Last seen: March 5, 2024 8:06 AM
Good start reallyclear! I would recommend you get a sketchbook with plain paper and some good quality art markers to color your illustrations with. Th...
Awesome post enjoypolo! And great excerpts from Dr. Becker Shamangineer! It's pretty clear something has already been happening that will only amplify...
This is a really interesting thread. When something like this is shown on late night talk shows it makes you start to wonder. Daily Show also did...
I'm glad so many people responded to this post and we got people active on the forum! Everyone here knows that unfortunately there are a bunch of...
Haters gonna hate dude. I wouldn't be surprised if you start seeing a lot of them in your near future. Just keep on doing you Greg! You are a great in...
Give me some of your ideas about going further. Thanks for your reply! Feel free to email me OpenEarthArt@gmail.com
Thanks for the Corbett link. Maybe it's about time Greg gets Corbett back on the show!
It's an interesting perspective but with this one I don't get a real "A-ha" moment. It seems a bit forced to the narrative. The other interesting poin...
Words of wisdom man, don't waste your time on the sketchy. What is zentao? Zen mindfulness? Thanks for your reply. I told my friend at work about...
I would say the most important thing about this whole subject that I initially wanted to lay down is that in a way it doesn't even matter whether we l...
Shamangineer thank you for the excellent reply! Its difficult for me to trust a lot of the historical facts as we know for sure that history has...