New Member
Joined: December 12, 2018 5:03 PM
Last seen: May 15, 2024 2:25 PM
Topics: 18 / Replies: 114
New Dad joining The HigherSide + to Dig Deeper into the mysteries and de-program the mind further.

Sweet, glad to have ya! Have you listened to the Ras Ben & Michael Wann broadcasts? They're called From the 40th Parallel. Haven't checked them out my...

4 years ago
Break up due to aquacure and vaccine

Love how much action this post is getting! jack_daft wrote: Nourishment and sun. Maybe some pruning and good soil. These things promote growt...

4 years ago
Break up due to aquacure and vaccine

smaddy wrote: I had a relationship dissolve recently due to religious difference and I'm still very upset. But I wouldn't say I believed something ...

4 years ago
Break up due to aquacure and vaccine

kmschum wrote: Should I begin to hide my higherside influenced self from people? Being honest about my vaccine status is making it increasingly dif...

4 years ago
World Economic Forum gets cozy with some cryptos (June 2021)

That's indeed where I sit. No matter what I think of it, big tech, venture capital firms, and global finance are picking up this new monetary system t...

4 years ago
World Economic Forum gets cozy with some cryptos (June 2021)

I feel ya. Crypto and VR tech has put me at odds with myself. I grew up through the tech boom in the 90s and cherish a lot of what the digital world b...

4 years ago
Spoon Bending

Right on! Grow and let it flow. I'm headed to the woods for a grounding and an earth nap. Best of luck with your practice! I need to get on that psy w...

4 years ago
Howdy Higersiders, from sunny southern Georgia!

socalbeachbunny wrote: I’m on Long Island, NY but heading to GA in October for an ayahuasca ceremony. So excited!! Dang. Ya I need to do...

4 years ago
An Exit Plan

I'm not in a city but this is what I've done and would do in town as well: 5 gallon food safe buckets with emergency shelf-stable foods. Stock up...

4 years ago
New York City

Funny. Had an almost similar conversation with my local gaming computer/laptop repair man this morning. Pro vax, anti authoritarian, and open to oppos...

4 years ago
Howdy Higersiders, from sunny southern Georgia!

Nice move! We gotta make the new social circles we crave. Btw, great handle and can't wait to hear the Danifesto. Peace!

4 years ago
Tired of the televised lies-I'm thrilled...

Welcome to the club. Water's fine, indeed. Hands down the best 8 bucks I spend every month. Stoked to be paying for little Carlwood's organic cotton d...

4 years ago
Northern, UT

Hello & welcome BB Bull! You anywhere near Moab and them big arch swings?

4 years ago
Spoon Bending

Wild! Now there's some cool coincidence. @daltonsjorgen Maybe the time to train those mental muscles is now 😉

4 years ago
Enjin joins the UN Global Compact (July 2021)

melomike wrote: The land scarce model is being phased out quick tho. From my experiences, free land with pay to grow model looks like the future. T...

4 years ago
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