingly unbeatable presence always to be reckoned with; whose experience, influence, and skill threatens to defeat competitors with little effort.
But men aren't even allowed to have emotions at all.
We've both been pushed to the ends of the spectrum- far away from any happy and healthy middle ground.
Additionally, and I know this sounds crazy, but I believe our hair plays a part in ESP.
A few years ago, I came across a story about the US army hearing of native american trackers being able to perform incredible feats of "intuition." They rounded up a few, and performed tests. None of them did very well. When asked why they didn't perform as well in the tests as they could in normal life, the natives blamed the military style haircuts they were given.
I tested it out. Grew out my hair, and while I did seem to experience an enhanced, though very subtle, "connection" to my environment; I can't say it was impressive enough for me to keep it long. It did not give me the power to conjure up the stolen data tapes, or give me clairvoyance enough to find the rebel's hidden fortr... Like most guys, I think I'm a bit of a dullard when dealing with "subtler" stimuli.
You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

rani wrote:
Additionally, and I know this sounds crazy, but I believe our hair plays a part in ESP. I think they are like antenna that can pick up subtle energies, and they are after all, plugged straight into our brains! Women have always been allowed to wear their hair long, but men have, in many cultures, had a prohibition on long hair. Even now, women are encouraged to cut their hair every 6 weeks, and I think this is to stop the ends from forming properly, as it is crucial the ends are intact for best reception.
Good observation on the hair-ESP theory. For me personally, goosebump moments usually have my arm-hair stand up.
Also, during dry nights, the mere movement of pants against my leg hairs will lit up the bathroom with sparks.
Just the other day, I noticed, or I think I did, that hair grow in spirals, and are themselves made of smaller layers? holy crap.
From a wider perspective though, I think hair are like trees on the hills/mountains of the planet. And just as trees are antennas that nurture soil, so are the hair. Though I also think a shaven monk cut makes the whole cranium one Tesla Coil.
It follows then, that certain haircut, especially involving coils would perhaps be more conducive to energy flow, althogh thats purely stoner thoughts. #holo-fractal

enjoypolo wrote: Good observation on the hair-ESP theory. For me personally, goosebump moments usually have my arm-hair stand up.
Also, during dry nights, the mere movement of pants against my leg hairs will lit up the bathroom with sparks.
Just the other day, I noticed, or I think I did, that hair grow in spirals, and are themselves made of smaller layers? holy crap.From a wider perspective though, I think hair are like trees on the hills/mountains of the planet. And just as trees are antennas that nurture soil, so are the hair. Though I also think a shaven monk cut makes the whole cranium one Tesla Coil.
It follows then, that certain haircut, especially involving coils would perhaps be more conducive to energy flow, althogh thats purely stoner thoughts. #holo-fractal
Also, during dry nights, the mere movement of pants against my leg hairs will lit up the bathroom with sparks.
Man, you saying this reminds me of taking my shirt off. I'm pretty goddamn hairy, and the wind blowing through my back hair is kinda mindblowing. I don't get to feel it much, though- frightens the children.
Though I also think a shaven monk cut makes the whole cranium one Tesla Coil.
Never heard this before. Is that a hunch, or is there some science that might back it up?
I wonder if there could be a projection / reception thing going on. Long hair for receiving intel from the environment, while a shaved head amplifies outward projection?
althogh thats purely stoner thoughts.
Don't go selling yourself short, bro. You got me this close to shaving my head again! Fuckin' Tesla Coil...
You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Yeah, all body hair is definitely receptive. When I;m working at my desk my dog usually sits at my feet, when she senses something and gets her hackles up, MY hair also pops up in electrostatic sympathy.
But going back to the 800 pound gorilla point, it's not so much the 'omg don't call me fat' thing, it's just not how women conceive of or wield our own power. It's something men struggle to understand because your conception of your own power is bound up in notions of strength and control. Women prefer to wield the subtle knife.
When the Jaguar offered the Witch of Gallicia a weapon to take into the jungle, she chose a mirror.

rani wrote: Yeah, all body hair is definitely receptive. When I;m working at my desk my dog usually sits at my feet, when she senses something and gets her hackles up, MY hair also pops up in electrostatic sympathy.
But going back to the 800 pound gorilla point, it's not so much the 'omg don't call me fat' thing, it's just not how women conceive of or wield our own power. It's something men struggle to understand because your conception of your own power is bound up in notions of strength and control. Women prefer to wield the subtle knife.
When the Jaguar offered the Witch of Gallicia a weapon to take into the jungle, she chose a mirror.
But going back to the 800 pound gorilla point, it's not so much the 'omg don't call me fat' thing, it's just not how women conceive of or wield our own power.
She uses depleted uranium to cover her walls. Fuckin' women, man. They're gonna play the subtle game. Observation, manipulation, obfuscation. You may be one a them unicorns that they talk about who don't get bent outta shape over the body image thing. But my wife's a unicorn and she ain't even past this. Body Image is ubiquitous matrix programming based on inherent feminine preferences. I haven't met a woman yet who was immune.
You are absolutely right. 70 percent of the matter is precisely it's just not how women conceive of or wield our own power. That is the fundamental crux of the argument. You don't like being called a gorilla 70 percent because it is a bad metaphor for feminine power. That argument is stalgruten.
You don't like it 30 percent because it ain't beautiful to you. Chicks like being called beautiful. There is a penchant for aesthetic and beauty in the female, that is not present so much in the male. Beauty is one of those subjective and subtler knives that women aspire to wield and master.
That's why they can get bent outta shape when you don't notice a haircut. She's attempting to wield beauty and master subtler knives, and I'm trying to survive this last wave of zombies.
It's something men struggle to understand because your conception of your own power is bound up in notions of strength and control.
I don't think I struggle to understand it. I think I just use different pictures than you. And you don't like my pictures. With very good reasons.
You speak Tarot? I was thinking the 800 pound gorilla would translate to Empress. And the point you make is that the 800 pound gorilla in the metaphysical world is more like the High Priestess? Agreed.
But I can buy you 10 more masculine minds with 800 pound gorilla than I can with High Priestess.
When the Jaguar offered the Witch of Gallicia a weapon to take into the jungle, she chose a mirror.
My wife was being psychically attacked just recently. (Believe whatever the fuck you wanna believe) Cockroaches, out of nowhere, falling on her head. Said she saw one materialize in mid air and drop in front of her. Wife hates and fears cockroaches like no other. And it was this hate and fear that gave that psychic attack its toehold.
Two pronged approach. First, raise shields. I don't know my wife's exact imagery, as far as "wrapping the house," but I know she uses mirrors. Watched the prime suspect at work wither before her. Like, 800 pound gorilla style. Hard fucking core. Mirrors, baby. That is subtle, feminine thinking with devastating results.
Second prong. It is now her job to kill every roach in the house. No more flipping out and playing damsel in distress. No more me playing knight in shining armor and enabling this enemy toehold. And she has soldiered up. Repeatedly establishing a pattern of dominance over the roach that her subconscious mind has already started to habitualize. Not a wholly evolved or elegant approach, but effective. I'll take me a few hate kills to buy me outta the land of fear.
Hate is active, Fear is passive, retreating. Hate takes ground, and Fear gives ground. Always take more of the ground in your mind. Expansion. Growth. Hate is a path out of Fear. It can be treacherous - for those not paying attention to the path. But if you watch your step, you can shore up your defenses in your mind's land of hate. Hate does not equal genocide. Hate equals extreme dislike. Nobody said shit about what to do about it.
If you always take the high road in the lands of hate, you got nothing to worry about. But it ain't no place to stay. Use it as a stepping stone to where you want to go. The terrain is somewhat poisonous. Less paralyzing than fear, but no place to dwell. Get in and out as needed. Less exposure is better.
From the land of hate, we can tap into the archon narratives in a way that enables and empowers us. We are on the true polarity of Love and Hate - not the false one, Love and Fear. The false polarity accuses the mind of having weakness, insecurities, and imperfections that must be healed until you love the archon. The true polarity, Love and Hate is more prone to action than acquiescence. Hate gives you the perspective of archons as roaches to be stomped away. You can't take that perspective from the lands of fear.
You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

LOL - Mansplaining at its finest!
Jung said The mans Anima is female and the Woman's Animus is male.
Our soul image is the opposite (typically) of our physical biology. ? Why?
The tarot gives us the clues - balanced union of the 2 opposite both conscious and subconscious gives acces to and/or creates the singular higher non material being (could even be an archon or angel) which is the amalgamation of these dualities on both of our lower levels.
What do we see on the tarot?
Behind the man and the woman are trees, their true esoteric soul/spirit origin. Most trees are hermaphroditic the place where the dual nature of spirit that animates humans can/did/will reside as a whole being.
The woman has a strong solid mature tree with a serpent (kundalini energy) going from root to fruit. - A by-pass!
The man has a thinner younger sapling with 12 flaming leaves all the way the the top - each flame is a buring lesson for the man to learn as he evolves his spirit.
ever wondered where the phrase barking up the wrong tree comes from? people shouting at you to rattle your soul, just doesn't do it if they are barking up the wrong tree.
We can of course just learn 1 lesson (most stop at that thinking they know the secrets of the universe)- but the trickster is the one giving you those secrets,you stay on the material level with a bit more secret knowledge than the other people who have yet to learn that 1 lesson and with people who have learnt a few more lesson than you and keep schtum about it.
Chains of Gold!

Way to make a lady feel welcomed guys. Starting to feel like this forum is just a circle jerk. Gross. I feel bad for the women in your lives. To both the creator of this topic and the shallow attempts at speaking up for women from the rest of you...

nickzeptepi wrote:
LOL - Mansplaining at its finest!
Jung said The mans Anima is female and the Woman's Animus is male.
Our soul image is the opposite (typically) of our physical biology. ? Why?
The tarot gives us the clues - balanced union of the 2 opposite both conscious and subconscious gives acces to and/or creates the singular higher non material being (could even be an archon or angel) which is the amalgamation of these dualities on both of our lower levels.
What do we see on the tarot?
Behind the man and the woman are trees, their true esoteric soul/spirit origin. Most trees are hermaphroditic the place where the dual nature of spirit that animates humans can/did/will reside as a whole being.
The woman has a strong solid mature tree with a serpent (kundalini energy) going from root to fruit. - A by-pass!
The man has a thinner younger sapling with 12 flaming leaves all the way the the top - each flame is a buring lesson for the man to learn as he evolves his spirit.ever wondered where the phrase barking up the wrong tree comes from? people shouting at you to rattle your soul, just doesn't do it if they are barking up the wrong tree.
We can of course just learn 1 lesson (most stop at that thinking they know the secrets of the universe)- but the trickster is the one giving you those secrets,you stay on the material level with a bit more secret knowledge than the other people who have yet to learn that 1 lesson and with people who have learnt a few more lesson than you and keep schtum about it.
Chains of Gold!
LOL - Mansplaining at its finest!
This makes me feel kinda dirty! I think dudes don't mind playing in the mud so much. Chicks prefer a sneezeguard. And men are that sneezeguard. And it should be that way for a lot of things. But you can over sneezeguard her. Foster weakness in her. Stunt her growth.
Jung said The mans Anima is female and the Woman's Animus is male.
5 points- Mr. Jung. That is kinda brilliant Laws of Gender prose. You take the masculine, focused on the world around him, and attempt to give him that which will make him whole. Anima. That ability to look inward. And that is a feminine quality. Most women are heavy on the Anima- they need some Animus. That which makes things happen in the world around them. That which motivates and animates them to embody more "thrusting forth," "Projection of Energy Outwardly" masculine principles. Kinda poetic. 5 fuckin pointer, in my view.
Our soul image is the opposite (typically) of our physical biology. ? Why?
Yeah. Meditate on that for a spell.
balanced union of the 2 opposite both conscious and subconscious gives acces to and/or creates the singular higher non material being (could even be an archon or angel) which is the amalgamation of these dualities on both of our lower levels.
This is a fascinating take. The union of the masculine conscious and feminine subconscious giving birth to or creating the "god" or "spiritual embodiment" of their manifested reality. I like that too much.
(could even be an archon or angel)
This is high level threat assessment mastermindery. I recommend it be posted to all leaders in the field.
The woman has a strong solid mature tree with a serpent (kundalini energy) going from root to fruit. - A by-pass!
You call it by-pass, I call it main route, and we're still ending up on the other side of it sharing a smoke.
The man has a thinner younger sapling with 12 flaming leaves all the way the the top - each flame is a buring lesson for the man to learn as he evolves his spirit.
Jesus, dude. Is that the inner story you're choosing to go with? That sounds like programming my subconscious to endure a life of suffering. I see those flaming leaves as embodying the masculine projection of force upon the material plane. A force that can destroy, but can also warm bodies and cook food. I'm teaching my subconscious to repeat the pattern of wielding fire - not enduring burning lessons. Sounds horrible to me, brother. I recommend you discard this plot at once, and pick a more empowering storyline.
If I'm not seeing this right, let me know. Please tell me if learning burning lessons has been useful to you. And how.
We can of course just learn 1 lesson (most stop at that thinking they know the secrets of the universe)- but the trickster is the one giving you those secrets,you stay on the material level with a bit more secret knowledge than the other people who have yet to learn that 1 lesson and with people who have learnt a few more lesson than you and keep schtum about it.
Agreed. This is the nature of the matrix you find yourself in. Well said.
I think our rallying cry should be "Fuck Schtum!"
Wanna offer you a heartfelt Thank You for "schtum," man. I'm taking her to Vegas with me for the weekend. Gonna go dancing.
You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

apereal wrote: Way to make a lady feel welcomed guys. Starting to feel like this forum is just a circle jerk. Gross. I feel bad for the women in your lives. To both the creator of this topic and the shallow attempts at speaking up for women from the rest of you...
A thousand pardons, madame, I did not see you lurking. But I must warn you that this is both a circlejerk and a sausage party.
You still want in, then we'll pack a new bowl and invite you to sit. I don't think rani was "speaking up for women." I think she was arguing a point about archetypal imagery. And she was right. Locked up 70 percent of the argument The crux. How discommunication can stem from different preferences for archetypal imagery. I don't think she was "speaking up for women."
Perhaps you'd like to? Please tell me where my model does not match the terrain.
You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

nickzeptepi wrote: Our soul image is the opposite (typically) of our physical biology. ? Why?
thats what Jung said the anima and animus are our soul images.
fifthcolumn wrote: Jesus, dude. Is that the inner story you're choosing to go with? That sounds like programming my subconscious to endure a life of suffering. I see those flaming leaves as embodying the masculine projection of force upon the material plane. A force that can destroy, but can also warm bodies and cook food. I'm teaching my subconscious to repeat the pattern of wielding fire - not enduring burning lessons. Sounds horrible to me, brother. I recommend you discard this plot at once, and pick a more empowering storyline.
i could have been clearer - more like a indelible soul lesson - like a tattoo - or like the survival response its sort of burnt in to ensure we avoid life threatening situations or predators, but yeah the warm glow of the inner love affect is like a nice fireplace on a cold winter evening.

nickzeptepi wrote: thats what Jung said the anima and animus are our soul images.
i could have been clearer - more like a indelible soul lesson - like a tattoo - or like the survival response its sort of burnt in to ensure we avoid life threatening situations or predators, but yeah the warm glow of the inner love affect is like a nice fireplace on a cold winter evening.
thats what Jung said the anima and animus are our soul images.
I don't think my soul image is female.
but yeah the warm glow of the inner love affect is like a nice fireplace on a cold winter evening.
The woman is bounty. Her tree's got enough for everybody. As long as the temperature's right, as long as the bears are chased away, as long as there's a hearth, that woman will keep producing fruits. And she's got the best. This is an excellent perspective for dealing with your subconscious. Your subconscious is Receptive. This is a feminine quality. Treat her like your date. She wants to be impressed. Get dressed up. Bring the shit you know she really likes, and she'll party with you. There are more than a few magic practitioners that call performing ritual "impressing your date."
Really, dude, if I'm stepping over something here, without seeing it, you let me know.
When the fiery father sun inseminates the earth mother, she gushes forth green. The heart chakra. I think thinking in more primal ways when translating that tarot helps a lot. The symbology of Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water - type shit. Because Water is Cups, right? Emotion. Fire is Wands or Rods? Taking action- making shit happen in the 3d. Air is Swords- thoughts. And Earth is Pentacles or Coins. That which you value.
I just started learning Tarot. So now I'm showing off my green belt skills with Tarot.
But I know a thing or two about chasing bears away from your date. And indelible soul lesson sounds like losing my date to a bear.
Wield fire, brother. Cause change.
You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

I think you take
From a wider perspective though, I think hair are like trees on the hills/mountains of the planet. And just as trees are antennas that nurture soil, so are the hair.
and combine it with
When I;m working at my desk my dog usually sits at my feet, when she senses something and gets her hackles up, MY hair also pops up in electrostatic sympathy.
And you've got an excellent model for the nature of your reality. Like retarded good. We all hum together. And there are more ancient, subtle senses that recognize harmony and disturbance in this hum.
You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.
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