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Massimo Mazzucco | Marijuana, Moon Landings, & The Cancer Conspiracy

Topics Covered: Big Pharma, Cancer, Cannabis, Health, Moon

Show Notes

Join, Greg Carlwood, for a new episode of The Higherside Chats with guest, Massimo Mazzucco, where they discuss marijuana, moon landings, and the cancer conspiracy

Folks, as we assess the situation, across many different seemingly separate subjects and areas of interest, we realize much of what’s there is not the result of the best research, the purist motives, or even randomness to say the least…..

No, ladies and gentleman, unfortunately it seems a carefully crafted tapestry of propaganda, has turned everything into a funnel to keep the funds flowing up to that shadowy cabal at the capstone of the precious power pyramid and keep the people in ignorant servitude.

Because whether we’re talking about education, the medical field, the energy industry, the space program, regulatory agencies, UFOS, geo-politics and even world events— the result seems to be largely the same.

Well we’re not alone in our realization because today;s guest Massimo Mazzucco is an award winning italian filmmaker who’s been through an awakening of his own, and after finding success making commercial films, he decided to switch gears and use his talents to tell the tales they’re rather he not with documentaries like: The New American Century, The True History of Marijuana, Cancer: The Forbidden Cures, Global Deceit – which was the first Italian documentary on the truth about 9/11, and September 11 – The New Pearl Harbor a 5 hour plus film that looks to make the definitive case on 9/11, and point by point dismantle the paper thin arguments made by debunkers.

In this episode:

10:00 Greg and Massimo discuss the impact his 9/11 documentary had, having actually been aired on national television in Italy. They also discuss the Italians people’s feelings towards 9/11 and state sponsored terrorism in general, as well as how different their mindset is, given the history.

16:15 In honor of 4/20, the conversation moves to Massimo’s cannabis conspiracy documentary, The True History of Marijuana, and the real reason wealthy industrialists focused their attention on removing hemp/marijuana from the culture.

26:10 Massimo talks about his latest project, still in the works, American Moon. He details the process behind it and explains how any trained photographer or videographer should clearly see the forgery in what was shown to the people as the Apollo missions.

47:30 The conversation shifts back to Massimo’s documentary Cancer: The Forbidden Cures, the dangers of conventional cancer treatments, and the infrastructure in place to discredit alternatives and keep them suppressed.

Become a Plus Member at to hear a second hour of all THC episodes. This week’s included:

-Where the medical benefits of cannabis and cancer solutions converge.

-Differences between European and American health care systems and how that effects access to alternative treatment options overall.

-The store behind the Essiac cancer treatment, the nurse, and the medicine man that started it all.

-The shark cartilage cure and it’s controversy.

-The Asbestos element of 9/11.

-The Syria Saga, Russia, and current events.

-The history of the struggle Russia has had with UFOs.

-Massimo’s assessment that the “competition” between Russia and the US during the space race and probably other areas, is simulated to some degree.

A few valuable resources from the interview:

Van Allen Radiation Belt:

Kelly Smith -Radiation problem

Post-Mission Press Conference with the Apollo astronauts:

Neil Armstrong’s Speech at the 25th Anniversary of the Apollo Missions:

Discover the enormous benefits of shark cartilage therapy:

Want more Massimo Mazzucco?

Check out his website:

Support his GoFundMe page for the new documentary American Moon:

Watch his films on YouTube:

The New American Century:

Cancer: The Forbidden Cures:

UFOs & The Military Elite:

The True History of Marijuana:

September 11th: The New Pearl Harbor:

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